Thursday, July 30, 2020

Pelosi lies about claim she never called federal agents "stormtroopers" and mocks Barr's weight

Speaker of the Hands and the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) lied when she said  on an interview Tuesday afternoon that she never called federal law enforcement agents "stormtroopers." She said that they "acted like stormtroopers." But in reality, she never said that. But don't take my word for it--go to the video tape below to about the 35 second mark as she begins to speak and judge for yourself.

"Dancing Hands" appeared on MSNBC’s “The Beat” with host Ari Melber whore she was asked about the following exchange from Attorney General William Barr’s testimony in front of Congress:

REP. DOUG COLLINS (D-GA): “And the stormtrooper comments by the Speaker of House, and we know that that is a direct reference to the paramilitary wing of the Nazi Party… don’t you think it encourages the violence that we’re seeing and encourages the participation against the police?”

ATTORNEY GENERAL WILLIAM BARR: “I think that’s possible and I think it’s irresponsible to call these federal law enforcement officers stormtroopers.”

Pelosi jumped in as soon as the clip stopped playing and lied: “Well, actually I said they acted like stormtroopers.”

That's a technique known as "gaslighting," named after the 1944 movie "Gaslight" in which the new husband of a rich widow tries to make her go insane--she finds pictures are missing, strange footsteps are heard in the night, and gaslights that illuminate the house are dim without being touched.

Think of that moment on CNN when the "reporter" is telling the viewers that the protests are mainly peaceful while a building fire rages behind him. Or when Rep. Gerold Nadler says to the media that Antifa is a myth. This is gaslighting.

Pelosi then tried to deflect from the criticisms by anemically claiming that Barr did not have a problem when other people have allegedly compared federal law enforcement officials to Nazis. Had Barr been asked that question, he would have addressed whether or not he had a problem with that, but he was asked about Pelosi, not other leftists comparing federal law enforcement to Nazis.

“I said they acted like stormtroopers,” Pelosi lied.  “And they did and my colleagues have said that as well.”

Tom Elliott tweeted the following, showing the exchange:
@SpeakerPelosi tries clarifying that she said federal police “acted like” stormtroopers but weren’t literally “stormtroopers”
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) July 28, 2020
On July 17, Pelosi tweeted, “Unidentified stormtroopers. Unmarked cars. Kidnapping protesters and causing severe injuries in response to graffiti. These are not the actions of a democratic republic. @DHSgov ’s actions in Portland undermine its mission. Trump & his stormtroopers must be stopped.”

Pelosi added to the gaslighting: “First Amendment speech should never be met with one-sided violence from federal agents acting as Trump’s secret police, especially when unidentified. This is disgraceful behavior we would expect from a banana republic — not the government of the United States.”

The incredible restraint shown by law enforcement with these violent rioters was almost saint-like. They had to duck frozen water bottles and other projectiles thrown at them, commercial fireworks shot at them, lasers aimed at their eyes [in which three agents were blinded] and they only responded with physical reactions when physically assaulted. Pelosi's remark that it was "one-sided violence" is a lie. And the use of unmarked vehicles to apprehend criminals is standard operating procedure because when they know the law is coming for them, it's best not to advertise the approach.

The left and their media are gaslighting us and it's all about the election. Trump was right when he said, "They're not coming for me--they're coming for you."

Pelosi definitely and directly called the officers stormtroopers, which refers to the Brownshirts, which was a paramilitary group of the German Nazi Party.

Pelosi's historical knowledge of the Second World War is scant. She tweeted that federal officers were "acting as Trump's secret police." The secret police were not stormtroopers, they were Hitler's Gestapo, and to use that analogy, in spite of it being a non sequitur, is quite disgusting.

Insofar as the officers being "unidentified," Pelosi lied again. While officers had their names removed from their uniforms because the scumbag Antifa rioters were doxxing them [making their addresses known and going to their homes to harass them and their families], they had identification numbers, and appropriate markings labeling them as law enforcement. They could be identified through the department if they had acted inappropriately.

Pelosi, through her slip-sliding-away dentures and frenetic hand motions, apparently mocked Barr’s weight, saying that he was “like a blob.” She seems to enjoy weight-shaming people--she falsely claimed that President Trump was "morbidly obese."

“They were not peaceful protesters,” Barr said. “And that’s one of the big lies that the media seems to be perpetuating at this point.”

To call these protests peaceful is a lie and a true example of gaslighting.

Pelosi babbled on and claimed the Barr “should be answering for what he did at Lafayette Square” when violent anarchists were being cleared out by officials.

“There were three warnings given,” Barr said, referring to the warnings authorities gave to protesters informing them that they needed to move. “But let’s get back to why we took that action. On Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, okay, there were violent riots at Lafayette Park where the park police were under constant attack at the – behind their bike rack fences. They were battling over the fences. They were trying to get entry. They were throwing bricks and inflammable liquid at the police…”

“On Sunday, things reached a crescendo,” Barr continued. “The officers were pummeled with bricks. Crowbars were used to pry up the pavers at the park and they were hurled at police. There were fires set in not only St. John’s Church, but a historic building at Lafayette was burned down.”

“Here’s what the media is missing. This was not an operation to respond to that particular crowd. It was an operation to move the perimeter one block,” Barr continued, then later added, “By the way, there was no tear gas used. The tear gas was used Sunday when they had to clear H Street to allow the fire department to come in to save St. John’s Church. That’s when tear gas was used.”

It's also a bit more humane than throwing bricks.

“I didn’t see any video being played on the media of what was happening Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. All I heard was comments about how peaceful the protesters were,” Barr added. “I didn’t hear about the fact that there were hundred and fifty law enforcement officers injured and many taken to the hospital with concussions. So it wasn’t a peaceful protest. We had to get control over Lafayette Park, and we had to do it as soon as we were able to do that."

If things continue the way they've been going, the country is going to hell in a hand basket.

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