Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Why Mitt Won the Debate

I originally thought the debate was more or less a draw--Mitt winning on the economy, and Hussein winning on foreign policy (in spite of the fact that his foreign policy is as effective as a placebo for a schizophrenic--just ask Bibi Netanyahu and consider the fact that the State Department knew that a terrorist group with links to al Qaeda had links to the attack in Libya, which means Obama is a liar).  But now that I've seen the reaction by the liberal media, I'm quite certain Mitt kicked Barack's butt.

Ed Schultz ranted about women's vaginas and how the GOP wants to have control of them.  It would take someone like Schultz to focus "down there," like other liberals focus on racism.  Funny how Democrats focus on racial issues when it was Democrats who led the KKK, Dixiecrats, and Jim Crow laws.  Bull Connor was a Democrat, but somehow blacks aren't getting that message and still vote for the racist side of the aisle.  I believe this would have never happened if the media was actually truthful.

Chris-I-Pee-Myself-for-Barack-Matthews is touting the idea that racism will be the cause if Obama loses the election--it will have nothing to do with his failed policies, or his limitless ego that precludes bipartisan cooperation.

With the Libyan consulate debacle now clearly known to be a terrorist attack, and the fact that Suzie Rice lied to us about it, maybe, just maybe, Obama's numbers will suffer.  That is, if liberals even care that lying to the American public is shameless and grounds for losing an election.  I'm not sure that will be enough for a libtard to not vote for a Prestard, but one can only hope.  The information, you must remember, came from the conservative press, not the liberal press.  If the mainstream media refuses to show how the Obama administration lied to us, then we are really in trouble as a free country.

My other blog New York Canuck

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