Tuesday, July 28, 2020

22 rioters facing federal charges in Portland's 'mostly peaceful protests'

Twenty-two additional rioters have been busted and charged over their alleged violence in Portland protests, federal prosecutors said Monday.

The charges of criminal conduct were tied to the "mostly peaceful protests" of symbolic fire-setting to honor the memory of George Floyd, object-chucking to show disapproval of 'the system', laser-firing with intent to blind federal officers to demonstrate disapproval of systemic racism', and defacing federal property outside the Mark O. Hatfield federal courthouse because that's where the law thing happens.

The incidents occurred between July 23 and early on July 28, U.S. Attorney Billy J. Williams said.

The excuse for protests began after the May 25 death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, and “have been followed by nightly criminal activity including assaults on law enforcement officers, destruction of property, looting, arson and vandalism,” Williams' statement read.

Two of the protesters, a man and a woman in their 30s, are accused of "protesting violence" by assaulting federal officers during a demonstration that started Thursday night and lasted into Friday morning.

Four others, including an 18-year-old quasi-man, are charged with failing to obey lawful orders at the same protest.

Ronald Bernard Hickey, a 44-year-old from Canada, eh, and a world-renown neck-sucker, was charged Friday for allegedly harassing and stalking federal agents sent to Portland in response to the protests.

Prosecutors allege the Canadian released the personal information of the agents on his Twitter account in order to threaten, intimidate or incite violence against them. He is hoping that he will not be deported to Canada with winter not that far down the road.

At a protest overnight Saturday, seven anarchist scumwafers were arrested for allegedly assaulting federal officers and one slime bucket was charged with operating a drone in restricted airspace.

On the following night, seven more rioters were arrested and accused of assault on federal officers.

Federal prosecutors have announced charges against at least 27 additional rioters in connection with the protests since the beginning of July.

It seems to make sense that if a rioter is threatening to, or causing bodily harm on law enforcement officers, they should have the absolute legal right to react with an equal or greater response for self-protection.

Also, it seems to make sense that if those officials on the left deny the level of violence that is taking place every day at these riots, they should be deputized and put alongside the agents sent to quell the "mostly peaceful" protests and report back to the mainstream media after they change their underwear.

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