Saturday, August 29, 2020

Man and his young step-daughter killed in road-rage execution: media goes dark

South Carolina -- It only took a minor traffic accident in Georgetown, SC for two people to be executed and one wounded in a road-rage incident Monday.

Ty Sheem Ha Sheem Walters III, 23, of Moncks Corner, the alleged shooter, is charged with murder and one count of attempted murder regarding the shooting. The national media has basically not reported on the incident, possibly because Walters, the alleged shooter, is Black and the victims are White.

Had the races been reversed, this would have made front page, top-of-the-fold headlines.

The story goes like this:
Laura Ashley Anderson, 21, had recently bought a house in Georgetown, according to WPDE-TV in Florence. She was selling some of her childhood furniture, but when she arrived at the house to meet the buyer, she realized she forgot her keys. So she called her stepfather, Nick Wall, 45, to bring the spare set of keys. 
As Mr. Wall turned into his step-daughter's driveway, he was rear-ended by Walters, according to WPDE. 
The fender-bender was minor, but rather than pulling out his insurance information, Walters allegedly pulled out a gun and began shooting. He shot Wall in his torso and head, while Ms. Anderson was struck in the head. 
A third individual, Paul McConnell, was shot at least once and bludgeoned in the head, but he is expected to survive, the Daily Mail reported. 
Police said Walters fled the scene and ran into the nearby woods but was ultimately caught by law enforcement.

Apparently, Walters allegedly wanted to kill the witnesses to the minor fender-bender. He succeeded [allegedly] in killing two but McConnell was lucky.

Anderson's mother and wife of Mr. Wall posted this on Facebook:
“It is not an exaggeration or bias to say that two of the most genuine, loving, compassionate people in the world were taken from me on Monday. Were taken from their families and friends,” she wrote. “I am broken-hearted.”
The loss is obviously tragic and was completely disproportionate to what sparked Walters' irrational response.

But true to form, the mainstream media didn't give it much attention. Instead, they were blasting the police in Kenosha, WI for shooting a man who was clearly resisting arrest, was tased twice, and may have had a knife or was going for it when he was shot.

The crime was covered by local outlets, including the TV stations and Myrtle Beach Online, but MSNBC, CNN, USA Today and The Washington Post didn't think it fit the left's narrative regarding race and the evil "racism" of White Americans.

There is no question that this tragic incident would have been horrible no matter what the races of those involved are, but the media narrative is only creating a bigger divide among races and pouring fuel onto the fire of the riots going on across the country.

Of course this is a local news story, and have little or no effect on the nation, but the double standard screams at us. The time had come long ago to stop the exploitation of invented "racism" in our country. Sure, there are racists; that goes without saying and exists in all countries throughout the world. But, as Nikki Haley said, "America is not racist."

The richest black people on the planet are in the United States of America. That's simply a fact. The only law that exist that might be considered racist in our country are the laws of the 1960s and 1970s known as Affirmative Action, which had good intentions but lowers the bar for employment and academia, sets up quotas for minority entry into these areas, and is unfair on its face.

Our country fought a Civil War to end slavery and we passed legislation and changed attitudes over the years. We are clearly not perfect, but we're closer to perfection than any other country with a diverse population such as ours.

Sadly, stories of white-on-black crime is front-page headlines, fitting the establishment's narrative that white people, particularly law enforcement, are simply evil racists. Without that narrative, the Democratic Party would likely never win another election because that's apparently all the have to offer the nation.

Most people killed by homicide in the USA are killed by someone of the same race--that's simply a fact, but you'd never know it if all you watched was CNN, MSNBC or read the New York Times or Washington Post.

Out of hundreds of millions of police encounters every year in the USA, only 15 were reported where a black unarmed person was killed by police. That's a damn statistical anomaly. And in some of those 15 cases, it's unclear if the shootings were considered "bad."

In FBI statistics from 2016, about 8 percent of black victims were killed by white perpetrators and 15 percent of white victims were killed by black perpetrators. Fully 89 percent of black victims and 81 percent of white victims were killed by members of their own race.

The double standard is obvious, irresponsible and very dangerous. Think of one thing that Black Lives Matter has done to actually improve things in the country. Just one. Now do the same with Antifa. You can't name one honest thing because it doesn't exist.

Yes, there definitely are racists in America, but we are not a racist country.

C'mon, man. You know you want to follow Brain Flushings--it's free and worth every penny. And remember, every time you click on an ad, an angel gets its wings and a liberal sheds a tear.

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