Friday, September 21, 2012

On the First Day of Jihad My Prophet Said to Me

I believe Obama thinks the American public is stupid, and to his credit, he's half right--liberals are stupid; not all of them, but the ones who plan to vote for an empty chair president yet again are as stupid as a bag of rocks.  Either the administration is lying, or clueless about what happened in Lybia, and the media continues to function as Obama's "yes men."  

Obama refuses to admit that what has happened in Libya is proof that everything he bragged about, such as having the ability, coming simply from his experience as a sort of Muslim maven, to get the Muslim world to love America.  This has turned out to be yet another zero in his presidential success scorecard--his only positive tick was killing Osama, but he took the credit from the SEALs and used GW's policies to get the sucka.

Wishing you a happy holiday, infidel
In Pakistan, a national holiday was declared today in order to protest the USA.  The Pakistanis called upon our government to pass anti-Islamic blasphemy laws (they're not so concerned about passing anti-Semitic, anti-Christian laws) that would severely punish anyone exercising their First Amendment rights and call Mohammed out on his actions.  They want Sharia in America and Obama seems to be listening.  Pakistan's Foreign Secretary, a woman named Khan (which is Pakistan's version of Jones), congratulated Obama and Hillary for denouncing the video that was seen by Obama and Hillary and seven other people, one of whom was a Muslim.  These smokescreen tactics have thus far been very successful distracting liberals from other issues like Islamic violence, killing our ambassador, burning our flag, the war in Afghanistan, our debt crisis and the economy tanking millions since I first started writing this paragraph. 

But the media still gets the tingles for Obama, laughs at his sarcastic jokes about Mitt Romney--a man with more experience and moral character than this Chicago thug will ever have--and spin lies about the Middle East.  This administration is quicker to condemn some moron for making a moronic video about Mohammad than it is to sharply condemn killing innocent people over the damn video.  Maybe it's because Hillary Clinton's closest aide, Huda Abedin, is connected to the Muslim Brotherhood as are her mother and brother, and Obama himself is getting cozy with them--just look at some of his recent appointments and who some of his friends are.

My latest novel, Jihad Joe, is about Islamic terrorism and suspense.  In it I challenge the precepts of the religion through my protagonist, Zed Nill, a journalist, captured by terrorists and who is destined to be killed if the American President refuses to release three Gitmo prisoners.  Of course, American policy demands we never give in to terrorists, and for Zed, the clock is ticking.

Jihad Joe Soft Cover       

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