Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Jim Carrey depicts Lincoln about to commit suicide from watching RNC

"Dumb and Dumber" actor Jim Carrey gave up Trying to be funny and now draws pictures that target conservatives because he has a lot of hatred and a clear case of Trump Delusion Syndrome.

Carrey drew a picture of President Abraham Lincoln [although it has a curious resemblance to Carrey] the first Republican president, in which Abe has a rifle in his mouth, apparently in an act of suicide from watching the Republican National Convention. Carrey's prolix caption read: "If Lincoln had seen the lineup of liars, thieves, religious hypocrites and racists ne'er-do-wells that would appear at the RNC in 2020..."
If Lincoln had seen the lineup of liars, thieves, religious hypocrites and racist ne’er-do-wells that would appear at the RNC in 2020…
By liars, Carrey was not referring to anyone who said "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Period. If you like your health plan, you can keep your health plan. Period."

By thieves, Carrey was not referring to a president who paid Iran off with millions of dollars in money taken from taxpayers that ended up paying for terrorism against American military--a fact known to a certain Secretary of State who looks like Lurch.

By religious hypocrites, Carrey was not referring to progressives whose religion is their politics, specifically socialism/communism, and who demand Christians support gay marriages by baking their wedding cakes. He was also not referring to people who support the killing of unborn babies.

By racists, Carrey was not referring to anyone not White, because only White people are racists if they vote for Trump, because he got the vote of a racist named David Duke; while Biden is only going to get the vote of Richard Spencer, a white supremacist.

Carrey is a frustrated, over the hill actor who has some talent drawing, but no imagination or positive creativity. He only seems to have a deep-seated hatred for all who think differently than he does.

He gives nothing good to the world, only positive affirmation to his fellow haters.

Carrey is dumber than dumb.

C'mon, man. You know you want to follow Brain Flushings--it's free and worth every penny. And remember, every time you click on an ad, an angel gets its wings and a liberal sheds a tear.

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