Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Daily Obama Show

"Things are going great, Jon"
President Obama is still making the TV show circuit and appeared on The Daily Show tonight with Jon Stewart.  Like Obama's budget plan, The Daily Show is also a comedy, but instead of telling jokes he discussed his screw up with the Libya terror attack that killed four Americans, one being the Ambassador, Chris Stevens.  Obama made ongoing claims about his lack of confusion regarding what happened in Libya. By saying he was not confused simply shows that he is either lying, or he is still confused.  He also spoke about the big jobs recovery that's been going on the past few hours, and how Romney has no plan to improve the economy.  He now has a plan to "refocus our efforts against al Qaeda," and never mentioned that this organization is crippled--that talking point has changed.   None of this matters though because The Daily Show and The View are free campaign ads, and yet Mitt Romney is still ahead of him in the polls.

But the worst thing he said was that "[W]hen four Americans get killed it's not optimal and we're gonna fix it."  How terribly self-serving and insensitive. 

Bin Laden is dead and al Qaeda is alive and well. They are everywhere and Obama is a failure as President.  You cannot lie to the American public, try to cover up the lie, and then blame others for it.  You can't claim a video caused the Islamic protest when there was no protest, just a calculated, planned attack on our consulate.  Then you tell Kerry Ladka, the guy who asked you the Libya question at the debate, that you needed to wait until all the intelligence was reported before making a statement about it.  You told him in private, after the debate.  You lied, you got caught, and unfortunately, the leftist media will never report it.  Liberals will never hear it.  How sad for our country.

But no matter what you did, liberals like Chris Matthews will never doubt your lies.  I want to know when you knew it wasn't about the video and if it was before Susan Rice went on five TV shows to claim it was the video, why did you allow it?

Let's face it, if you didn't really know, then you aren't competent to run our country--you aren't even competent enough to run a candy store.

And speaking of Candy, how come you knew she had the transcript?

My other blog New York Canuck

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