Monday, October 15, 2012

Eight Questions I'd Like to Ask Obama

Debates basically do nothing to challenge either candidate--this is just my opinion because the candidates always have pat answers to most questions they anticipate.  I think we should be able to ask questions that are not so politically correct and I've come up with a few that I'd like to ask Obama that will not be asked in the townhall debate tonight.  I'm certain that these questions are relevant and would be difficult for Obama to address honestly.

1.  Why do you have Muslim Brotherhood representatives in the White House and anti-Semites like Louis Farrakhan visiting you on a regular basis?  I don't know whether or not Obama actually is a Muslim, but does that really matter when it seems clear that he would do exactly the same thing a Muslim would do if he was the President of the United States?

2.  Regarding the 9-11 attack in Libya where our Ambassador, Chris Stevens, was killed along with three other Americans, why does the buck stop at Hillary Clinton and why did you go campaigning in Vegas the following day?  I feel (which is a liberal word) that in spite of what Obama says he knew about the event, he should have acted like a president rather than a campaigner.

3.  Why did you use executive privilege on the Fast and Furious debacle where Eric Holder obviously was involved and did everything he could to keep us from knowing the truth?

4.  You have spoken about there being no "Red America," nor "Blue America," only the United States of America.  That's wonderful, but why do you then divide us with talk about the "Millionaires and billionaires," and the "one percent"?  Isn't that divisive and hasn't it caused the country to be severely divided?

5.  You have claimed that you have been the most supportive president of Israel yet you spoke ill of Benjamin Netanyahu in an open mike that you didn't know was on.  You have met with the King of Saudi Arabia and other Islamic leaders, including the Muslim Brotherhood, yet you didn't meet with Bibi Netanyahu when you had the clear opportunity and the crisis in the Middle East was festering with unrest.

6.  Immediately after becoming President, you sealed your school records and spent over a million dollars in legal fees to do this.  What was the reason for sealing your records and would you now be willing to show us your college records, including your theses to give us a clearer picture of your political thinking and the source(s) of your college funding?

7.  Regarding Solyndra, when it was clear that economists predicted the company to fail is February of 2012, why did you go ahead and invest our money in this company and why then did you allow private investors to recoup their losses before us, the taxpayers?  Is there or is there not a law specifically delineating the fact that taxpayers are the first to be reimbursed with investment money?

8.  Why couldn't you carry out your promise to turn the economy around in four years along with the unemployment rate?  You said that you would be a one term president if you couldn't and clearly you did not.  Anticipating your response that the economy has turned around, the facts speak otherwise.

I realize that I've asked more than eight questions, and I'm sure you can think of others that might shake Obama's tree.  I'd be happy to see them if you'd like to comment here.

Tomorrow's Presidential debate will be moderated by CNN's Candy Crowley, a liberal who will likely put her two cents into the town-hall meeting and reduce it to a detailed analysis of Republican lies.  The VP debate felt like Ryan was debating both Uncle Joey and Martha Raddatz--let's hope we don't see a similar thing happen here.  This will be an incredibly important debate because Obama has to outdo Mitt, and Mitt has to simply stay on his game with the truth and a aggressiveness.

My other blog New York Canuck

My latest novel, Jihad Joe, is about Islamic terrorism and suspense.  In it I challenge the precepts of the religion through my protagonist, Zed Nill, a journalist, captured by terrorists and who is destined to be killed if the American President refuses to release three Gitmo prisoners.  Of course, American policy demands we never give in to terrorists, and for Zed, the clock is ticking.

Jihad Joe Soft Cover       

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