Sunday, July 26, 2020

Seattle: the crocodile is coming for the appeasers

On January 20, 1940 Winston Churchill, then First Lord of the British Admiralty, broadcast a speech on BBC radio from London. He was addressing those nations which had remained neutral during the ongoing war and the New York Times, when it was an actual newspaper, printed it the next day. Part of what Churchill said was:
"Each one hopes that if he feeds the crocodile enough, the crocodile will eat him last. All of them hope that the storm will pass before their turn comes to be devoured. But I fear greatly that the storm will not pass. It will rage and it will roar ever more loudly, ever more widely."
Seattle has been feeding the crocodile, who are, in this case, the anarchists who have rioted in their liberal and leftist city for nearly two months. Now the crocodile is feeding on them.

The violent rioters torched a construction site at a justice center and attacked a Starbucks, the far-left burnt-tasting coffee chain where baristas are known to spit in the drinks of law enforcement from time-to-time. Don't these anarchists know that Starbucks is on their side, like the guys in the video [below]?

What the non-violent leftists don't understand is that the rioters are actually leftists, per se, they're nihilists and see nothing of value in this country, so they aim to destroy it.

Below the justice center is the Starbucks previously mentioned. It was attacked, severely damaged, and the staff was physically assaulted. This kind of violent behavior has been going on across the country after the anarchists found an excuse to create mayhem when George Floyd was wrongfully killed by a bad cop.

The Seattle Police Department reported that a large group of rioters arrived at the site of the King County Youth Service Center/Judge Patricia H. Clark Children and Family Justice Center, near 12th Avenue and Alder Street at around 4 p.m.

“Approximately a dozen people then entered a construction site at the facility, set fire to portable trailers and other equipment, and broke out windows on personal vehicles in the area and court facilities,” the department said. You can go to the link on Ian Miles Cheong's Twitter post below and Michelle Baruchman, and see for yourself.
Antifa arsonists in Seattle have set fire to a construction site. Allies of the working class. 
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray 
Fire inside the staging site of the youth detention center  
— Michelle Baruchman ⛰ (@mlbaruchman) July 25, 2020
The Starbucks was completely destroyed with graffiti, smashed windows, and damage inside. Reporters on the ground said that there was smoke coming out of the store, and thought a fire may have been set inside.

The Starbucks sits at the bottom level of an apartment complex. People were shouting for residents above the store to evacuate the building.

Seattle-based conservative radio host Jason Rantz tweeted:
The peaceful protesters destroyed a Starbucks and a fire was supposedly set. It’s attached to an apartment complex.

— (((Jason Rantz))) on KTTH Radio (@jasonrantz) July 26, 2020
Some damage done to a Seattle Starbucks.

— (((Jason Rantz))) on KTTH Radio (@jasonrantz) July 26, 2020
Human Events Managing Editor Ian Miles Cheong tweeted out a photo from Google Maps that showed the apartment complex on top of the Starbucks. His post:
The Starbucks is on the ground floor of an apartment complex. The media does not show you the full picture because they don't want you to realize Antifa set homes on fire in Seattle.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) July 26, 2020
New York Times reporter Mike Baker tweeted:
Moving through the Capitol Hill, hitting a Starbucks. Smoke is coming out the window and people are now calling for the residents above to evacuate.
— Mike Baker (@ByMikeBaker) July 25, 2020
He also posted a video of store owners who described being violently attacked by the mostly "peaceful protesters."

“They are still attacking people,” the man told Baker as he pointed toward the rioters. “Like, what’s going on?”

Like, the crocodile is still hungry, silly store owner.
These workers at a bar/restaurant say some in the crowd attacked and punched them after accusing one of them of taking images of the crowd.
— Mike Baker (@ByMikeBaker) July 25, 2020
So keep feeding the crocodile with your words of support and grab a box of marshmallows, because you're going to want something normal to roast as they come for you and what you worked so hard to build.

Munch, munch.

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