Friday, July 31, 2020

St. Louis top prosecutor will not charge cop in Michael Brown 2014 shooting

St. Louis County, MO prosecutor, Wesley Bell, who is Black, will not be charging officer Darren Wilson, who is White, for the shooting of Michael Brown, who was Black, in a case that appears to be a black and white.

Wilson shot 18-year-old Brown in 2014. The investigation was quietly re-opened because Brown was Black and Wilson is White and this fits the left's narrative of police brutality. Had Brown been White and Wilson been Black, there would have been no media coverage of the incident in the first place.

However, in spite of all this, there will be no charges leveled on Wilson, which dashes the hopes of Bell, who became the county's first Black prosecutor in January 2019 in spite of "systemic racism." Michael Brown's mother is also disappointed that Wilson was not charged for defending his own life when Brown went for the officer's gun.

The "hands up, don't shoot" narrative was just a lie--it never happened, but it sparked riots and gave White people the chance to virtue signal, and Black people the chance to show their support for Brown.

Bell told reporters today that his decision was “one of the most difficult things I’ve had to do."

Why was it difficult if it was the right decision? It could only mean that Bell was hoping to find evidence to indict Wilson, which means that he was biased without being privy to the evidence.

This new investigation took five months of delving into the evidence, witness statements and forensic reports, until Bell concluded that "we cannot prove that he" committed murder or manslaughter.

Because he likely was just doing his job and then defending his life.

Unfortunately, the aftermath of the incident helped put the [semantic overloaded] Black Lives Matter Marxist Movement on the map.

After a federal investigation, a grand jury cleared officer Wilson of all charges, but he was forced to leave the force.

Brown, accompanied by his friend, had just left a shop where he stole some cigars. He was walking in the middle of the street in a residential neighborhood. He was told to get out of the the street by Wilson, when Brown approached the police vehicle and went for Wilson's weapon. In the entire altercation, which lasted about 90 seconds, Wilson fired a total of twelve bullets, six of which struck Brown in the front of his body.

Witnesses lied and said Brown, who was unarmed because Wilson wouldn't let him take his gun, had his hands up when he was shot, but federal investigators and the grand jury said the evidence showed otherwise.

“Although this case represents one of the most significant moments in St. Louis’s history, the question for this office was a simple one: Could we prove beyond a reasonable doubt that when Darren Wilson shot Michael Brown he committed murder or manslaughter under Missouri law?” Bell said during a press conference Thursday.

“After an independent and in-depth review of the evidence, we cannot prove that he did.”

Bell noted that just because Wilson was not found guilty of murder or manslaughter, he had not been exonerated, mainly because he is White and Brown was Black and this is media catnip.

“There are so many points at which Darren Wilson could have handled the situation differently and if he had, Michael Brown might still be alive,” Bell told reporters. Statements like that are easy to say when you're not the one who is defending your own life.

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Alexandria Obviously-Commie's amendment to limit military ads fails miserably

Rep. Alexandria Obviously-Commie's (D-NY) amendment to place limits on U.S. military recruitment advertisements was rejected by an overwhelming 292-126 vote on Thursday evening in the U.S. House of Representatives.

But at least it wasn't as bad as her Green New Deal proposal which received zero votes because it appeared to be written by a teenage girl trying to impress a boy. The only thing missing from the GND was pink hearts floating over a field of smiling cows drawn in crayon along the margins 

The defeat of AOC's anti-U.S. military plan continues to allow the military to post recruitment ads on Twitch, a popular streaming platform with online gamers. It also means that the House has not completely gone insane.

Earlier Thursday, Obviously-Commie tweeted a tweet to convince lawmakers to support her anti-U.S. military proposal.

“War is not a game,” she pontificated. “Twitch is a popular platform for children FAR under the age of military recruitment rules. We should not conflate military service with ‘shoot-em-up’ style games and contests.

“The Marines pulled out of Twitch for a reason,” she added, although she did not seem to know the reason, and was merely 'shooting from the hip'. "It’s time to follow their lead.”

The Army, Navy, Air Force and National Guard all participate in sponsorships and partnerships in the world of so-called “e-sports,” The ESports Observer reported.

However, the Marine Corps [pronounced 'Corpse' by former President Obama] and Coast Guard do not participate. 

In May, cited a 2019 U.S.M.C. [not to be confused with Utah State Medical College or Uncle Sam's Motorcycle Club]  recruiting document that was submitted to the Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services.

“The national marketing brand strategy does not include future plans to establish eSports teams or create branded games,” the Marine Corps wrote. “This is due in part to the belief that the brand and issues associated with combat are too serious to be ‘gamified’ [not a real word] in a responsible manner.”

The report also noted, however, that in January the Marines launched an Academic Excellence Program in association with Esports Stadium in Arlington, Texas, that offers free game-time to high-achieving high school and college students.

Although the U.S.M.C. does not advertise on Twitch, Marine recruiters attend esports tournaments, therefore having at least a modicum of contact with gaming that attracts 72 percent of men and 49 percent of women ages 18 to 29, reported.

After Thursday’s vote, Ocasio-Cortez returned to Twitter where she tried to put a positive spin on the miserable outcome for her amendment.

“The good news: a majority of the Dem party supported this amendment,” she wrote, confusing the word 'Dem' with 'dumb.' “That’s really a solid start for this being the first time this issue has been brought before Congress.”

Thirteen House members did not vote on the amendment, because they forgot to bring their crayons to the House.

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Thursday, July 30, 2020

Democratic candidate laughs at video of cop getting hit in face at riots

Hadiya Afzal (photo: YouTube screen shot)
Hadiya Afzal admitted that she laughed and laughed at a video of a law enforcement officer getting hit in the face by a projectile. She isn't very bright because she was running as a Democrat for a position of an Illinois county board and openly showing approval and delight for the pain and suffering on an officer of the law caused by a leftist anarchist and tweeted about it, the Chicago Tribune reported.

Definitely not very bright because her tweet was seen by people brighter than her, such as Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), who called her tweet "hateful & sick."

Afzal, who is now 20,  has since withdrawn from the race after her brainchild of a video was posted.

Afzal won the March primary for DuPage County board's District 4 seat. The political genius tweeted: "I've been watching this on repeat for fifteen minutes and laughing every single time." 

The video recording the violence shows what appears to be an officer at a protest throwing an object off-screen while behind a barricade wall and then recoiling after getting hit in the face by a projectile, the Chicago Tribune reported.

Sen. Cruz responded to conservative journalist Andy Ngo's tweet who recorded the video from the Portland riots where the anarchists had been rioting for about two months since the death of George Floyd, who was wrongfully killed by a bad cop. In Floyd's honor, the rioters have been attacking the federal courthouse and the federal officers assigned to protect it, as they used explosives, blinding lasers that blinded three agents, and throwing projectiles to cause maximum damage.

The idiot received well-deserved online criticism and finally concluded that she had no chance of winning the race. She tweeted: "My post was in poor taste and doesn't reflect the values I was raised with and hold dear. I do not support or condone violence in any form. I appreciate and support the role that law enforcement plays in keeping our communities safe. I sincerely apologize for the irresponsible tweet."

She is full of crap. She may have been raised better, but it didn't take. She called the people who responded to her tweet "a wave of coordinated racist, sexist, and Islamaphobic harassment against me," the paper noted. You know, the typical knee-jerk response the left offers when they are speaking from their nether regions.

Afzal — who is Muslim and wears a hijab — claimed that she has been threatened many times but has no proof, no police reports to uphold that claim.  She also claims that her critics doxxed her relatives and she was afraid for her safety and dropped out of the race after the local Democratic Party recommended she do so.

The Democratic Party said the party "strongly condemns" Afzal's original tweet but that some of the criticisms she received "crossed the line." 

It's not what people on Twitter say that matters--there are plenty of idiots that say cruel things--it's the fact that this person was planning to run for a political position and represent the public.

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Pelosi lies about claim she never called federal agents "stormtroopers" and mocks Barr's weight

Speaker of the Hands and the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) lied when she said  on an interview Tuesday afternoon that she never called federal law enforcement agents "stormtroopers." She said that they "acted like stormtroopers." But in reality, she never said that. But don't take my word for it--go to the video tape below to about the 35 second mark as she begins to speak and judge for yourself.

"Dancing Hands" appeared on MSNBC’s “The Beat” with host Ari Melber whore she was asked about the following exchange from Attorney General William Barr’s testimony in front of Congress:

REP. DOUG COLLINS (D-GA): “And the stormtrooper comments by the Speaker of House, and we know that that is a direct reference to the paramilitary wing of the Nazi Party… don’t you think it encourages the violence that we’re seeing and encourages the participation against the police?”

ATTORNEY GENERAL WILLIAM BARR: “I think that’s possible and I think it’s irresponsible to call these federal law enforcement officers stormtroopers.”

Pelosi jumped in as soon as the clip stopped playing and lied: “Well, actually I said they acted like stormtroopers.”

That's a technique known as "gaslighting," named after the 1944 movie "Gaslight" in which the new husband of a rich widow tries to make her go insane--she finds pictures are missing, strange footsteps are heard in the night, and gaslights that illuminate the house are dim without being touched.

Think of that moment on CNN when the "reporter" is telling the viewers that the protests are mainly peaceful while a building fire rages behind him. Or when Rep. Gerold Nadler says to the media that Antifa is a myth. This is gaslighting.

Pelosi then tried to deflect from the criticisms by anemically claiming that Barr did not have a problem when other people have allegedly compared federal law enforcement officials to Nazis. Had Barr been asked that question, he would have addressed whether or not he had a problem with that, but he was asked about Pelosi, not other leftists comparing federal law enforcement to Nazis.

“I said they acted like stormtroopers,” Pelosi lied.  “And they did and my colleagues have said that as well.”

Tom Elliott tweeted the following, showing the exchange:
@SpeakerPelosi tries clarifying that she said federal police “acted like” stormtroopers but weren’t literally “stormtroopers”
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) July 28, 2020
On July 17, Pelosi tweeted, “Unidentified stormtroopers. Unmarked cars. Kidnapping protesters and causing severe injuries in response to graffiti. These are not the actions of a democratic republic. @DHSgov ’s actions in Portland undermine its mission. Trump & his stormtroopers must be stopped.”

Pelosi added to the gaslighting: “First Amendment speech should never be met with one-sided violence from federal agents acting as Trump’s secret police, especially when unidentified. This is disgraceful behavior we would expect from a banana republic — not the government of the United States.”

The incredible restraint shown by law enforcement with these violent rioters was almost saint-like. They had to duck frozen water bottles and other projectiles thrown at them, commercial fireworks shot at them, lasers aimed at their eyes [in which three agents were blinded] and they only responded with physical reactions when physically assaulted. Pelosi's remark that it was "one-sided violence" is a lie. And the use of unmarked vehicles to apprehend criminals is standard operating procedure because when they know the law is coming for them, it's best not to advertise the approach.

The left and their media are gaslighting us and it's all about the election. Trump was right when he said, "They're not coming for me--they're coming for you."

Pelosi definitely and directly called the officers stormtroopers, which refers to the Brownshirts, which was a paramilitary group of the German Nazi Party.

Pelosi's historical knowledge of the Second World War is scant. She tweeted that federal officers were "acting as Trump's secret police." The secret police were not stormtroopers, they were Hitler's Gestapo, and to use that analogy, in spite of it being a non sequitur, is quite disgusting.

Insofar as the officers being "unidentified," Pelosi lied again. While officers had their names removed from their uniforms because the scumbag Antifa rioters were doxxing them [making their addresses known and going to their homes to harass them and their families], they had identification numbers, and appropriate markings labeling them as law enforcement. They could be identified through the department if they had acted inappropriately.

Pelosi, through her slip-sliding-away dentures and frenetic hand motions, apparently mocked Barr’s weight, saying that he was “like a blob.” She seems to enjoy weight-shaming people--she falsely claimed that President Trump was "morbidly obese."

“They were not peaceful protesters,” Barr said. “And that’s one of the big lies that the media seems to be perpetuating at this point.”

To call these protests peaceful is a lie and a true example of gaslighting.

Pelosi babbled on and claimed the Barr “should be answering for what he did at Lafayette Square” when violent anarchists were being cleared out by officials.

“There were three warnings given,” Barr said, referring to the warnings authorities gave to protesters informing them that they needed to move. “But let’s get back to why we took that action. On Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, okay, there were violent riots at Lafayette Park where the park police were under constant attack at the – behind their bike rack fences. They were battling over the fences. They were trying to get entry. They were throwing bricks and inflammable liquid at the police…”

“On Sunday, things reached a crescendo,” Barr continued. “The officers were pummeled with bricks. Crowbars were used to pry up the pavers at the park and they were hurled at police. There were fires set in not only St. John’s Church, but a historic building at Lafayette was burned down.”

“Here’s what the media is missing. This was not an operation to respond to that particular crowd. It was an operation to move the perimeter one block,” Barr continued, then later added, “By the way, there was no tear gas used. The tear gas was used Sunday when they had to clear H Street to allow the fire department to come in to save St. John’s Church. That’s when tear gas was used.”

It's also a bit more humane than throwing bricks.

“I didn’t see any video being played on the media of what was happening Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. All I heard was comments about how peaceful the protesters were,” Barr added. “I didn’t hear about the fact that there were hundred and fifty law enforcement officers injured and many taken to the hospital with concussions. So it wasn’t a peaceful protest. We had to get control over Lafayette Park, and we had to do it as soon as we were able to do that."

If things continue the way they've been going, the country is going to hell in a hand basket.

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Pakistani man on trial for claiming to be a prophet, shot dead in court

You can't legally commit blasphemy in most Islamic countries. If you say, for example, that the prophet of Islam, a guy named Mohammad, was a pedophile because he married a 6-year-old baby girl named Aisha, or that Islam is not a religion of peace and the Koran's take on science could have been written by a seventh grader, you might be given a peaceful death sentence. In Saudi Arabia, for example, they remove one's head from their body to cut off the flow of blood and oxygen supply to the brain as a way to get them to think differently.

But while the death penalty can be used for blasphemy in Pakistan [aka Pahkeestaahn, as Obama calls it], people are not normally beheaded or hung or thrown from high places like gay folks are to have as their fate, because Pakistan consider itself civilized. However, they still will not tolerate blasphemy and will put you in prison, a place where a guy named Bubbagee will kill you anyway.

Tahir Ahmad Naseem, a Pakistani man who was on trial for blasphemy after claiming to be a prophet, was shot dead Wednesday in a courtroom in the northern city of Peshawar. The man who killed him before opening fire shouted that Naseem was an "enemy of Islam," which is a confusing claim since Islam is a religious ideology and you cannot be an enemy of ideas, only people who hold them.

Video shared on social media of the grisly scene shows Naseem's body slumped over the court's seats. It will not be shown here, not because it is grisly, but because Brain Flushings was unable to obtain the video.

The person who killed Naseem has only been identified as Khalid. Nobody knows how Khalid was able to get a loaded firearm into the court, but chances are the entrance scanner was momentarily on the fritz. 

Naseem was first accused of blasphemy by a teenager named Awais Malik whose future goal was to be a martyr for Islam and to rat out anyone who 

Naseem and Malik became virtual online friends while Naseem was in the United States.

Malik told the BBC that he and the "not for prophet" Naseem met in person at a shopping mall in Pakistan to discuss his views on religion. Malik became upset when he heard Naseem talk about his views and he went to the moral police to get him killed.

Naseem was born into the Ahmadi sect, a branch of Islam that has its own leader and who believe that they are Allah's chosen. Unfortunately for Naseem, he left the sect possibly because he felt they were too weird, and then he claimed to be the real prophet, which turned out to be the wrong thing to tell his good friend Malik.

There are about 500,000 Ahmadis in Pakistan and they're a persecuted minority and victims of the country's severely harsh laws, according to a study by Human Rights Watch.

The Ahmadi community leader suggested to the BBC that Naseem was mentally ill and had uploaded videos on social media claiming to be a messiah without proof.

It's really kind of sad that another mentally ill person went and killed him.

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Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Junkies shoot up in Manhattan while cops minds their own business

They used to call parts of midtown Manhattan the "Minnesota Strip," because a lot of runaway girls from Minnesota were recruited by pimps for prostitution in this area because of their blonde hair and Scandinavian features.

I know this because years ago, when I was in college, I worked as a volunteer for Covenant House's "Under 21" group where kids under the age of 21, who needed a place to crash for the night, could stay at the facility and even get dinner and breakfast in the morning.

Sadly, the founder of Covenant House, Fr. Bruce Ritter, was forced to resign in 1990 due to sexual and financial misconduct, but the organization still survives to this day. He died of cancer in 1999 at the age of 72.

Now the area around Broadway and 40th Street has apparently become a shooting gallery for junkies who have the audacity to inject  right out in public.

Like the rioters in our major cities, the junkies apparently have no fear or respect for the law. And who can blame them? Under the misdirection of America's Worst Mayor, Warren Wilhelm, Jr., [aka Bill de Blasio] it seems as if the orders given to the NYPD was to not get involved and look the other way.

The area is also being crapped up with used syringes in parks where children used to play before COVID-19 and violence became the rule of the day.

A local area worker who asked to be identified only as John Fenster Abernathy Joe Walker Jones III said, "They're all over the place. They're not bringing their best drugs; they're bringing heroin, they're bringing crack; and the cops are sitting on their thumbs."

He added that calling 311 was as useless as de Blasio.

One guy who works on construction said that the shooting up begins in the morning and it's usually the same junkies. They sleep there at night and sometimes ambulances arrive to help them cope with life's bitter turns.

An employee for a private garbage hauling company who only provided his first name said he’s worked in the area for about six years and the situation has gotten worse [around the time de Blasio became Mayor, in 2013].

Comrade de Blasio and NYPD officials did not offer a response to the media for some reason.

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Tuesday, July 28, 2020

22 rioters facing federal charges in Portland's 'mostly peaceful protests'

Twenty-two additional rioters have been busted and charged over their alleged violence in Portland protests, federal prosecutors said Monday.

The charges of criminal conduct were tied to the "mostly peaceful protests" of symbolic fire-setting to honor the memory of George Floyd, object-chucking to show disapproval of 'the system', laser-firing with intent to blind federal officers to demonstrate disapproval of systemic racism', and defacing federal property outside the Mark O. Hatfield federal courthouse because that's where the law thing happens.

The incidents occurred between July 23 and early on July 28, U.S. Attorney Billy J. Williams said.

The excuse for protests began after the May 25 death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, and “have been followed by nightly criminal activity including assaults on law enforcement officers, destruction of property, looting, arson and vandalism,” Williams' statement read.

Two of the protesters, a man and a woman in their 30s, are accused of "protesting violence" by assaulting federal officers during a demonstration that started Thursday night and lasted into Friday morning.

Four others, including an 18-year-old quasi-man, are charged with failing to obey lawful orders at the same protest.

Ronald Bernard Hickey, a 44-year-old from Canada, eh, and a world-renown neck-sucker, was charged Friday for allegedly harassing and stalking federal agents sent to Portland in response to the protests.

Prosecutors allege the Canadian released the personal information of the agents on his Twitter account in order to threaten, intimidate or incite violence against them. He is hoping that he will not be deported to Canada with winter not that far down the road.

At a protest overnight Saturday, seven anarchist scumwafers were arrested for allegedly assaulting federal officers and one slime bucket was charged with operating a drone in restricted airspace.

On the following night, seven more rioters were arrested and accused of assault on federal officers.

Federal prosecutors have announced charges against at least 27 additional rioters in connection with the protests since the beginning of July.

It seems to make sense that if a rioter is threatening to, or causing bodily harm on law enforcement officers, they should have the absolute legal right to react with an equal or greater response for self-protection.

Also, it seems to make sense that if those officials on the left deny the level of violence that is taking place every day at these riots, they should be deputized and put alongside the agents sent to quell the "mostly peaceful" protests and report back to the mainstream media after they change their underwear.

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Former Sanders campaign co-chair says voting for Biden is like voting for "a bowl of sh--"

Nina Turner, the former Bernie Sanders (Independent Communist-VT) co-campaign chairperson, made a rather bold analogy when she was asked about voting for presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Joseph Biden in an interview with The Atlantic.

“It’s like saying to somebody, ‘You have a bowl of sh-- in front of you, and all you’ve got to do is eat half of it instead of the whole thing.’ It’s still sh--," Turner described to Atlantic staff writer Peter Nicholas.

Others, who wish to remain anonymous or who don't actually exist, have made similar comparisons, saying, for example, "Joe is like a chocolate ice cream cone; except it isn't really a chocolate scoop sitting on top--it's a scoop of s--t. You think it's going to taste good because of what you think you're seeing until you take your first lick."

Harvard University professor and devout Communist, Cornel West, [no relation to Kanye] also supported fellow Communist Bernie Sanders during the primary. Comrade West had a similar stance in the article.
"And then Corn Pop says to me . . . "
"We have to be true to ourselves and acknowledge that Biden is a mediocre, milquetoast, neoliberal centrist that we’ve been fighting against in the Democratic establishment," West verbosely asserted, avoiding Biden's plagiaristic past and racist comments.

In his piece, "Don't Count Out Trump," Nicholas provides several reasons why President Trump could prevail with a reelection victory in November. Although he credits the President with the strong economic recovery and his superior energy level versus Biden's similarity to the night of the living dead, he also believes that voter suppression and inaccurate polling would go in Trump's favor, not Sleepy Joe's. Besides all this, Biden's base is "uninspired" whereas Trump's is as eager as Richard Simmons in Boy's Town.

Nicholas' piece also worries about an "October surprise" in which Trump might announce a vaccine for the Chinese Communist Coronavirus that would save American lives but ensure a Trump victory. The left would rather have dead Americans than Trump as POTUS.

If you don't vote for Biden, you ain't stupid.

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Monday, July 27, 2020

Cape Cod "Never Trumper" arrested, charged with violent attack on Trump vendor

The left is getting crazy out there.

Besides the lawless violence going on in Democratic-run cities, one old guy, Joseph Goodman, 77, has taken to his vehicle and tried to ram it into a roadside "popup" New England for Trump trailer in the town of Falmouth, Mass.

Fun Fact: Falmouth is home to an annual 7-mile road race on Cape Cod from Woods Hole to Falmouth Heights.

Goodman [whose name is beginning to sound like an oxymoron] was charged with open and gross lewdness, assault with a dangerous weapon, assault and battery, malicious destruction of property less than $1,200, disturbing the peace, and threatening to commit a crime.

On July 18, law enforcement responded to the pop-up shop located off the side of the road by a small business plaza. An employee reported that “a male party in a black KIA” would blow his horn, flip "the bird" [middle finger if you're not from Earth] and use vulgar language at those by the trailer, according to a police report by Officer Massi.

The not very good man also nearly hit the trailer, as he comically popped his tire on the curb. 

An employee told the Falmouth Enterprise the situation became confrontational after Goodman stepped out of his car and began to fight with the plaza’s landscaper. The two eventually started throwing punches. Goodman, who is the same age as Joe Biden and evidently a quart down on his anti-psychotic meds, then proceeded to drop his pants.

A witness to the attack told police Goodman said, "suck on this," referring to his pinky-shrinky after he dropped his pants and underwear. The man also shouted he had COVID-19 as he spit at the Trump vendor. 

The property owners of the plaza happened to be at the trailer at the time of the incident and were successfully able to chase the man off and snap a picture of his license plate. They were also able to capture some of his lewd acts on video, which they showed to the police, but sadly, this blog is not privy to.

The cops tracked the plates to Goodman’s home and found him sipping an alcoholic beverage in his backyard, fully clothed and crazy as a rabid gray squirrel.

After the officers told him they had him on camera exposing himself and hitting an employee, in a fit of rage Goodman ranted that the officers were Trump supporters and referred to them as fascists but couldn't remember the go-to word, 'racists.'

When police arrested him, he screamed that he hoped the officers would die and their children would get cancer and die, officer Massi wrote.

“While en route to the Falmouth Police Station for booking, Mr. Goodman called me a slut, called me stupid and asked if my IQ was 60 and if I make $30,000 a year,” she wrote. “The rest of the ride, Mr. Goodman laughed and stated that we were all going to ‘get it.’”

The report also stated Goodman said he planned on killing Trump and “shoving a metal pole up his [expletive]" during questioning.

The report read that while in a holding cell, the man unraveled an entire roll of toilet paper, and peed on the floor, among other unsanitary acts, according to the Patch. His filthy behavior could cost the department $200 in cleaning fees.

Goodman was released on bail that same night, possibly because this all happened in Massachusetts and Goodman hated Trump. He is scheduled for a court appearance on September 15, according to police. 

This should show us all that leftism is a mental illness.

The Secret Service was alerted about the threat on President Donald Trump’s life, Falmouth Police Lieutenant Douglas M. DeCosta told the Enterprise, which may have upset Nancy Pelosi.

The vendors who were attacked had only been set up for two days before a crazy Democrat became violent. Goodman's behavior was the most disgusting and egregious, but was not the only incident. The vendors told the Enterprise in a 
separate report that they had been graffitied and had eggs thrown at them.

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Two WNBA teams dishonor National Anthem: walk off court when played

Aside from Rosie O'Donnell, there are hundreds of women and three lonely men who watch WNBA basketball. To the player's credit, they usually don't emit high-pitched screams when they shoot the ball as they do in women's tennis when they serve or volley, but that's where the differences end.

That being said, most people in the world, the vast majority, would rather do anything else than watch women's basketball, which is the main reason the players salaries are not as high as their male counterparts.

On July 25th, the Seattle Storm and New York Liberty players walked off the court and into their locker rooms as the national anthem was being played in the opening game. This is because everything in the world, since Donald Trump had become President of the United States, has become political. If Trump is President, the flag is evil, seems to be their feebleminded philosophy.

It was so political that the players all wore black long-sleeve shirts with the Marxist "Black Lives Matter" (BLM) slogan, indicating that the women supported some black lives but not all, especially black law enforcement, black unborn, and black folks who are shot and killed in gun violence. They may say they do, but all you need to do is observe what happens when any of these tragedies occur. 

The BLM co-founder is a self-proclaimed Marxist who wants to "disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure" and "dismantle cisgender privilege."

And the irony is, many, if not most, of the BLM protesters are white, generally overweight, women with a chip on their shoulder.

Earlier this month, the WNBA announced that its 2020 season would be dedicated to “social justice,” which is the left's way of saying that they want equal outcome, not equal opportunity in life, regardless of effort or ability.

The league formed a Social Justice Council, composed of women athletes who know as much about political ideology as goldfish know about algebra. They bragged that it would  “be a driving force of necessary and continuing conversations about race, voting rights, LGBTQ+ advocacy, and gun control amongst other important societal issues.” 

Whenever I want to learn about gun control, voting rights and racism, I ask an athlete who knows nothing about guns, voting law, and believes all white men are racists based on their immutable characteristics, which makes them racists.

People go to sporting events to get away from everyday life. They go to be entertained, not lectured to by the players who act as if they know more than we do because they're in the public arena.

Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA), warned that the sport shouldn’t get involved in politics.

“The truth is, we need less—not more politics in sports. In a time when polarizing politics is as divisive as ever, sports has the power to be a unifying antidote,” Loeffler wrote in a letter to the WNBA. “And now more than ever, we should be united in our goal to remove politics from sports.”

The league wouldn't budge and responded by saying it would continue to “vigorously advocate for social justice.”

Before the season opening game, Liberty guard Layshia Clarendon and Storm forward Breanna Stewart dedicated the season to Breonna Taylor, a black woman killed by police in a shootout which also injured a police officer. The police were executing a court-issued warrant in a drug case and were fired upon by Taylor’s boyfriend. Taylor was shot eight times after the officers returned fire. According to a lawsuit by her family, police did not find drugs at the scene.

The teams held a moment of silence for Taylor for 26 seconds, Taylor’s age. 

The team did not hold any moments for these black homicide victims:
LeGend M. Taliferro, the 4-year-old boy shot in Kansas City and the 95th homicide victim, as his family was waiting on a second heart surgery for him that would never come.
Annette McKay, a 19-year-old shot and killed in Chicago
Marcelo Duclerc, age 32.  And the other over 420 victims, mostly black, shot in Chicago this year.
Michael A. Lewis, 37, found on his lawn  shot multiple times in Macon-Bibb County, Georgia.
And so on.

These black lives matter too, but they don't fit the left's mainly false narrative of police brutality. Yes, it exists, but it's very small and in every case where it has been found, charges were brought forth and indictments ensued.

The WNBA, NFL, MLB and the National Tiddlywinks Association can do whatever they want, this is America. But so can the rest of us, and we don't have to support your political views. I, for one, will not go to a WNBA game, in spite of never having gone to one in the past. I will not watch games on TV, and will switch my brand from Yankee Hotdogs to Hebrew National Hotdogs, not because the latter answers to a higher power, but because they're not political.

Consider following Brain Flushings, it's free and worth every penny. And remember, every time you click on an ad, an angel gets its wings and a liberal sheds a tear.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Seattle: the crocodile is coming for the appeasers

On January 20, 1940 Winston Churchill, then First Lord of the British Admiralty, broadcast a speech on BBC radio from London. He was addressing those nations which had remained neutral during the ongoing war and the New York Times, when it was an actual newspaper, printed it the next day. Part of what Churchill said was:
"Each one hopes that if he feeds the crocodile enough, the crocodile will eat him last. All of them hope that the storm will pass before their turn comes to be devoured. But I fear greatly that the storm will not pass. It will rage and it will roar ever more loudly, ever more widely."
Seattle has been feeding the crocodile, who are, in this case, the anarchists who have rioted in their liberal and leftist city for nearly two months. Now the crocodile is feeding on them.

The violent rioters torched a construction site at a justice center and attacked a Starbucks, the far-left burnt-tasting coffee chain where baristas are known to spit in the drinks of law enforcement from time-to-time. Don't these anarchists know that Starbucks is on their side, like the guys in the video [below]?

What the non-violent leftists don't understand is that the rioters are actually leftists, per se, they're nihilists and see nothing of value in this country, so they aim to destroy it.

Below the justice center is the Starbucks previously mentioned. It was attacked, severely damaged, and the staff was physically assaulted. This kind of violent behavior has been going on across the country after the anarchists found an excuse to create mayhem when George Floyd was wrongfully killed by a bad cop.

The Seattle Police Department reported that a large group of rioters arrived at the site of the King County Youth Service Center/Judge Patricia H. Clark Children and Family Justice Center, near 12th Avenue and Alder Street at around 4 p.m.

“Approximately a dozen people then entered a construction site at the facility, set fire to portable trailers and other equipment, and broke out windows on personal vehicles in the area and court facilities,” the department said. You can go to the link on Ian Miles Cheong's Twitter post below and Michelle Baruchman, and see for yourself.
Antifa arsonists in Seattle have set fire to a construction site. Allies of the working class. 
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray 
Fire inside the staging site of the youth detention center  
— Michelle Baruchman ⛰ (@mlbaruchman) July 25, 2020
The Starbucks was completely destroyed with graffiti, smashed windows, and damage inside. Reporters on the ground said that there was smoke coming out of the store, and thought a fire may have been set inside.

The Starbucks sits at the bottom level of an apartment complex. People were shouting for residents above the store to evacuate the building.

Seattle-based conservative radio host Jason Rantz tweeted:
The peaceful protesters destroyed a Starbucks and a fire was supposedly set. It’s attached to an apartment complex.

— (((Jason Rantz))) on KTTH Radio (@jasonrantz) July 26, 2020
Some damage done to a Seattle Starbucks.

— (((Jason Rantz))) on KTTH Radio (@jasonrantz) July 26, 2020
Human Events Managing Editor Ian Miles Cheong tweeted out a photo from Google Maps that showed the apartment complex on top of the Starbucks. His post:
The Starbucks is on the ground floor of an apartment complex. The media does not show you the full picture because they don't want you to realize Antifa set homes on fire in Seattle.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) July 26, 2020
New York Times reporter Mike Baker tweeted:
Moving through the Capitol Hill, hitting a Starbucks. Smoke is coming out the window and people are now calling for the residents above to evacuate.
— Mike Baker (@ByMikeBaker) July 25, 2020
He also posted a video of store owners who described being violently attacked by the mostly "peaceful protesters."

“They are still attacking people,” the man told Baker as he pointed toward the rioters. “Like, what’s going on?”

Like, the crocodile is still hungry, silly store owner.
These workers at a bar/restaurant say some in the crowd attacked and punched them after accusing one of them of taking images of the crowd.
— Mike Baker (@ByMikeBaker) July 25, 2020
So keep feeding the crocodile with your words of support and grab a box of marshmallows, because you're going to want something normal to roast as they come for you and what you worked so hard to build.

Munch, munch.

Consider following Brain Flushings, it's free and worth every penny. And remember, every time you click on an ad, an angel gets its wings and a liberal sheds a tear.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Feds finally fight back and force anarchists to run away

The anarchists in Portland, Oregon are still on the streets rioting, throwing projectiles, shining laser lights in the eyes of law enforcement, possibly blinding three people, and burning businesses to the ground, all while Ted Wheeler, the useless Democrat mayor has inserted his thumb where few thumbs have gone before.

Finally, federal law enforcement is responding to the violence with batons and muscle, forcing the anarchists to run away from the courthouse they were trying to breach.

'These people have decided the only way they'll stop is to get their ass kicked. So they got their ass kicked!' one observer accurately observed.

The feds had boarded-up the already battered courthouse, a federal building. The rioters have been targeting that building for over a month but now the officers went on the offensive and cleared out the scumwafers from in front of the courthouse.

You can copy the video here:

It shows an agent tackling two rioters simultaneously while others run like frightened wimps. The agent shoves one of the rioters to the ground again and takes a swing at another anarchist who runs away. The same agent moves left down the sidewalk and shoves another crap weasel out of the way.

The video pans backward showing other officers moving in and one them firing at rioters multiple rounds of what presumably are pepper balls, rubber bullets, or some other form of non-lethal munitions.

Soon officers cross the street, further pushing back the rioters as one officer whacks a rioter with a baton while another violently shoves a rioter to the sidewalk and against a pole, bringing a smile to the lips of Lady Liberty.

Many Twitter users who viewed Andy Ngo's tweet were glad to finally see the riot being brought back to the rioters.

"That was a VICIOUS takedown," one person reacted. "Look at all the little gnats run away."

"Damn they really scattered like roaches in the night when you turn on the light," another said.

"This is encouraging," another said. "It is difficult to understand how so many people in Portland can be infected with this insanity."

"That just made my morning!" another said. "They need to be arrested federally. None of this catch & release BS." The person was referring to the no bail policy of some progressive [i.e., regressive] cities.

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Comrade de Blasio quotes his soulmate, Marx, on radio interview

The Sandinista National Liberation Front is a socialist political party in Nicaragua. Its members are known as Sandinistas, named after Augusto César Sandino, the leader of the resistance against the United States' occupation of Nicaragua in the 1930s. 

The Sandinistas overthrew the Nicaraguan government in a bloody war from 1978 to 1979. and the Contra War in the 1980s killed tens of thousands of Nicaraguans. The Soviet Union backed the Sandinistas while the United States backed the Contras, a right-wing group.

New York City Mayor, comrade Bill de Blasio, like another far-left Democrat named Bernie Sanders, backed the Sandinistas. And backing them is like backing Karl Marx, the father of envy, theft of labor, sense of entitlement, and absence of personal hygiene.

De Blasio quoted "Stinky" [as those who knew Marx often referred to him when he wasn't around] on Friday during a WNYC radio broadcast, as he explained that he wasn't focused on the interests of the elite: “I am tempted to borrow from Karl Marx here.” According to the New York Post, he added: “There’s a famous quote that ‘the state is the executive committee of the bourgeois’ and I use it openly to say, ‘No.'"

“I actually read that as a young person [by 'person,' he means 'Communist'] and I said, ‘That’s not the way it’s supposed to be,'" the country's worst mayor explained.

De Blasio's press secretary was totally fine with the schmuck quoting the father of communism to make his point.

"Show me the lie!" the mayor's worker tweeted alongside De Blasio's remarks. "Bill de Blasio's Press Secretary appreciates materialistic approach of his boss's Communism," tweeted New York Post columnist Karol Markowicz.

The commie mayor got some blowback on Twitter, where blowback is in abundance for every issue imaginable.  

Hizzcommie has a history of being criticized for his socialist ideas, such as implementing a $15 minimum wage, taxing the wealthy, and eliminating private health insurance while his is covered by the taxpayers.

Consider following Brain Flushings, it's free and worth every penny. And remember, every time you click on an ad, an angel gets its wings and a liberal sheds a tear.

Calif. nursing home inspectors weren't being tested for China Virus

Nursing home inspectors in Soviet Kalifornia, were not taking mandatory Chinese Communist Wuhan Coronavirus testing as part of their job, in spite of the lockdowns and myriad nursing home deaths, or so claims a crack team of investigators for The Los Angeles Times.

The newspaper reports that about 500 nursing home inspectors whose job it is to ensure state compliance with infection control regulations covered the state's 1,200 skilled nursing facilities (SNFs), which house residents who are medically fragile and require ongoing nursing intervention beyond that of a simple health care facility (HRF). For example, in an HRF, a resident can toilet him- or herself, can eat without assistance, and may only need assistance with medication compliance and the like. In an SNF, the residents are more like patients than people simply living there and require a great deal more help in activities of daily living.

Some of the SNFs that were inspected were visited on more than one occasion.

The investigation was published Friday morning after the outlet conducted interviews with eight “registered nurses working as inspectors for the Kalifornia Department of Public Health — all of whom spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of retaliation."

So there's even a cancel culture in the health care industry.

The Times reported that one inspector said nursing home administrators were “absolutely, visibly shocked” they weren’t required to be tested, and believes those places “only let us in because we’re the state; they’re scared to say no.”

Experts and nursing home advocates have appeared confused by the state’s original testing policy, which makes as much sense as believing that it's okay for the left to protest "systemic racism" in enormous crowds, but going to church will get you killed.

Health care policy professor David Grabowski, of Harvard Medical School, told the LA Times: “It makes basically no sense that we’ve locked these facilities down since March, keeping families out, only to learn inspectors have been moving from facility to facility without being tested.”

After the investigation was published, Kalifornia's useless Governor Gavin Newsom (D) said during a press conference that the coronavirus testing policy for inspectors had now changed, but did not indicate as of when.
The Cuomo bros yuck it up while over
6,300 nursing home residents died
“We’re raising our standards. We’re requiring for every sector that an inspector is inspecting that they meet the same criteria that’s established within that sector,” joked Newsom. “So that has been changed.”

That's like sneezing and then covering your mouth.

“It is — forgive me — in the lexicon of government, a meet-and-confer issue with our bargaining units, but we will raise that standard,” the Ken Doll governor added. ["However, I'm not worried; my job is safe because the media will have my back," he forgot to add.]

But according to The Times,  “none of the inspectors” they spoke to “said they had been interviewed by a contact tracer since the beginning of the pandemic.”

In late June, The New York Times, a former newspaper, reported that over 40% of coronavirus deaths across the country were linked to nursing homes, either residents or workers. In Kalifornia, the share of deaths is 45%. Many of these deaths were caused by New York's incompetent Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) who mandated that COVID patients sent to the hospital be returned to their respective nursing homes, which obviously infected and eventually killed their roommates.

But no worries, Andy and Gavin, the media has your backs.

Consider following Brain Flushings, it's free and worth every penny. And remember, every time you click on an ad, an angel gets its wings and a liberal sheds a tear.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Antifa anarchist gives fellow rioter "a light" setting him on fire

Portland's village idiot, Ted Wheeler, lied when he said that federal agents were to blame for the use of tear gas on rioters attempting to destroy federal property and attack federal agents with projectiles and fireworks. The best part was how Wheeler, donned in mask and goggles, sucked in the gas as he stood with fellow anarchists who later told him to "F" off.

In the following Twitter post, you can see the village idiot watching one of the fires and adjusting his mask for the tear gas that came in response:
Ted Wheeler by the fire now with goggles looking like a goofy 😂🤯👀
— Simulation Warlord🇺🇸 (@zerosum24)
After Wheeler left the scene of the crimes being committed, he threatened them with tear gas himself, sounding a lot like Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan who called on police only when the rioters went to her house.

Andy Ngo, a brave journalist who had previously been seriously injured by Antifa thugs, reported from Portland:
Antifa really had the fires going last night, they managed to breach one area of the fence and were stoking the fires on either side of the fence.

Rioters have set fire to the Portland federal courthouse. #PortlandRiots #antifa
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) July 23, 2020
An arson attack on the Portland federal courthouse. #antifa #PortlandRiots
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) July 23, 2020
Anarchists, not quite as smart as fish bait, had difficulty figuring out how to breach the barriers set up by the feds by the courthouse. In the process, however, the did manage to set a fellow cretin on fire. Ngo reported on this:
Rioters outside the Portland federal courthouse accidentally set their comrade on fire with a flammable device. #antifa #PortlandRiots
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) July 23, 2020
The did manage to set a tree on fire in their brave attacks on inanimate objects.

Federal agents were able to grab a few of the anarchists who tried to attack them.
Rioters broke the barrier protecting the Portland federal courthouse again. They rush inside but are chased out by federal law enforcement. However, one person is arrested and dragged inside. #antifa
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) July 23, 2020
Federal law enforcement are pelted with projectiles every time they make an arrest at the Portland federal courthouse. #PortlandRiots #antifa
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) July 23, 2020
One Democrat voter/anarchist screamed as she was pulled away and her fellow communists pelted the agents, and tried to blind them with lasers, but they couldn’t free her.
Federal authorities arrest screaming woman who was part of riot mob that rushed past the broken barrier toward the courthouse. She tries and fails to escape. #antifa #PortlandRiots
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) July 23, 2020

Meanwhile, Ted Wheeler is still pretending the federal response to the anarchists was unjustified and the anarchists are merely "peaceful protesters."

And ISIS is just a religious group seeking peace.

Consider following Brain Flushings, it's free and worth every penny. And remember, every time you click on an ad, an angel gets its wings and a liberal sheds a tear.

Maxine Waters, the Dem's braintrust, knows how Trump will steal the election

One of the most corrupt and unintelligent
politicians in government

Rep. "Aunty Maxine" Waters (D-CA) appeared on "ReidOut" Wednesday night, hosted by MSNBC homophobe, Joy Reid, where the congress cretin discussed her thought on the November presidential election. (Reid, by the way, was never canceled for her homophobic tweets of yesteryear, while the person she replaced, Chris Matthews, was forced off the leftist airwaves for unauthorized tingles caused by sexually inappropriate behavior.)

Waters, who often appears as Reid's guest, has a newly concocted and brilliant conspiracy theory that she has thrown up against the wall in the hope that it will stick.

Waters ranted about how the "unidentified" federal agents [this is a lie--they were clearly identified front and back along with arm patches and personal ID numbers] who were cleaning up the mess in the Portland war zone left behind when they were finally removed and prevented from doing further damage. She was accusing President Trump of having sent the officials as . . . wait for it . . . a "trial run" for an attempt at stealing the presidential election if he should lose. 

You cannot make this stuff up when it comes to Aunty Maxine. 

Here is what she said:
“The people of this country had better be worried about what we’re seeing in Portland. We have these paramilitary police officers or whomever they are, they’re federal officers or agents of some kind that’s been organized by the president of the United States. 
"He did not contact the local mayors. He did not contact the governors. He just sent them in. Who are these people? Why did they have these kinds of uniforms on where they cannot be identified? We don’t know their names. We don’t have anything that identifies them. They have unmarked cars. They’ve been pulling people off the street and throwing them into these cars. 
"I want to tell you, Joy. This is what you see in countries where you have dictators. In third-world countries with dictators who have paramilitary that they can call up anytime they want. As a matter of fact, it has been suggested that this is a trial run of the president of the United States who may be organizing to not accept what happens when we have the election if he’s not elected. 
"Is he going to pull out his military? Is he going to engage us? He has already alluded to there may be a civil war if he’s not re-elected. This is dangerous."
Coincidentally, Waters is about as intelligent as a glass of water. Even Joy Reid, who sat quietly and nodded from time-to-time, quickly moved on to her next guest, after acknowledging Waters' crazy claim, but a claim made by other moon- howlers at the network.

For example, John Heilemann, a leftist political propagandist at MSNBC made a  similar claim on “Morning Joe’s” program Tuesday. And Obama's "wingman" and former attorney general Eric Holder, had also said the same crazy thing in order to frighten the public into voting for Joe Biden, a dead guy.

It seems obvious that the Democrats are trying to preemptively discredit the upcoming election like Hillary Clinton tried to do when she lost her second bid to become the FIRST FEMALE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!!

Clinton and the Democrats still can't concede the last election and keep pushing conspiracy theories. Stacey Abrams still thinks she won the Georgia gubernatorial race in spite of receiving about 55,000 fewer votes than Brian Kemp. But the media doesn't call them out on this nonsense because they have lost all objectivity when the Orange Man became President.

Consider following Brain Flushings, and remember, every time you click on an ad, an angel gets its wings and a liberal sheds a tear.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Starbucks' worker brags about spitting in cops' drinks

A gutsy Starbucks worker bragged to his coworkers that whenever a cop came in the establishment and ordered a beverage, as he was about to hand it to the officer, he would spit in it and tell them where they can shove it.

Just kidding. The guy didn't grow the grapes to do that so he did it when they weren't looking.

It happened at Starbucks in Park Ridge, New Jersey where Chief Joseph Madden told Tuesday that the coward Kevin A. Trejo, 21, was "arrogant enough to be bragging about spitting in the drinks of his officers. Trejo now has the time to join protesters in Manhattan and attempt to burn down federal buildings because he has been terminated from his job and "got the book thrown at him."

The cowardly scumcrumpet was arrested Monday and authorities told that the charges against him include: subjecting a law enforcement officer to bodily fluid, purposely tampering with a law enforcement officer's drink, and creating a hazardous environment.

Park Ridge Police Capt. Joseph Rampolla told the outlet that "under the current COVID threat, it is extremely disturbing to think that someone would intentionally spit in your drink."

It probably isn't the first time this crap weasel has spit in an officer's drink but the actual number is unknown. However, those officers who may have received the tainted drinks will be tested for the coronavirus, police said.

The Park Ridge Starbucks had a good relationship with local police historically and even hosted many "Coffee with a Cop" events. It is likely that this was an isolated event and hope that the alleged cowardly punk will spend significant time in jail, hopefully with a MS-13 member who's in a bad mood.

Patrick Colligan, president of the New Jersey State Policemen's Benevolent Association, said in a statement that "officers risk their lives daily; it shouldn't be while getting coffee," added.

A Starbucks spokesperson called Trejo's actions "reprehensible" and said he's no longer employed by the company, because it's hard to serve customers from a jail cell.

"We will continue to support Park Ridge Police in their investigation and have a deep respect for the Park Ridge Police Department and the officers who help keep our partners and communities safe," the spokesperson added.

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Bibi orders "massive" counter-terror operation after bus bombings

We can thank G-d anti-Israel terrorists don't know how to tell time very well.  Explosive devices went off on Thursday night around 9 p....