Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Libyan Brain Flushings

Is freedom of speech being challenged by the Obama administration?   If coming down hard on the guy who made the Muhammad video and accusing that video of being the catalyst that caused the attack in Benghazi, then yes, Obama is challenging our First Amendment right to freedom of speech.  The fact is, Obama and the Situation Room knew about the attack in real time, and were totally clear about it within an hour as emails have shown us, but his administration confabulated a false claim and a man is in prison because of it, and four Americans are dead because of an order to "stand down." 

But even more frightening is what Hillary Clinton said to Charles Woods, the father of Tyrone Woods, one of the slain SEALs.  She told him not to worry, the administration plans to fully prosecute the man who made the video about the prophet of Islam, Muhammad, which they claimed incited the riots that were actually responsible for killing his son.  Of course, Clinton didn't use those words, but that's basically what the message was--as if the video had anything to do with the terrorist assaults in the first place.  

The story told by Federal authoirities was that the demonstration was an unplanned spontaneous response to that "disgusting" video, a movie trailer made by Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, a 55 year old Coptic Christian in southern California.  I have viewed this video, Innocence of Muslims, and concur that it's not very good, but it's an expression of Nakoula's freedom of speech.  Freedom of speech does not mean freedom to say things that people want to hear, but it includes the freedom to say things that people don't like and don't want to hear.

In my next blog, I plan to discuss our First Amendment right in more detail.  I believe  this issue is one of the most important ones that we face for the immediate future, particularly if Obama is re-elected.

My latest novel, Jihad Joe, is about Islamic terrorism and suspense.  In it I challenge the precepts of the religion through my protagonist, Zed Nill, a journalist, captured by terrorists and who is destined to be killed if the American President refuses to release three Gitmo prisoners.  Of course, American policy demands we never give in to terrorists, and for Zed, the clock is ticking.

Jihad Joe Soft Cover       

Monday, October 29, 2012

Obama's Number One Priority, He Says

Lucky for Obama that he's getting help from Sandy; not so lucky for those who feel the brunt of this historical storm.  But Sandy will take some of the attention away from the Benghazi murders due to the failure of the government to send aid, and Obama will make his number one priority "saving lives."  It would have been nice if he made that a priority in Benghazi.

The only nemesis the Obama administration faces comes from Fox News and conservative bloggers who will not let the Benghazi terrorist attack go away and be forgotten.  Obama has yet another chance to look like a hero as he deals with the storm and leads from behind, while hoping that you and I will forget about Benghazi and Camp Bastion where two Marines were killed.  I recently blogged about it and you can go here to read about it.

So what is Obama's number one priority really?  To get re-elected, turn the country socialist, and follow in the footsteps of his mentors: his father, step-father, Frank Marshall Davis, and his pastor.

My latest novel, Jihad Joe, is about Islamic terrorism and suspense.  In it I challenge the precepts of the religion through my protagonist, Zed Nill, a journalist, captured by terrorists and who is destined to be killed if the American President refuses to release three Gitmo prisoners.  Of course, American policy demands we never give in to terrorists, and for Zed, the clock is ticking.

Jihad Joe Soft Cover       

Sunday, October 28, 2012

A Test for Liberals

Next time a liberal tells you how Obama is doing a wonderful job, there's no point arguing with them.  Like the saying goes, "talking to a liberal is like talking to a wall."  Of course not all liberals are stupid--there are plenty who have yet to be born, and if many of these unborn libs have lib parents, there's a good possibility they might be aborted if they're inconvenient.  But you might consider asking a few questions that just might get the ones who have been born to think--or is the idea of liberal and thinking an oxymoron?  Anyway, here are some questions you might try:

1. Who is Lady Gaga?  I always like to start off with an easy one for those with small minds.   Not only will they know who Ms. Gaga is, they will know things about her that a normal person would consider too personal to share beyond their spouse.  Then follow up with: 

2. Where is Camp Bastion? It's in Afghanistan, but you knew that because you don't watch Chris-I-Get-Myself-Jiggly-for-Obama-Matthews; you probably watch Fox.

3. Can you name one of the two Marines killed at Camp Bastion three days after the 9/11/2012 attack of our consulate in Benghazi, Libya? That's probably unfair to ask because even most conservatives don't know that Lt. Col. Christopher Raible and Sgt. Bradley Atwell were the marines who were murdered by Islamic orthodox jihadists, but ask the liberal anyway.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Obama's Psychodynamics

He wants to be President but he doesn't want the job of president--he would rather golf as president than make tough presidential decisions--he would rather be a celebrity president than the Commander in Chief behind closed doors.

Obama needs to be seen as "cool," brilliant and even godlike, which is why he appears on Letterman, Leno, The View, MTV and Pimp with a Limp, not to mention Rolling Stone and all around your radio dial.  There is no sound more beautiful to Obama than the sound of his own voice spewing wisdom to his loyal followers.  To those who oppose him, he is a vicious adversary and a worthy campaigner.  But once elected, he is as useful as a rubber crutch at a VA Hospital.

Obama grew up with an absentee black father who was a Muslim and a communist, and a white mother of the same political persuasion.  His parents met in a college Russian language class, and although Barack Senior was married to a woman who remained in Kenya, he took Stanley Ann Dunham as his second wife, and soon thereafter,  little Barack was born.  But Barack Senior returned to Kenya during Barack Junior's formative years, and little Barack's memories of his father were those of a child, filled with contrivances and yearnings, and wrought with inaccuracies.  As an adult, Barack Hussein Obama continued to try pleasing this father and spoke glowingly of him in his autobiography--he gave no credit to the white mother who raised him on her own.  No wonder he uses racism to his advantage and has gained power on the back of white guilt.  And think of the narcissism it takes to write your autobiography before the age of thirty . . . twice.

If you watched Obama's Grinch-like facial expressions during the presidential debates, it should have been obvious to you that he handles confrontation rather poorly.  He became enraged whenever Mitt Romney attacked his impotency with the economy and foreign affairs, and his lack of understanding about job growth.  The irony is, however, Obama supporters don't consider his actual ability, they consider his presentation of his ideas and they want so much to believe him.

Barack Hussein Obama is a megalomaniac.  The only difference in Obama's case, however, is that his delusions of power and relevance have become reality because he has convinced the American public that he had something special and new to offer.  The hope and change he promised has become negative change with the hope that he will be a one term president.

Check out:  My other blog New York Canuck

My latest novel, Jihad Joe, is about Islamic terrorism and suspense.  In it I challenge the precepts of the religion through my protagonist, Zed Nill, a journalist, captured by terrorists and who is destined to be killed if the American President refuses to release three Gitmo prisoners.  Of course, American policy demands we never give in to terrorists, and for Zed, the clock is ticking.

Jihad Joe Soft Cover       

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Why Mitt Won the Debate

I originally thought the debate was more or less a draw--Mitt winning on the economy, and Hussein winning on foreign policy (in spite of the fact that his foreign policy is as effective as a placebo for a schizophrenic--just ask Bibi Netanyahu and consider the fact that the State Department knew that a terrorist group with links to al Qaeda had links to the attack in Libya, which means Obama is a liar).  But now that I've seen the reaction by the liberal media, I'm quite certain Mitt kicked Barack's butt.

Ed Schultz ranted about women's vaginas and how the GOP wants to have control of them.  It would take someone like Schultz to focus "down there," like other liberals focus on racism.  Funny how Democrats focus on racial issues when it was Democrats who led the KKK, Dixiecrats, and Jim Crow laws.  Bull Connor was a Democrat, but somehow blacks aren't getting that message and still vote for the racist side of the aisle.  I believe this would have never happened if the media was actually truthful.

Chris-I-Pee-Myself-for-Barack-Matthews is touting the idea that racism will be the cause if Obama loses the election--it will have nothing to do with his failed policies, or his limitless ego that precludes bipartisan cooperation.

With the Libyan consulate debacle now clearly known to be a terrorist attack, and the fact that Suzie Rice lied to us about it, maybe, just maybe, Obama's numbers will suffer.  That is, if liberals even care that lying to the American public is shameless and grounds for losing an election.  I'm not sure that will be enough for a libtard to not vote for a Prestard, but one can only hope.  The information, you must remember, came from the conservative press, not the liberal press.  If the mainstream media refuses to show how the Obama administration lied to us, then we are really in trouble as a free country.

My other blog New York Canuck

Monday, October 22, 2012

Post Debate Thoughts

I am happy to say that Bob Scheiffer was not Candy Crowley tonight and was a decent moderator.  Mitt didn't clearly win across the board, but he won on the economy.  he also was the "grown-up in the room," whereas Obama looked like the Grinch in the room.

When Obama sarcastically tried to school Mitt on the military, saying that we no longer are a military of bayonets and naval ships, it showed me how little our president knows about the military (even pronouncing the word "corps" as "corpse") because, in fact, the Marine Corps still uses bayonets as their last line of defense when out of ammo, and troop carriers bring them onto shore while softening the beach head with destroyer fire.  Obama knows less about the military and the economy than most people.  It's frightening that he's the "Commander in Chief."

Already the fact checkers are busy at work, and already the Obama folks are walking back his statement about ending sequestration, or cutting back on military spending.  Now that didn't take long.

But maybe some feel Obama won the debate regarding foreign policy--at least to some on the left--but Romney won on the economy and comes out the winner of these debates, overall.  Obama played 'small ball' while Mitt played 'large ball.'  It was a good strategy which I believe will win Mitt the election.  And it's happening in just two weeks--please be sure to vote.

My latest novel, Jihad Joe, is about Islamic terrorism and suspense.  In it I challenge the precepts of the religion through my protagonist, Zed Nill, a journalist, captured by terrorists and who is destined to be killed if the American President refuses to release three Gitmo prisoners.  Of course, American policy demands we never give in to terrorists, and for Zed, the clock is ticking.

Jihad Joe Soft Cover       

The Final Debate

It's almost time for the third and final debate with Mitt and Hussein, Truth and Consequences.  I believe I know who the media is going to say won the debate, but I believe in spite of that, Mitt will win.  Bob Scheiffer will be the moderator, and if you know anything about Bob, you know that his photo is featured in the leftist handbook.  I imagine he'll do a Candy Crowley and try to sway the vote to Hussein.

Foreign policy is the subject and when it comes to foreign policy, Obama`s policies are clear:  show the world the USA is not special; do nothing real to support Israel, our only ally in the Middle East; bow as deeply to the Saudi king; allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons; continue to support foreign oil producing countries while refusing to drill for oil at home, in spite of the fact that the USA has more oil than Biden has gaffes.

I suspect that Obama will attack Romney for attacking him on Libya--Obama does a good impression of self-righteous indignation and he'll have to show it tonight.  According to Chris Wallace, Obama will be in attack mode and Mitt will play it closer to the vest.

We shall see.  Let the games begin, and let the media spin their bs analyses.

My latest novel, Jihad Joe, is about Islamic terrorism and suspense.  In it I challenge the precepts of the religion through my protagonist, Zed Nill, a journalist, captured by terrorists and who is destined to be killed if the American President refuses to release three Gitmo prisoners.  Of course, American policy demands we never give in to terrorists, and for Zed, the clock is ticking.

Jihad Joe Soft Cover       

Sunday, October 21, 2012

What Romney Needs to do to Win the Debate

The third and final Presidential debate is tomorrow night.  I changed my work hours in order to be home to watch it because I believe this election will be the most important American presidential election we will have in our lifetimes.  

I have no doubt that Mitt Romney can president circles around Obama but due to the fact that he didn't need to bs his way through life, he is at a debating disadvantage to Barack.  He needs to change tactics to win.
Obama looking presidential or not

First of all, if Mitt gets yet another lib-loving moderator, he needs to challenge him or her when it becomes obvious that Obama is being helped.  Mitt needs to confront the moderator directly and point out the fact that the job of a moderator is not to define, avow, confirm, or give an opinion.  In other words, the moderator should shut up and moderate.  Candy Crowley is a great example of how not to be an unbiased moderator.  And when she finally walked back her bs statement about Libya, the American viewing public had already turned off their TVs and began playing with their iphones and other distracting electronic paraphernalia.  

Next, Mitt needs to have the guts to bring up Libya, the death of our Ambassador, Obama's failed foreign policies, and the economy, and stop defending himself on his lack of experience about anything Obama mentions.  Jeeze, Obama had zero foreign experience when he was elected, and his economic acumen was based on Marxist economics--the *OPM factor (*other people's money).  If Obama mentions Mitt's lack of specificity, Mitt needs to bring up Obama's lack of a plan altogether, and how Obama spoke about the death of Chris Stevens as "not optimal."  One can only wonder if Stevens and the other Americans were sacrificial lambs in order to keep the peace in Libya, and pretend al Qaeda is on the run.

Finally, if Obama uses his feigned indignant self-righteousness about Libya, and his  how dare Romney accuse him of lying, Mitt needs to hammer him until it becomes obvious, even to the staunchest liberal that something stinks in the White House, and it isn't his list of socialist, anti-American, anti-Semitic visitors.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Daily Obama Show

"Things are going great, Jon"
President Obama is still making the TV show circuit and appeared on The Daily Show tonight with Jon Stewart.  Like Obama's budget plan, The Daily Show is also a comedy, but instead of telling jokes he discussed his screw up with the Libya terror attack that killed four Americans, one being the Ambassador, Chris Stevens.  Obama made ongoing claims about his lack of confusion regarding what happened in Libya. By saying he was not confused simply shows that he is either lying, or he is still confused.  He also spoke about the big jobs recovery that's been going on the past few hours, and how Romney has no plan to improve the economy.  He now has a plan to "refocus our efforts against al Qaeda," and never mentioned that this organization is crippled--that talking point has changed.   None of this matters though because The Daily Show and The View are free campaign ads, and yet Mitt Romney is still ahead of him in the polls.

But the worst thing he said was that "[W]hen four Americans get killed it's not optimal and we're gonna fix it."  How terribly self-serving and insensitive. 

Bin Laden is dead and al Qaeda is alive and well. They are everywhere and Obama is a failure as President.  You cannot lie to the American public, try to cover up the lie, and then blame others for it.  You can't claim a video caused the Islamic protest when there was no protest, just a calculated, planned attack on our consulate.  Then you tell Kerry Ladka, the guy who asked you the Libya question at the debate, that you needed to wait until all the intelligence was reported before making a statement about it.  You told him in private, after the debate.  You lied, you got caught, and unfortunately, the leftist media will never report it.  Liberals will never hear it.  How sad for our country.

But no matter what you did, liberals like Chris Matthews will never doubt your lies.  I want to know when you knew it wasn't about the video and if it was before Susan Rice went on five TV shows to claim it was the video, why did you allow it?

Let's face it, if you didn't really know, then you aren't competent to run our country--you aren't even competent enough to run a candy store.

And speaking of Candy, how come you knew she had the transcript?

My other blog New York Canuck

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Huffing and Puffing

I believe that most voters have no idea about what the Benghazi terrorist attack and cover-up is all about.  The New York Times, the leftist rag that passes for legitimate media, buried the story.  I also believe they know very little about Operation Fast and Furious and that the Jim Crow laws were Democratic in design and so was the KKK.

Kerry Ladka was part of the town hall audience and asked Obama about Libya which resulted in an angry, self-righteous indignation-like response.  Ladka (whose name reminded me of Andy Kaufman's character in Taxi)  appeared on Fox's Greta Van Susteren Show.  He claimed Obama spoke to him after the debate and said that he did nothing to address the fact about the attack because he didn't want to make a mistake regarding the information he claimed he did not have.  He forgot to mention to Ladka that he had an important campaign engagement the following day and couldn't pass up the opportunity to speak to the American people about the great job he is doing.  He also left out the part where it was later learned that we had good information as the attack occurred, and excellent intelligence the following day.

Of course we all learned that there was a live stream of information to the State Department, but Ladka may not have been aware of that or perhaps didn't seem to care as we learned that he leans toward the nanny state regarding Obamacare and the fear of losing Social Security in the future.  He also did not want the defunding of Planned Parenthood because he wants his daughter to have access to abortions and mammograms.  He believes Obama has a greater love of people than Mitt, but has no idea of all that Romney has done both as a missionary and a businessman.   Ladka also made no mention of Obama's not such great love of Israeli people or people who don't like the idea of having to pay for Obamacare, and of his respect for those Middle East nations that would like to see the Great Satan destroyed along with the Little Satan.  He probably has no idea who I'm referring to.

All I came away with from this debate is how rude Michelle Obama is to applaud for Barack when the audience was instructed to hold their applause, and how so little news is disseminated to the average public that isn't slanted toward the left.

It's going to be interesting to see how the Libya situation is played out and lied about in the coming days.  It seems that everyone has a different story in Obama's gang, and nobody has the competence to know the truth.  Or they do.

Questions Questions

If Obama called it a terrorist attack, then why did Susan Rice call it a spontaneous demonstration?  And why did Candy Crowley back up Obama on this issue, when it wasn't her job and she wasn't factually correct?  Why do the Democrats continually get more speaking time than Republicans?

These are just a few questions I came away with after seeing the 2nd Presidential debate last night.  But I have even more questions.

Why didn't Mitt bother to ask Obama questions when he was unsure of the answers he would receive, especially from a liar?  Why didn't Mitt attack Obama on Solyndra, SunPower, and the many "green" companies that we taxpayers were forced to fund and watched them subsequently fail?  Why was Michelle Obama, sitting in the audience, allowed to applaud her husband when Crowley backed his lie regarding Libya and terrorism, and he asked Crowley to say it louder?  Why didn't the issue of the Muslim Brotherhood come up?  They're now visiting the White House and I worry that those flags they flew in Libya will one day be hoisted at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.  We must stop them.

Finally, why do conservatives wave American flags and liberals fight the right to burn them?

My Brilliant Thoughts on the Debate

They did it my way
Candy Crowley of CNN (Certainly Not News) was the moderator of the Second Presidential Debate.  She insisted that she be allowed to be part of the follow up questions after the Romney and Obama teams had their own agreement that there would be no follow up questions allowed.  She sucked.

At first I thought Candy was doing a good job, until the point came up as to whether Obama called the Libyan terrorist attack a terrorist attack.  She jumped in to defend him and said that he did, and while that wasn't in her job description, it turned out that the reference Obama made in the Rose Garden was in reference to the 2001 attack on the same day, not the 2012 attack.  Obama lied, Stevens died.

When the black gentleman asked Obama to give him reasons to vote for him again now that he was out of work, Obama  hemmed and hawed and spoke about everything but the reason he should get the man's vote, and our President looked like Joe Biden in calculus class.

I didn't like Romney asking Obama direct questions--when you don't know the answer to the question you're asking, it usually isn't wise asking it in the first place.  Mitt gave him the opportunity to give the answer he wanted to give, not what Mitt wanted to hear.

I also didn't like Obama's boring talking points: fair share, millionaires and billionaires. Fair share is code and I have no idea what it means, when I try to analyze the term.  Who determines what a fair share is?  Obama?  And what makes it fair in the first place?  Where is it written what a fair share is?  I'm weary of the divisiveness over money--it feeds off of jealousy and a sense of entitlement.  

I think it's about time we have more control over these debates.  I'm not a control freak, but I don't like the disparity I constantly see, where the liberals always seem to get more talk time than conservatives, and the moderators seem like members of the Democratic re-election committee.  Why should they get to decide which questions can be posed and what the follow-up questions should be?  In spite of this, Fox News is still more watched than any of the leftist media.

My final thought is just how angry Obama looked, especially when Libya was mentioned.  I tweeted that Obama looked like he was having a bowel movement at that point in the debate and Romney won on that point.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Flushings of a Conservative

A few days ago I began writing my blog about Obama, the economy and Libya.  I've saved it (below) because it's still relevant several days later, and with the Second Presidential Debate coming up tonight, I think these issues ought to be discussed.  I didn't get to finish all my thoughts on these issues, but there is enough content to make a few points, although I must admit that I kind of rambled on a bit--I hope you'll forgive my sentence structure and grammar--I didn't edit it since writing this piece.


*****                   *****                   *****                   *****  

Business owners are worried about the future; lies are being followed by lies to cover the initial lies; name-calling and divisiveness is being used to cleave our nation in two distinct parts; our country's security is laughable, people are killed and nothing is done beyond a scolding and warnings of further scoldings, and the economy is being run into the ground by a president who thinks the best way to keep the ship from sinking is to make a hole in it to let the water out.  But bin Laden is dead and GM is alive.  Navy SEAL Team Six was sent into Pakistan by President Obama, our nation's greatest leader since Lincoln, Washington, and Clinton, and in spite of the intelligence leaked to the world about Obama's incredible leadership, the liberal press gave all the credit to whom deserved it because he claimed it--Barack Hussein Obama.

I just read a blog that claims Obama wears a wedding ring with an Arabic inscription that reads: "There is one God, Allah."  This surprises me--I would think that if Obama had a ring with an inscription it would read: "There is one God, Me."  But seriously, I think he's crazy to advertise that he's a Muslim, even if he actually is.

I'm livid about his cover up of the Libyan debacle.  What happened to the Coptic Christian who made that stupid video?  I have no idea, but I know they owe him an apology and I also know he will never receive one.  I'm pissed off at all the liars who treat us like we're stupid: Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, Jay Carney, Victoria Nuland and Barack Obama.  Even after we learned they knew the attack had nothing to do with the video, they continued to lie to the press, to Congressman Issa, and in doing so, they lie to us, their employers.  It is beginning to feel as if we are living under a regime, but one that's run by amateurs.  And these amateurs have the audacity to blame the GOP for failing to provide adequate security to our consulate.

My latest novel, Jihad Joe, is about Islamic terrorism and suspense.  In it I challenge the precepts of the religion through my protagonist, Zed Nill, a journalist, captured by terrorists and who is destined to be killed if the American President refuses to release three Gitmo prisoners.  Of course, American policy demands we never give in to terrorists, and for Zed, the clock is ticking.

Jihad Joe Soft Cover       

Predebating Pontificating

The Great Debate in New York State:
In about six hours from now the 2nd Presidential Debate will begin.  Historically, it has been shown that when one candidate gains ground from the first debate, the second one makes less difference.  Obama was on tranquillizers when Mitt kicked his butt, but I'm confident he'll be on methamphetamine for this one.  In spite of that, I believe Mitt will win because he has a little thing called facts on his side, the most important of which is Obama's dismal record of non-achievement.  Still, Obama's record is less important to liberals than facts and liberals who decided to vote for a celebrity loser, will vote for this loser again.

The format of this debate is the town-hall meeting where regular everyday folks get to ask the candidates questions that will be circumvented by Obama and answered directly by Romney.  If Candy Crowley gets a chance, I believe she will lean toward the left and challenge Mitt more directly with follow-up questions than she will do with Obama.  I hope I'm wrong but I hit my quota of wrong this week and have a good chance of being correct.  If Candy is fair, then Obama will lose.

Anyway, I can imagine how hyped they are out on Lawn Guyland where the debate will begin soon.  

Libya and Hillary
Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton fell on the sword for Obama today stating that the buck stops with her regarding the royal screw-up with Libya that resulted in the death of Chris Stevens and three other Americans who died trying to defend him and the consulate.  

Stevens, in his diary, made it clear that he feared for his life.  There were two prior incidents, one in which resulted in the blowing up of the protective wall that made a hole so large that even Obama's ego could fit through it.  There were several requests made for greater security protection but these requests were denied.  Liberals then  tried to blame the GOP for making budget cuts on embassy security, but it was proven in sworn testimony that budget cuts had nothing to do with the horrible outcome that befell the American victims of Islamic terrorism.

When the 9-11 incident first occurred, Susan Rice, US Ambassador to the United Nations (you know who they are--the human rights people who are composed and controlled by the Islamic majority nations who believe Israel should be destroyed, but only because Jews live there), stated five times on various TV shows that it was a YouTube video that incited the "demonstration" that cause Muslims to go bugduck crazy and sodomize then kill Stevens.  Ever notice how sodomy and other sexually deviated thinking and behavior is the benchmark of Islamic violence?  

Of course the fact that this all happened on the anniversary of September 11, 2001, when the Islamic world came crashing into ours in Manhattan, is just a coincidence.  It was a video, Rice said.  A video that was made in July and viewed by no more than several hundred people worldwide.  How quickly the Obama administration points their fingers in another direction yelling "squirrel, squirrel."  

But the cold hard truth is that Obama is at the desk where the buck really does stop.  Hillary must have her own reasons for taking the fall for him, and I suspect this fall has something to do with 2016.  I think someone should tell her that if Obama wins a second term, he might not want to relinquish the throne that year and may try to circumvent the Constitution yet again.

My latest novel, Jihad Joe, is about Islamic terrorism and suspense.  In it I challenge the precepts of the religion through my protagonist, Zed Nill, a journalist, captured by terrorists and who is destined to be killed if the American President refuses to release three Gitmo prisoners.  Of course, American policy demands we never give in to terrorists, and for Zed, the clock is ticking.

Jihad Joe Soft Cover       

Monday, October 15, 2012

Eight Questions I'd Like to Ask Obama

Debates basically do nothing to challenge either candidate--this is just my opinion because the candidates always have pat answers to most questions they anticipate.  I think we should be able to ask questions that are not so politically correct and I've come up with a few that I'd like to ask Obama that will not be asked in the townhall debate tonight.  I'm certain that these questions are relevant and would be difficult for Obama to address honestly.

1.  Why do you have Muslim Brotherhood representatives in the White House and anti-Semites like Louis Farrakhan visiting you on a regular basis?  I don't know whether or not Obama actually is a Muslim, but does that really matter when it seems clear that he would do exactly the same thing a Muslim would do if he was the President of the United States?

2.  Regarding the 9-11 attack in Libya where our Ambassador, Chris Stevens, was killed along with three other Americans, why does the buck stop at Hillary Clinton and why did you go campaigning in Vegas the following day?  I feel (which is a liberal word) that in spite of what Obama says he knew about the event, he should have acted like a president rather than a campaigner.

3.  Why did you use executive privilege on the Fast and Furious debacle where Eric Holder obviously was involved and did everything he could to keep us from knowing the truth?

4.  You have spoken about there being no "Red America," nor "Blue America," only the United States of America.  That's wonderful, but why do you then divide us with talk about the "Millionaires and billionaires," and the "one percent"?  Isn't that divisive and hasn't it caused the country to be severely divided?

5.  You have claimed that you have been the most supportive president of Israel yet you spoke ill of Benjamin Netanyahu in an open mike that you didn't know was on.  You have met with the King of Saudi Arabia and other Islamic leaders, including the Muslim Brotherhood, yet you didn't meet with Bibi Netanyahu when you had the clear opportunity and the crisis in the Middle East was festering with unrest.

6.  Immediately after becoming President, you sealed your school records and spent over a million dollars in legal fees to do this.  What was the reason for sealing your records and would you now be willing to show us your college records, including your theses to give us a clearer picture of your political thinking and the source(s) of your college funding?

7.  Regarding Solyndra, when it was clear that economists predicted the company to fail is February of 2012, why did you go ahead and invest our money in this company and why then did you allow private investors to recoup their losses before us, the taxpayers?  Is there or is there not a law specifically delineating the fact that taxpayers are the first to be reimbursed with investment money?

8.  Why couldn't you carry out your promise to turn the economy around in four years along with the unemployment rate?  You said that you would be a one term president if you couldn't and clearly you did not.  Anticipating your response that the economy has turned around, the facts speak otherwise.

I realize that I've asked more than eight questions, and I'm sure you can think of others that might shake Obama's tree.  I'd be happy to see them if you'd like to comment here.

Tomorrow's Presidential debate will be moderated by CNN's Candy Crowley, a liberal who will likely put her two cents into the town-hall meeting and reduce it to a detailed analysis of Republican lies.  The VP debate felt like Ryan was debating both Uncle Joey and Martha Raddatz--let's hope we don't see a similar thing happen here.  This will be an incredibly important debate because Obama has to outdo Mitt, and Mitt has to simply stay on his game with the truth and a aggressiveness.

My other blog New York Canuck

My latest novel, Jihad Joe, is about Islamic terrorism and suspense.  In it I challenge the precepts of the religion through my protagonist, Zed Nill, a journalist, captured by terrorists and who is destined to be killed if the American President refuses to release three Gitmo prisoners.  Of course, American policy demands we never give in to terrorists, and for Zed, the clock is ticking.

Jihad Joe Soft Cover       

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Libya, They Hardly Knew Ya

The House Oversight Committee is demanding answers about the murder of four Americans on September 11th at the Libyan Consulate, which Joe Biden found smile-worthy.  Hopefully we will learn why the FBI was unable to get Visas in order to get our people into Benghazi--perhaps they used pencil instead of ink when they filled out the forms.  Maybe we'll learn why the cry for more security fell on deaf ears--even Hillary didn't hear it.  Who knows, we might even get to understand who it was that allowed for substandard compound construction to exist that would have kept the religious Muslims from entering the compound and kill our people because their religion says "Slay them where ever you find them"--and they found them.

If the administration was truly in the dark about what really happened in Benghazi, I know I don't want them handling our future foreign affairs and security.   Heck, they didn't even know what actually took place with the Fast and Furious scandal.  I bet Uncle Joe didn't know about that one either.  But what could have given it away if they didn't know?  The fact that there were previous attempts to test the security of the consulate?  Maybe the fact that 9-11 had some significance to the Muslim terrorists and the Ambassador said that he was worried and asked for more assistance?  Even his diary was illuminating, they've reported.

If they actually did know what took place in Benghazi, and I believe they did, this makes the case that Obama and his cronies should be taken out of the White House in handcuffs.  Let's hope the House Oversight Committee will question Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice and a whole host of administrative staff--hey, even Jay Carney and Joe Biden--and get to the bottom of this, which isn't really the bottom, but actually the truth.

But truth doesn't seem to be in the Obama administration's vocabulary.

My latest novel, Jihad Joe, is about Islamic terrorism and suspense.  In it I challenge the precepts of the religion through my protagonist, Zed Nill, a journalist, captured by terrorists and who is destined to be killed if the American President refuses to release three Gitmo prisoners.  Of course, American policy demands we never give in to terrorists, and for Zed, the clock is ticking.

Jihad Joe Soft Cover       


Friday, October 12, 2012

The Facts of the VP Debate

I was wrong.  Martha Radditzy was not impartial during the VP debate; she was downright suckworthy.  Joe-the-Village-Idiot-Biden interrrupted Paul Ryan a total of 84 times.  Eighty-four times, so Fox News says, and I would verify that by reviewing the debate except I don't believe I could take it without barfing.

It felt like Ryan was debating two people and Biden just sat there smirking and smiling like a cretin who just crapped himself.  I was livid that Raddatz did nothing to stop him and when Ryan began to answer and Biden interrupted again, she went on to change the subject rather than telling Biden to shut up.

Ryan, on the other hand, showed executive class when Biden was showing that he may be 27 years older than Ryan, but has the maturity of a 7 year old.  Joe Biden doesn't just make gaffes, he is a gaffe made by Obama.  But voters, particularly liberal voters, don't care about what Biden says, it's how he says it.  They care more about the performance than they do the substance.  So those leftists who were going to vote for socialism and Obama, are still going to vote for socialism and Obama.  But they forget that Biden is just a heartbeat and 100 IQ points from the presidency.  I worry about our nation.

Radditz and Biden broke every rule of debating.  Biden lied about the numbers and Radditz asked Ryan questions that were not her job--they were Biden's.  

Let's hope the next Romney Obama debate will be more fair and balanced.  That just might be asking for too much when you consider who the moderators tend to be.

My latest novel, Jihad Joe, is about Islamic terrorism and suspense.  In it I challenge the precepts of the religion through my protagonist, Zed Nill, a journalist, captured by terrorists and who is destined to be killed if the American President refuses to release three Gitmo prisoners.  Of course, American policy demands we never give in to terrorists, and for Zed, the clock is ticking.

Jihad Joe Soft Cover       

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Brain Flushing About the Debate and More Thoughts

It's less than two hours before the VP debate and I'm watching Fox News as I get ready for "The Thrill in the Ville," as Shep Smith called it.  Martha Raddatz will moderate the debate, and although her ex-husband had a slight academic relationship with Barack, I believe she will be slightly impartial, which for liberal moderators is a miracle.

Meanwhile, Turkey stopped a Syrian airline (whose name is Syrian Airlines, I believe) and allegedly found Russian made weapons aboard.  Syria and Russia both deny the claim but in this modern day age where people in high positions lie about terrorist attacks and illegal operations where guns are walked into other countries and put in the hands of drug lords, it's hard to tell the truth, to tell you the truth.

The Massachusetts pharmaceutical company that made the tainted pain killer that caused a meningitis breakout and has to date killed 12 people and infected over a hundred others, is under investigation.  Obama is claiming this company was a Bain start-up and the person directly responsible for the deaths is Mitt Romney.  Just kidding--I think.

There is a rumor going around that Obama is actually a millionaire himself and has never paid a penny more in taxes than he had to pay.  Maybe Paul Ryan can bring this point up in the debate, but I suspect he has other fish to fry, and it isn't even Friday.

A gunman killed a security staffer in Yemen and al Qaeda is taking the credit for the cold blooded, jihadist-inspired, Muhammad emulating murder.  Dead nonbelievers is the jihadist definition of peace.  May the religion of peace, the religion of tolerance, go away.  

Obama is blaming the Romney-Ryan campaign for the Libyan attack and Mitt came back strongly against the Attacker in Chief.  In fact, today at Coral Gables, Florida, the president gave a speech and his audience appeared quite young, perhaps having a mean age of 25 and a mental age of 6.  I saw a young woman in the crowd actually jump up and down like a game show winner when Obama made fun of Mitt--this is the mentality of Obama's robots.

I will not blog during the debate but will do it later tonight or tomorrow.  I will, however, make a prediction: Ryan wins, the Village Idiot loses.

Bibi orders "massive" counter-terror operation after bus bombings

We can thank G-d anti-Israel terrorists don't know how to tell time very well.  Explosive devices went off on Thursday night around 9 p....