Monday, August 31, 2020

Joe Biden plans to sue Little Sisters of the Poor for acting Catholic

Joe Biden pretends to be a good Catholic, in spite of his not being allowed to receive holy communion due to his pro-abortion stance. He claims that he was inspired to run for president by the nuns, Pope Francis and his Catholic faith, a faith which seems to be a half-butted belief based on nothing remotely Catholic.

Joe Biden is as incompetent of a politician as he would be as a president, not to mention his diminished cognitive status.

Like his Democrat Party, he blames President Trump for the behavior of the violent anarchists who riot, loot, burn, destroy and even kill. 

Biden and his Party are no different from the abusive husband who blames his wife for the beating he gives her. "You made me do it," is how the left sees the violence.

On August 9th, a video was released on the Twitter account of the DNC in which Biden uses nuns as an inspirational example of "generosity to others," while he has also promised to renew legal action against Little Sisters of the Poor, if he wins the election in November.

The "Banjo Boy" double has promised to get rid of freedom of conscience protections which protect the nuns from the "contraceptive mandate" and force them to provide contraceptive devices to their employees.

Biden would also allow for the killing of the unborn right up to the moment of birth.

The blatant irony should not be lost on us. The tweet leading up to the video says:
This is the kind of moral conviction we need in the president of the United States.
— 2020 #DemConvention 🇺🇸 (@DemConvention) August 9, 2020
The "contraception mandate" and abortion issues, sterilizations, and abortifacient drugs, are left out of the video in which Biden, a fake Catholic, tells the "story" of how, after a brief meeting with Pope Francis at St. Peter's Basilica, he departed the church and came across a group of nuns.

These nuns, Biden said in a voiceover, “to me, epitomize everything Pope Francis talked about in his homily and what he stands for. About generosity to other people, about reaching out, about making it a point to understand that we are our brother’s keeper.”

Biden said the idea that people have an obligation to look out for one another, [not including the unborn] had been imprinted on him during his Catholic upbringing and “being educated by the nuns.”

He evidently did as well being educated by the nuns as he did in law school where he graduated near the bottom of his class.

Recognizing that people are obligated to help each other is “the only way we’re gonna make the world better and safer,” said Biden, a guy who led by example, helping his son, Hunter, become rich, along with his other family members, some of whom he is still able to recognize.

Shortly after the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Little Sisters of the Poor in Little Sisters of the Poor v. Pennsylvania on July 8, Biden said he was “disappointed” by the decision and promised to reinstate Obama-era policies requiring the sisters to ensure access to birth control in violation of their religious beliefs.

“If I am elected I will restore the Obama-Biden policy that existed before the [Supreme Court’s 2014] Hobby Lobby ruling: providing an exemption for houses of worship and an accommodation for nonprofit organizations with religious missions,” the irreligious Biden vowed in July.

Biden is more concerned with appealing to the left than appealing to the Lord and Savior.

Following the July 8 decision, Biden said that the decision “will make it easier for the Trump-Pence Administration to continue to strip "health care" from females who have not been aborted.

Vulgar singer Cardi B, who recently endorsed Biden after her hit song "WAP," agrees with his stance on killing babies.

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Sunday, August 30, 2020

BREAKING: Shots may have been fired in LA at pro-Trump group

According to The Daily Wire, the LAPD SWAT was called to Woodland Hills after receiving a report that shots were being fired at a pro-Trump car caravan.

Breaking: SWAT Called out in Woodland Hills after someone from an apartment on #VenturaBoulevard shoots at pro-Trump caravan of cars. Tire on vehicle was shot out. No injuries. Suspect barricaded in apartment, per LAPD. ⁦

— Emily Valdez KNX 1070 (@EmilyValdezKNX)

“A woman driving past the caravan on Ventura Boulevard said she heard what sounded like gunshots around 11:30 a.m. and then noticed her tire went flat after being damaged by a projectile, possibly a bullet, the Los Angeles Police Department said,” KTLA reported.

The media outlet also added that someone else informed police that a suspect was in a nearby apartment building on Ventura Boulevard. The LAPD said that suspects were still barricaded at the location as of 3:30 p.m., and a SWAT team was summoned.

“Officer Will Cooper of the Los Angeles Police Department said officials received a report that a man was firing at a caravan as it traveled along Ventura Boulevard near Chalk Hill shortly before 11:30 a.m. The incident was initially described as someone brandishing a firearm and throwing bottles at the vehicles but was later updated to include a report of shots fired, he said,” according to The Los Angeles Times.

The LAPD got a photo of a man with a rifle on the balcony of an apartment unit.
“The alleged shooter and two others barricaded themselves inside the property in the 20500 block of Ventura Boulevard, Cooper said,” the Times added.

The Times quoted a woman whose apartment complex was next door to the building with the barricaded apartment who said, “It’s kind of surreal,” acknowledging that she had “never met a Trump supporter” in California. She concluded, “We wouldn’t have ever imagined it would happen in California.”

This is a developing story.

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Comrade de Blasio lets offer slide for free COVID-19 student testing

Dr. Ramon Tallaj with medical assistants
 Heidy Pena and Laura Colon 
The nation's worst big city Mayor Comrade Bill de Blasio has for two months sat on his hands doing nothing about the offer he received to test for COVID-19 for all school kids and teachers for free. All this while educators rush to prepare schools for opening in less than two weeks, while de Blasio is still doing nothing and teachers threaten a sickout over the lack of planned mandatory COVID-19 testing. Maybe this is the mayor's ultimate goal--to change the face of education in the city and hope it moves nationwide.

Since June, the 800,000-patient, 2,500-doctor Somos network explained that it reached out to the Communist mayor five times to offer to set up free testing sites at NYC’s most at-risk public schools. The meetings that were scheduled were canceled and calls were ignored.

Until this week on Wednesday when de Blasio finally did a video chat with the agency.

But not surprisingly, no deal was struck and the impotent mayor still says he doesn't want to mandate testing. He only wants to keep the city, and hopefully the state, and hopefully the country, closed for business in order to increase government dependency and do the Electric Slide over to Marxism.

Dr. Ramon Tallaj, chairman of Somos says on-site testing at schools is a matter of life and death. Somos runs 38 city-supported COVID-19 testing sites and has tested over 325,000 low-income New Yorkers since March.

In an interview with the New York Post, Dr Tallij explained that “[T]he mayor is surrounded by people who do not grasp what is going on. If he opens schools the way he is proposing, parents are going to die.”

It seems as if de Blasio is counting on those parents being Republicans.

At this time, the city’s official plan to reopen schools relies on students and teachers to take responsibility and voluntarily seek out testing at city-run sites and hotbed hospitals.

The Department of Education website states: “If a student or teacher is feeling sick, they are required to stay home and, if their symptoms are consistent with COVID-19, are asked to get tested.”

It's the honor system which works as well as Bernie Sanders did on the commune he got booted from for not working.

Without mandatory testing, warned Tallaj, a specialist in internal medicine, “Fifty-eight percent of the children and their families who have not seen the virus could get infected by the 1 or 2% who are positive with the virus.}

Tallaj added, “The majority of the newly infected children, who do not show symptoms, will go back to their small apartments in poor neighborhoods, potentially infecting their parents and grandparents in our community.”

And we all know that grandparents are the most at risk group along with people with certain medical conditions such as diabetes, hypertension and obesity. Black folks as a group are the most susceptible.

Somos proposes an initial wave of 80 testing sites at public schools in more poor areas, handling 120 to 140 students per day. Tallaj said his 2,500 doctors could eventually test all of the 1.1 million students at all 1,866 DOE schools, but would need financial backing from the city.

Still de Blasio is doing nothing about the situation.

Tallaj believes it's all about money and the mayor is balking at his offer because he wants to do testing in city hospitals, which would keep federal Medicare, Medicaid and FEMA charges with the city. In other words, de Blasio is okay with compromising the safety of the students' parents and grandparents over funding concerns than about human life.

Par for the course of a commie pig like the mayor.

Schools are due to reopen September 10. Tallaj says Somos would provide its doctors to the city gratis and do the testing using its own funds, and would seek reimbursement from the city at a later date for the costs of testing and supplies.

No student or teacher would pay for the tests, he said.

Tallaj wrote to the mayor on August 21, “It is truly unfortunate that … [we] have yet to find a time to schedule our meeting which we agreed upon back in June. Usually when this happens, it means this isn’t a priority for you. Is this fair for me to assume?”

Tallaj also offered to donate 500 telemedicine computers to public schools allowing symptomatic students direct access to their pediatricians and medical charts at school. But the city was also hesitant to accept, according to a Somos spokesperson, citing the bull crap need for legal review.

De Blasio is the Joe Biden of the Big Apple: they both have not been right about any decisions they have made.

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Saturday, August 29, 2020

Man and his young step-daughter killed in road-rage execution: media goes dark

South Carolina -- It only took a minor traffic accident in Georgetown, SC for two people to be executed and one wounded in a road-rage incident Monday.

Ty Sheem Ha Sheem Walters III, 23, of Moncks Corner, the alleged shooter, is charged with murder and one count of attempted murder regarding the shooting. The national media has basically not reported on the incident, possibly because Walters, the alleged shooter, is Black and the victims are White.

Had the races been reversed, this would have made front page, top-of-the-fold headlines.

The story goes like this:
Laura Ashley Anderson, 21, had recently bought a house in Georgetown, according to WPDE-TV in Florence. She was selling some of her childhood furniture, but when she arrived at the house to meet the buyer, she realized she forgot her keys. So she called her stepfather, Nick Wall, 45, to bring the spare set of keys. 
As Mr. Wall turned into his step-daughter's driveway, he was rear-ended by Walters, according to WPDE. 
The fender-bender was minor, but rather than pulling out his insurance information, Walters allegedly pulled out a gun and began shooting. He shot Wall in his torso and head, while Ms. Anderson was struck in the head. 
A third individual, Paul McConnell, was shot at least once and bludgeoned in the head, but he is expected to survive, the Daily Mail reported. 
Police said Walters fled the scene and ran into the nearby woods but was ultimately caught by law enforcement.

Apparently, Walters allegedly wanted to kill the witnesses to the minor fender-bender. He succeeded [allegedly] in killing two but McConnell was lucky.

Anderson's mother and wife of Mr. Wall posted this on Facebook:
“It is not an exaggeration or bias to say that two of the most genuine, loving, compassionate people in the world were taken from me on Monday. Were taken from their families and friends,” she wrote. “I am broken-hearted.”
The loss is obviously tragic and was completely disproportionate to what sparked Walters' irrational response.

But true to form, the mainstream media didn't give it much attention. Instead, they were blasting the police in Kenosha, WI for shooting a man who was clearly resisting arrest, was tased twice, and may have had a knife or was going for it when he was shot.

The crime was covered by local outlets, including the TV stations and Myrtle Beach Online, but MSNBC, CNN, USA Today and The Washington Post didn't think it fit the left's narrative regarding race and the evil "racism" of White Americans.

There is no question that this tragic incident would have been horrible no matter what the races of those involved are, but the media narrative is only creating a bigger divide among races and pouring fuel onto the fire of the riots going on across the country.

Of course this is a local news story, and have little or no effect on the nation, but the double standard screams at us. The time had come long ago to stop the exploitation of invented "racism" in our country. Sure, there are racists; that goes without saying and exists in all countries throughout the world. But, as Nikki Haley said, "America is not racist."

The richest black people on the planet are in the United States of America. That's simply a fact. The only law that exist that might be considered racist in our country are the laws of the 1960s and 1970s known as Affirmative Action, which had good intentions but lowers the bar for employment and academia, sets up quotas for minority entry into these areas, and is unfair on its face.

Our country fought a Civil War to end slavery and we passed legislation and changed attitudes over the years. We are clearly not perfect, but we're closer to perfection than any other country with a diverse population such as ours.

Sadly, stories of white-on-black crime is front-page headlines, fitting the establishment's narrative that white people, particularly law enforcement, are simply evil racists. Without that narrative, the Democratic Party would likely never win another election because that's apparently all the have to offer the nation.

Most people killed by homicide in the USA are killed by someone of the same race--that's simply a fact, but you'd never know it if all you watched was CNN, MSNBC or read the New York Times or Washington Post.

Out of hundreds of millions of police encounters every year in the USA, only 15 were reported where a black unarmed person was killed by police. That's a damn statistical anomaly. And in some of those 15 cases, it's unclear if the shootings were considered "bad."

In FBI statistics from 2016, about 8 percent of black victims were killed by white perpetrators and 15 percent of white victims were killed by black perpetrators. Fully 89 percent of black victims and 81 percent of white victims were killed by members of their own race.

The double standard is obvious, irresponsible and very dangerous. Think of one thing that Black Lives Matter has done to actually improve things in the country. Just one. Now do the same with Antifa. You can't name one honest thing because it doesn't exist.

Yes, there definitely are racists in America, but we are not a racist country.

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Kenosha police union tells the other side of the story

Before anything was known about the Jacob Blake shooting that took place in Kenosha, Wisconsin, the media and folks on the left, but I repeat myself, blamed the police faster than a traffic light going from red to green and a New York cabbie blowing his horn.

The Kenosha police union issued a statement Friday on the police shooting of Blake, an incident last Sunday that sparked protests, rioting and violence in the city during the week that led to at least two deaths.

Authorities stated that Blake, 29, was shot in the back seven times by Kenosha police Officer Rusten Sheskey while being taken into custody and obviously resisting arrest.

 On Friday Blake remained paralyzed in a Kenosha hospital.

Bystander video showing only the tail end of the incident set off violent protests, and on Tuesday night, a 17-year-old male from Illinois allegedly shot two people who were allegedly trying to do him bodily harm, and the young suspect also wounded another man, who apparently struck him with a skate board as he laid on the ground. That man nearly had his arm blown off, but latest reports say that it has been saved.

The Kenosha police union said that Blake was "armed with a knife" and "forcefully fought" with cops, putting one of them in a headlock, according to Brendan Matthews, a lawyer for the Kenosha Professional Police Association, who told this to Kenosha News.

The original story was that Blake, after he got loose from the cops and went to the driver's side door of his vehicle and reached in, was going for a knife on the floor. However, state investigators said that Blake had a knife "in his possession" and it was later recovered from the floorboard of his vehicle. So this appears to be a "good shooting" in that the police were totally justified to shoot as he posed an imminent threat to their lives.

The cop who shot Blake was identified as Officer Rusten Sheskey, a seven-year veteran of the Kenosha PD.

Matthews said that the officers, who were there to arrest Blake, first tried unsuccessfully to subdue him twice with stun guns.

Blake’s lawyer claimed his client was trying to break up a domestic dispute before his arrest and he was unarmed at the time, but it was later discovered that the police had been called on Blake by an individual with whom he had a previous incident.

The police union statement added that most accounts of the shooting were "wholly inaccurate" and "purely fictional,” according to Kenosha News.

“The purely fictional depiction of events coming from those without direct knowledge of what actually occurred is incredibly harmful, and provides no benefit to anyone whatsoever, other than to perpetuate a misleading narrative,” Matthews stated.

“Mr. Blake was not unarmed. He was armed with a knife. The officers did not see the knife initially. The officers issued repeated commands for Mr. Blake to drop the knife. He did not comply.”

The 20-second, poor quality video, shot by a bystander doesn’t show what led up to the shooting and Wisconsin authorities have given few details.

Blake's uncle, who was not at the scene and was talking through his hat, reportedly called the police union's account "garbage" and insulting."

What's insulting is how the left wants to defund the police across the nation, as this puts the lives of people, particularly poor people in poor neighborhoods, in danger.

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Friday, August 28, 2020

POTUS considering invoking "Insurrection Act" after Rand Paul attacked outside WH

Pres. Trump speaks at Londonderry, NH rally
Aug. 28, 2020

It looks as if President Trump has had enough. After the RNC Thursday, scores of violent protesters surrounded Rand Paul, his wife and two friends, and nearly knocked them to the ground. The police escort prevented them from going down, just as Paul prevented an officer from having the same thing happen to him.

[Certain] Black Lives Matter activists also harassed others who attended the Rose Garden festivities--they were screamed and cursed at and one young anarchist double-flipped "the bird" at an elderly lady for the crime of being a white Trump supporter. 

And preceding this violence, Democratic-run cities and towns, places that have been under the leadership of the left for decades, have experienced violent riots, looting, burned out buildings and even murder. Democrat leaders refused to allow law enforcement to stop the anarchy, and some like, Maxine Waters, Ayanna Pressley and Democratic VP nominee, Kamala Harris, have gone so far as to encourage the activists. 

President Trump has reached his limit, and it's too bad it took this long.

Trump said Friday night that he's seriously considering invoking the Insurrection Act of 1807 in order to quell the rioting that is killing towns, cities and even people. The catalyst for this was the RNC incidents by Black Lives Matter [when they aren't law enforcement or Trump voters].

At his first post-convention campaign rally, he told his supporters in Manchester, NH, about the "thugs" who attacked Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and others after leaving the event where he gave his acceptance speech on the South Lawn Friday morning.

“They took tremendous abuse,” President Trump said. “Rand Paul was in big trouble last night. He’s a friend of mine. They walk out and they get accosted and they get abused. They get spit on. It’s a disgrace.” He explained to the audience that Sen. Paul "would be in either very bad shape or dead . . . that would include his wife" if the D.C. police had not been there to run interference with the crowd.

Trump faulted Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, a Democrat, for allowing the "anarchists" to get near the White House. He said, "We're not going to allow that to happen."

“Our country’s going to change,” he said. “We’re not supposed to go in, unless we call it an 'insurrection.' But you know what we’re going to do? We’re going to have to look at it. [White House Chief of Staff] Mark Meadows is here. and we’re going to have to look at it, because we’re not going to let that happen to people that go to the White House to celebrate our country.”

Had President Trump intervened with federal personnel during the riots, the left would have labeled him a 'dictator.' Since he hasn't gone in, Biden is blaming him for the violence. Meanwhile, Trump has shown incredible patience and appropriately allowed local government to handle it--he offered federal help was told he was not to get involved while the left allowed the anarchy to go on for three months now.

The president has criticized Democratic governors and mayors for doing nothing and refusing help in dealing with the riots, which began over the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis It was recently learned that his death was actually caused by the fentanyl in his system, not by the knee to his neck by officer Derek Chauvin who held him down for over eight minutes.

“If a city or state refuses to take the actions that are necessary to defend the life and property of their residents, then I will deploy the United States military and quickly solve the problem for them,” he said at the time, indirectly implying the use of the rarely used Insurrection Act.

Trump referred to the protesters as "agitators" and "troublemakers." Using his go-to insult he said that Mayor Bowser "should be ashamed of herself for that kind of display of incompetence.”

“That’s what’s happening in Portland, and that’s what’s happening all over. You have Democrat-run cities,” he said.

Trump then spoke about Biden, saying the Democratic nominee for president is only speaking out now about the violence because his popularity is falling in the polls. He waited over three months to open his mush-mouth only for political reasons, not because he actually cares.

“The poll numbers have swung,” Trump said. “Today it was announced that Joe Biden is coming out of the basement, because the poll numbers have totally swung. It was a rapid swing.”


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WI gov. gets more Nat'l Guard deployed in Kenosha

Garbage Governor Tony Evers (D-WI) has been refusing President Trump's help to deal with the violence, rioting, looting and burning in the town of Kenosha but he has finally announced that more National Guard members from Arizona, Alabama and Michigan are being deployed to the city to support law enforcement.

The useless governor finally requested that other states help out with confronting the anarchy doled out by Black Lives Matter and Antifa, both Far Left Marxist groups whose members appear to be getting secret funding from unknown sources. Sources say the assistance Evers will be getting are state guard members but not federal agents.

“They will be here and hopefully be assisting us as early as tomorrow night, in some cases. For clarification, I want to also say those National Guard members, much like the Wisconsin National Guard, are not federal troops. They’re here on state active duty. They’re here through mutual aid agreement, a compact between the states, specifically the governors. They will be under my command.” – Major General Paul Knapp, leader of the Wisconsin National Guard

The Wisconsin National Guard has been on duty in Kenosha since Monday, when protests broke out over the death of Jacob Blake. Due to poor planning, there wasn't enough guardsmen to deal with the high number of rioters.
A fat protester lights a cigarette on a garbage truck that was set on fire during protests late Monday, Aug. 24, 2020, in Kenosha, sparked by the shooting of Jacob Blake by a Kenosha Police officer a day earlier. (AP Photo/Morry Gash)

According to President Trump, the riots fizzled out after Gov. Evers finally decided to deploy the National Guard on Wednesday evening. On Thursday, Trump confirmed more federal assistance was on the way to the state after the governor requested help when the Democrats realized the riots were not polling well for them.

“I respect the governor’s decision to get that protection,” Trump said. “The National Guard did a fantastic [aka incredible] job.”

The president went on to suggest other Democrat-run cities and towns should follow Wisconsin’s example.

Democratic presidential nominee Joseph Robinette Biden (whose middle name sounds rather feminine, but that's okay) blames the country's rioting on President Trump, in spite of the fact that the problems are local and Trump is letting the local leaders deal handle their individual situations.

If Trump decides to step in and send in federal forces to quell the rioting, looting, burning down of businesses and abject violence, Biden and his party of hypocrites would call him a dictator.
Protesters march against the Sunday police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wis., Wednesday, Aug. 26, 2020. (AP Photo/David Goldman)
Outgoing counselor to the President, Kellyanne Conway, said that these violent protests will lead to Trump's reelection because as the chaos and anarchy increases, the more people will want someone who represents public safety, law and order.

But it isn't clear as to why Trump is waiting to lay down the law to the rioters. He could invoke the Insurrection Act and bring in federal troops to stop the rioters post haste.

Conway said that President Trump is the leader who would step in and she highlighted his effort to stop the violence and made it clear that contrary to what the Democratic Party is calling for, he will not defund the police.

“He doesn’t want anybody to participate in violence," she said. "That’s why he is calling for law and order, respecting the police, saying we’re not going to defund the police ever. His vice president made that very clear yesterday. The president will make that clear tonight, most likely. We defend the police, we don’t defund the police.”

The only thing the Democratic Party has going for itself is cries of racism and displays of anger and unrest. Where conservatives see the American flag as a symbol of our great country, Democrats see it as kindling.

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Thursday, August 27, 2020

She accused men of rape, now probation she can't escape

Former student Nikki Yovino admitted to falsely accusing two football players from Sacred Heart University of rape and now wants an early end to her probation by cutting it in half.

Her request was wisely denied by Superior Court Judge Tracy Lee Dayton.

The judge cited the fact that Yovino had previously agreed to the plea bargain sparing her a six-year jail sentence in her 2018 trial after she admitted to lying about the rape by the accused football players.

A last-minute plea deal had Yovino serve less than a year in her own version of "Orange is the New Black." In addition, she was to also serve three years of probation and has already served half of that now.

The Connecticut Post reported that Yovino wasn’t present in the court room for the hearing and that her attorney, not the actor, Ryan O’Neill, told the judge his client wanted to go home to Long Island after living in Ridgefield with relatives.

“Senior Assistant State’s Attorney Tatiana Messina opposed probation reduction arguing that Yovino has not presented any proof that she underwent a mental health evaluation and treatment as required by her probation,” the outlet reported.

Which begs the question: if she failed to go along with the probation requirements, why isn't she back in the slammer? Comely

In 2016, the comely coed accused two football players of sexually assaulting her after a party off the SHU campus. She lied that two men pulled her into a bathroom in the basement and sexually assaulted her.

She told the cops that she replied to the two men that, “I don’t want to be in here, I don’t want to do anything. My friends are waiting for me outside, let me go outside.”

As it turns out, both football players agreed that they had sex with Yovino but said it was consensual, and to add credence to their claims, a witness testified that Yovino said she wanted to have sex with the two athletes.

 Police detectives all noted “inconsistencies in [Yovino’s] original statement.”

First she said she was sexually assaulted, then later, at her trial, claimed she never said that she told that to the police. This was rather mind-blowing since her own lawyer had previously argued that in court.

“Our defense is that these two young men did things to her that were a sexual assault and were against her will,” O’Neill told Superior Court Judge William Holden [the judge, not the late actor] during a pretrial hearing in March 2018, according to the Post. “She had a reasonable belief that she was speaking the truth about what she said occurred.”

On the witness stand, Assistant State’s Attorney Emily Trudeau asked the fake victim, “You never told law enforcement you were sexually assaulted?” after she made her claim.

“No, I never said I was sexually assaulted,” Yovino lied.

Trudeau asked her why then were the police were investigating a sexual assault. Yovino, then 19, said she didn’t know. She underwent a rape testing kit, as opposed to a consensual sex-testing kit, just before talking to police about the incident in 2016.

“I never told [the detective] I was sexually assaulted. I told him that something happened in the bathroom at the party with these two guys, that I didn’t want to happen,” Yovino testified.

Yovino made up the story of being raped in order to avoid losing a friend she believed would be a "potential boyfriend." Gee, I wonder how that worked out.

 The two falsely accused SHU football players filed a lawsuit against Yovino and the school.

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Pelosi says Biden shouldn't debate Trump: it makes him look presidential

Nancy [whose Native American name is: "Dentures Tell Tales"] Pelosi is doing her best to run interference for Joe "Smells Like Head and Shoulders" Biden in the scheduled September 29th presidential debate.

Pelosi knows that Trump would easily win the debate even if Joe was operating with more than one desiccated brain cell, and the way it stands now, there is no way "on G-d's green Earth" that Biden stands a snowball's chance in hell going up against the street fighter, Donald Trump.

The excuse Pelosi used, which literally insults half of the country, is claiming that, "[I] wouldn't legitimize a conversation with him," referring to the President.

She wants Joe to cancel the three scheduled verbal slaughters that would guarantee Trump's reelection and she claims Trump would "belittle" the forum and engage in "skullduggery." Joe, of course, would engage in malarkey while being mentally eviscerated by the leader of the free world, because it's hard to win a debate when your brain is on the same mental plane as oatmeal.

"I don't think that there should be any debates," Pelosi said at a news conference while her dentures did the Electric Slide. 

"I wouldn't legitimize a conversation with him, nor a debate in terms of the presidency of the United States. Now I know that the Biden campaign thinks in a different way about this."

Maybe the people deserve a conversation between the two people who want to be the President of the United States. Maybe we deserve to hear from Biden when he isn't reading the words but is actually forming them without help.

But let's not pretend the Democrats don't know about Biden's mental status. They see that he can't complete a sentence without a screwup--it's obvious, and any Biden supporter who fails to admit that is either willfully blind by their Trump Derangement Syndrome, or are at the same functional level as the former Vice President.

"So I think that he'll probably act in a way that is beneath the dignity of the presidency; he does that every day," Pelosi said. "But I think it will also belittle what the debates are supposed to be about. And they're not to be about skullduggery on the part of somebody who has no respect for the office he holds, much less the democratic process."

But if the American people see this type of debate performance, wouldn't that only work in favor of Biden? Of course, that isn't what Pelosi and her ilk are really worried about--it's Biden's performance that scares the crap out of them.

Let the debates begin!

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AOC claims NBC made her "life a living hell" over DNC tweet remarks

New York Rep. Alexandria Obviously-Communist (D) is full-blown angry at NBC News and has basically made her "life a living hell" due to a tweet that she claims resulted in "a ton of abuse" directed at the Commie who grew up in Parkchester, New York, as a child of privilege. So it's questionable if she actually has a smidgeon of understanding of what "living hell" is actually like, but that's neither here nor there, as New Yorkers often say.

Last week, the young Communist accused NBC of trying to “generate hate-clicks” with a “blatantly misleading tweet” about her one-minute appearance during the second night of the Democratic National Convention. And for once in her illustrious career in public office, she has a good point.

In her remarks, 'Sandy from da Bronx' as she was formerly known, followed a convention tradition and seconded the nomination of Democratic/Communist runner-up, the useless  Sen. Bernie Sanders, (Idiot-VT).

However, NBC News led its tweet about the moment by stating that AOC “did not endorse Joe Biden.” This is true, but it really is dishonest, which is in character for the mainstream media in general.

Obviously-Communist also accused NBC of suggesting she was being "curt" in her remarks by delivering “one of the shortest speeches of the DNC". The reason for her short speech, of course, is the Democrat Party didn't want to be outed as supporting socialism/communism ideas and limited her speaking time so she wouldn't tip their hand.

In a clarification that appeared about three hours after the initial tweet, NBC wrote that it "should have included more detail on the nominating process." It said the commie had seconded the Sanders nomination at the request of the Democratic National Committee, as well as that the nomination was a “procedural requirement of the convention” -- but AOC wasn’t satisfied and wanted everyone involved cancelled and possibly sent to a gulag.

“You waited several hours to correct your obvious and blatantly misleading tweet,” she lamented, adding that the first message had "sparked an enormous amount of hatred and vitriol, & now the misinfo [sic] you created is circulating on other networks."

Boo hoo. Sniff, sniff.

Nobody who has even a rudimentary understanding of economics likes her anyway.

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Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Jim Carrey depicts Lincoln about to commit suicide from watching RNC

"Dumb and Dumber" actor Jim Carrey gave up Trying to be funny and now draws pictures that target conservatives because he has a lot of hatred and a clear case of Trump Delusion Syndrome.

Carrey drew a picture of President Abraham Lincoln [although it has a curious resemblance to Carrey] the first Republican president, in which Abe has a rifle in his mouth, apparently in an act of suicide from watching the Republican National Convention. Carrey's prolix caption read: "If Lincoln had seen the lineup of liars, thieves, religious hypocrites and racists ne'er-do-wells that would appear at the RNC in 2020..."
If Lincoln had seen the lineup of liars, thieves, religious hypocrites and racist ne’er-do-wells that would appear at the RNC in 2020…
By liars, Carrey was not referring to anyone who said "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Period. If you like your health plan, you can keep your health plan. Period."

By thieves, Carrey was not referring to a president who paid Iran off with millions of dollars in money taken from taxpayers that ended up paying for terrorism against American military--a fact known to a certain Secretary of State who looks like Lurch.

By religious hypocrites, Carrey was not referring to progressives whose religion is their politics, specifically socialism/communism, and who demand Christians support gay marriages by baking their wedding cakes. He was also not referring to people who support the killing of unborn babies.

By racists, Carrey was not referring to anyone not White, because only White people are racists if they vote for Trump, because he got the vote of a racist named David Duke; while Biden is only going to get the vote of Richard Spencer, a white supremacist.

Carrey is a frustrated, over the hill actor who has some talent drawing, but no imagination or positive creativity. He only seems to have a deep-seated hatred for all who think differently than he does.

He gives nothing good to the world, only positive affirmation to his fellow haters.

Carrey is dumber than dumb.

C'mon, man. You know you want to follow Brain Flushings--it's free and worth every penny. And remember, every time you click on an ad, an angel gets its wings and a liberal sheds a tear.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

WI governor blasts cops but says details are not yet known in Kenosha shooting

Can you guess the political party the Wisconsin Governor is in? Let me give you a few clues: 1. the shooting in Kenosha, WI by police of a black man was immediately criticized by him.  2. All the details of the shooting were and still are not completely known. 3. The Governor admitted that the details were not all known.

If you guessed Democrat, you win a box of Goobers.

And speaking of Goobers, Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers has earned that title. His first instinct was to criticize law enforcement for the shooting of Jacob Blake, a man wanted for "accusations of misdemeanor criminal trespass to a dwelling with domestic abuse as a modifier; felony third-degree sexual assault with domestic abuse as a modifier," the fact-finding website reported. The only other case that comes up is for not having a driver's license.

But the Goober Governor jumped at the chance to earn political creds by going after the cops. He said in a statement:
“Tonight, Jacob Blake was shot in the back multiple times, in broad daylight, in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Kathy and I join his family, friends, and neighbors in hoping earnestly that he will not succumb to his injuries. While we do not have all of the details yet, what we know for certain is that he is not the first Black man or person to have been shot or injured or mercilessly killed at the hands of individuals in law enforcement in our state or our country.
“And we stand against excessive use of force and immediate escalation when engaging with Black Wisconsinites. I have said all along that although we must offer our empathy, equally important is our action. In the coming days, we will demand just that of elected officials in our state who have failed to recognize the racism in our state and our country for far too long.”
What a divisive schmuck! 

Without knowing all the facts, this jerk's knee jerk reaction will likely contribute to more rioting, looting and burning in his state and across the country, because Black Lives Matter and Antifa scour the nation for excuses to riot.

A video that went viral shows Blake breaking away from the cops and ignoring their commands, after they had him down on the ground for a moment. He walks away, refusing to follow police orders to stop, goes into his vehicle and appears to reach for something when he is shot seven times.

That is what we know from the video. 

The Kenosha Police Department released a statement following the shooting that said that officers were called to the 2800 block of 40th Street, which appears to be the same street that was listed on the arrest warrant that had been issued, to respond to a domestic incident.
The Wisconsin Department of Justice Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI) is investigating the incident.— Kenosha Police Dept. (@KenoshaPolice) August 24, 2020
Blake has a history dating back to 2015 of trouble with the law. This, of course, is no reason to have shot him. But now it's time to wait and see what they learn from this unfortunate and tragic incident. 

Remember, no police officer wants to come home in a box,

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Muslima doctor who would give Jews the wrong meds loses her Ohio medical certificate

From Islamic scripture in the Holy Qu'ran:
Say: “People of the Book, do you blame us for any other cause than that we believe in God, and what has been sent down to us, and what was sent down before, and that most of you are ungodly?…”
Whomsoever God has cursed, and with whom He is wroth, and made some of them apes and swine, and worshippers of idols — they are worse situated, and have gone further astray from the right way. (5:64-65) 
An indication of the battles against the Jews, and a divine authorization to kill them:
And He brought down those of the People of the Book [meaning Jews and Christians, but in this case, the former] who supported them from their fortresses and cast terror in their hearts; some you slew, some you made captive. And He bequeathed upon you their lands, their habitations, and their possessions, and a land you never trod. God is powerful over everything. (33:26)

The State Medical Board of Ohio permanently revoked the medical training certificate of an osteopathic doctor who had been fired from two residency programs  after anti-Semitic tweets surfaced. One of the tweets threatened that she would give Jews the wrong medication.

Lara Kollab, reportedly has made references on social media to “Jewish dogs,” has written in Arabic, “Allah will take the Jews." The Muslim doctor is now permanently prohibited from practicing osteopathic medicine or surgery in Ohio, reported.

The anti-Semite surrendered her certificate prior to its revocation Aug. 12, according to the report, and cannot participate in another medical training program in the state. Also, she sucks and suffers from mental illness often seen in suicide bombers and other terrorists.

Kollab wrote many anti-Semitic social media posts between 2011 to 2013 but after being accepted to Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine, in New York, she deleted them. This shows her understanding that anti-Semitism is frowned upon by normal individuals.

Ironically, Touro College calls itself “the largest private university in the U.S. with Jewish roots.”

After being outed as an anti-Semite, she apologized for her words and tried to make an excuse for her hatred saying that she wrote them because she had “difficulty constructively expressing my intense feelings about what I witnessed in my ancestral land,” following visits to Israel and the West Bank.

She was fired from a residency at the Cleveland Clinic after three months there in 2018, and was expelled from a second residency program at Kern Medical Center in Bakersfield, California, several months later.

Any person in the field of medicine who says they would be willing to injure or kill a patient of theirs based on hatred of the group they represent, should never be allowed to practice medicine or be involved in any form of care-giving to anyone.

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Nancy "Dancing Hands" Pelosi is dangerous to America

When you make an argument that "the other" is dangerous, that "the other" are "domestic enemies" and "enemies of the state," you create anger and fear which leads to violence to defend from this evil. This is precisely what House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has said and done. She literally used those terms which even stunned the MSNBC host, Ayman Mohyeldin.

Pelosi and her flying hands went on a rant Monday speaking to Mohyeldin about Russian election interference when she made those dangerous comments.

"The Russians were there and they are there now twenty-four-seven, trying to interfere in our election. But they're not the only ones. We take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic, and sadly, the domestic enemies to our voting system and our honoring our Constitution are right at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with their allies in the Congress of the United States," Pelosi said, leaving out the Democrat's lack of defending innocent people from our domestic Black Lives Matter and Antifa terrorists.

Mohyeldin responded during her diatribe with a "Wow!" He was not referring to "Whip it Out Wednesdays" either--he was surprised and taken aback.

"But again, let's just get out there, mobilize, organize, and not let the president deter anybody, uh, from voting, and again support the postal system which is election central," Pelosi continued, her dentures doing a lateral Lambada, and using her hands for emphasis, as she ranted.

"They're doing everything they can, suppress the vote with your actions, scare people, intimidate by saying law enforcement will be there, uh, diminish the role of the postal system and all of this, it's really actually shameful," she said, not mentioning the enormous voter fraud her Party is advocating for with mail-in voting.

"Enemies of the state," Pelosi repeated, using her hands for emphasis.

Pelosi also said, in a shameful attempt to shame Republicans, that anyone who voted for the president's re-election was in effect choosing him over the well-being of their children. The left, of course, cares for children, if you don't count those in the womb or were just delivered they are proudly willing to kill.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) responded with a tweet to his followers and a link to Pelosi's comments.

"Never forget," said McCarthy. "They despise you. And the worst part is they don't even try to hide it."

Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA), who was shot along with others, by an angry progressive activist in 2017, called Pelosi's rhetoric  "disgusting" and asked why the media wasn't pouncing on the dangerous rhetoric.

It may have something to do with the hatred the media has for Trump and all his supporters.

"I was shot because of this kind of unhinged rhetoric. Where's the media outrage?" Scalise tweeted.

The media is obviously corrupt and suffering from TDS. They hate us and when Trump wins a second term, some heads are going to explode and leftist tears will flow.

C'mon, man. You know you want to follow Brain Flushings--it's free and worth every penny. And remember, every time you click on an ad, an angel gets its wings and a liberal sheds a tear.

Monday, August 24, 2020

Former reporter, current scumwafer slams Melania's White House Rose Garden fix: "she's a foreigner"

A huge story broke over the weekend that just might spell disaster for the Trump administration's chances of a second term. Shame has befallen the White House, specifically on the First Lady, Melania Trump after it was uncovered by ace former NY Times "journalist" Kurt Eichenwald.

The White House Rose Garden has been redesigned by a foreigner who only recently got her citizenship. How dare she change the layout of the place where she lives and hopefully will continue to live there for the next four years.

How dare she!

Eichenwald made it very clear what he thinks of foreigners who dare come to this country and make themselves at home. He said he was furious that she, "a foreigner" had the nerve, the utter audacity to remove White House greenery, bushes and trees because she believes that she, a person from a country not the USA, thinks she has the right to do such a thing.

How dare she!

Had Melania been the President and Donald the First Gentleman, Eichenwald would call for her impeachment. Nobody has the right to renovate America. Freaking nobody.

“It is a destruction of our history, something no other First Lady would have had the gall to do,” Eichenwald, a schmuck formerly scribbling for The New York Times. “This is the first time I have been furious that @FLOTUS is a foreigner. She has no right to wreck our history.”

How very liberal and extremely tolerant he is, in spite of the fact that he can trace his family lineage back to the first explorers during the continental drift. Eichenwald does not come from a foreign background because his folks were here when the Asians made the trek across the continents, when the Eurasia was connected to what is now the USA. Eichenwald happens to be a continental drift name--it means "Eat the walrus, not the dog."

Eichenwald made the xenophobic comments in reaction from a tweet by the First Lady on Saturday, which featured photos of the renovations.

“Excited to honor history & celebrate the future in our beautiful @WhiteHouse Rose Garden this evening,” Trump tweeted. “Thank you to all who helped renew this iconic & truly gorgeous space.”

The tweet made Eichenwald go ballistic. All he could think to himself was: "how dare she!"

Melania grew up in Slovenia and became a U.S. citizen in 2006, which in Eichenwald's mind makes her ineligible to change the Rose Garden, where she lives.

Previous presidents' wives have changed many things in the White House, but none of those women were married to the "bad orange man."

Ironically, Melania has been overseeing the Rose Garden redo and is restoring it to its original 1962 layout that existed in the Kennedy administration. But Eichenwald doesn't care--she's a foreigner and a Trump and that trumps everything.

“The very act of planting a garden involves hard work and hope in the possibility of a bright future,” she said in a statement last month. “Preserving the history and beauty of the White House and its grounds is a testament to our nation’s commitment to the care of this landscape and our dedication to American ideals, safeguarding them for our children and their children for generations to come.”

Eichenwald, who wasted two decades as a senior writer at The New York Times, previously described as a newspaper, also tweeted on Saturday:
I still find it unbelievable that @FLOTUS who has only been a citizen since the middle of GW Bush's second term had the audacity to wreck the Rose Garden, to pull up history dating back a lifetime.
These trashy, evil, stupid people need to get out of our house. What GALL she has.”
It isn't Eichenwald's house--it is the people's house and the people elected Trump as President of the United States of America. It's only "gall" for this mentally ill former newspaper writer because it isn't his person in the White House.

Mehdi Hasan, a journalist who is a senior columnist at online news publication The Intercept and host on the Al Jazeera network, reacted to that tweet writing, “This is a horrible anti-immigrant take, Kurt, and you should delete it and apologize.”

As much as Al Jazeera sucks as a news outlet, I have to agree with Hasan.

Even the Comedy News Network Anchor Jake Tapper agreed with Hasan writing in a tweet, “This is xenophobic and wrong. It’s bigotry."

Eichenwald added in another tweet responding to some of the criticism that, “Someone who has only been a citizen for less than 1/3 of her life should be reverent to America's history, should honor our history, not decide her personal taste should rip it up.”

Redoing the Rose Garden to reflect the 1962 design seems to actually be honoring our history--perhaps more than the previous tenants of the White House since the Kennedys.

Eichenwald seems typical of the left--they virtue signal to cover up their own racism and hatred. If they didn't have double standards, they would have no standards at all.

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According to Democrat's standards, Joe Biden is a racist

When white supremacist and former head of the Ku Klux Klan, David Duke, endorsed Donald Trump for President, the Democrats went berserk and claimed that the endorsement means that Trump is a racist. That is their standard--if a racist endorses you, that makes you a racist. I suppose if a vegan endorses you, it means you don't eat meat.

Well now, it seems like the jackboot is on the other foot.

The Democrat presidential nominee, Joseph Robinette Biden claims that he decided to run for the highest office in the land because of the white supremacists that demonstrated in the 2017 events in Charlottesville, VA and the way President Trump responded to the demonstration. 

Specifically, Biden claims that Trump said that there were "very fine people on both sides" meaning members of Antifa as well as the white supremacists were very fine people. 

This claim is not only false, it's disgusting and is a hoax that should disqualify anyone running for the presidency. It divides the nation and perpetuates a lie about the country's president. Trump was very clear in his next sentence to whom he was referring when he used the words "very fine people."

Biden stated in his decision to run:
"Charlottesville, Virginia is home to the author of one of the great documents in human history.
"Charlottesville is also home to a defining moment for this nation in the last few years. It was there on August of 2017 we saw Klansmen and white supremacists and neo-Nazis come out in the open, their crazed faces illuminated by torches, veins bulging, and bearing the fangs of racism. Chanting the same anti-Semitic bile heard across Europe in the ‘30s. And they were met by a courageous group of Americans, and a violent clash ensued and a brave young woman lost her life.
"And that’s when we heard the words from the president of the United States that stunned the world and shocked the conscience of this nation. He said there were 'some very fine people on both sides.' Very fine people on both sides?
"With those words, the president of the United States assigned a moral equivalence between those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it. And in that moment, I knew the threat to this nation was unlike any I had ever seen in my lifetime.
"I believe history will look back on four years of this president and all he embraces as an aberrant moment in time. But if we give Donald Trump eight years in the White House, he will forever and fundamentally alter the character of this nation — who we are — and I cannot stand by and watch that happen.
"The core values of this nation, our standing in the world, our very democracy, everything that has made America, America, is at stake.
That’s why today I’m announcing my candidacy for President of the United States."
Here is what Trump said:
"You had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. ... I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name. ... So you know what, it's fine. You're changing history. You're changing culture. And you had people — and I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the White nationalists, because they should be condemned totally — but you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and White nationalists. Okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly. Now, in the other group also, you had some fine people. But you also had troublemakers, and you see them come with the black outfits and with the helmets and with the baseball bats. You had a lot of bad people in the other group."
Biden lied about what Trump said, and it was a despicable lie. He claimed Trump called the neo-Nazis and white supremacists "very fine people" when he actually condemned them.

But here is the best part: Richard Spencer, who is accused in a lawsuit of being one of the organizers of the white supremacist rally and who attended the event, announced on Sunday night that he is voting for Biden.

Richard Spencer, the racist, is voting for Joe Biden. Spencer tweeted:
 “I plan to vote for Biden and a straight democratic ticket. It’s not based on ‘accelerationism’ or anything like that; the liberals are clearly more competent people.”
Ian Miles Cheong tweeted:
Biden has the white supremacist vote.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) August 24, 2020
Spencer also tweeted out a photo of himself on a Biden graphic card that stated: “I’m On Team Joe!”

Dinesh D’Souza tweeted:
The poster boy for white supremacy—yes, the one the media falsely dubbed “alt-Right”—goes all in for Joe Biden and the Democrats. Still wondering which is the party of racism?
— Dinesh D'Souza (@DineshDSouza) August 24, 2020
Anyone on the Left who claims white supremacists are for Trump with nothing more than an old photo or anecdote to prove it must now contend with the fact that the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, has announced he’s voting Biden & straight Democratic ticket
— Dinesh D'Souza (@DineshDSouza) August 23, 2020
So, by Democratic standards, Kamala Harris was right when she called out Biden as a racist. He has a racist voting for him and that should seal the deal for Democrats.

After all, it isn't like Biden never made racist comments, right?

Except for:
"If my opponent wins, they're gonna put y'all back in chains." 
"Unless we do something about this, our children are going to grow up in a jungle." 
"You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not joking." 
"Poor kids are just as bright as white kids." 
"If you have a problem figuring out if you're for me or Trump, you ain't black." 
"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean." 
“Unlike the African-American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community.” 
“My Democratic colleagues don’t like me saying this, I think the two-party system is good for the South and good for the Negro, good for the black.” 
“And other than the fact that they still call me ‘boy,’ I don’t think they’ve, I think they’ve changed their mind a little bit.”
Spencer’s endorsement of Biden comes after Biden made so many racist remarks in the past and during his campaign.

It's settled science--Biden is a racist.

C'mon, man. You know you want to follow Brain Flushings--it's free and worth every penny. And remember, every time you click on an ad, an angel gets its wings and a liberal sheds a tear.

Biden the word-burglar strikes again

There you go again, Joe. Stealing another person's ideas and words. This time it was from the late Canadian NDP leader, Jack Layton. You couldn't even come up with your own acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention, just like your lack of original ideas.

Your words from the speech:  “For love is more powerful than hate. Hope is more powerful than fear. Light is more powerful than dark.”

Canadian media quickly noted that your words were uncannily similar to a message written by Jack Layton, the leader of the far-left New Democratic Party, who issued a letter in 2011 when he lay dying of cancer.

“My friends,” Layton wrote, “Love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair.”

However, Layton’s message apparently lifted similar language attributed to former Canadian Prime Minister Wilfred Laurier, the National Post reported, begging the question: does anyone on the left have an original idea?

“Let me tell you that for the solution of these problems you have a safe guide, an unfailing light if you remember that faith is better than doubt and love is better than hate,” Laurier said in 1916.

Google makes us all a little smarter.

The differences between Biden’s language and Layton — and Laurier for that matter — was apparently subtle enough to escape the $4,200 anti-plagiarism software program that the Democratic nominee’s campaign reportedly installed last year.

The fact that the left has to use anti-plagiarism software kind of implies something about Biden and his colleagues, doesn't it?
Neil Kinnock
Biden has a history of plagiarism. In 1987 during his first run at the presidency, he had to drop out of the Democratic Party campaign after he got caught stealing lines from Neil Kinnock, the UK Labor Party Leader. Biden even claimed Kinnock's family history as his own.

But even before that, Biden got caught ripping off published articles without citation, and flunked the class. He ended up graduating at the bottom of his class, 76th of 85 graduates.

Biden's brain resembles a Chinese cabbage. If he becomes President the nation will see higher taxes, lower military strength, and a government controlled socialist economy. Biden is, and will remain, a puppet for the left.

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Bibi orders "massive" counter-terror operation after bus bombings

We can thank G-d anti-Israel terrorists don't know how to tell time very well.  Explosive devices went off on Thursday night around 9 p....