Monday, September 16, 2024

More on the second attempted Trump assassination

Backpacks filled with ceramic tiles 

On Sunday, former President and Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump, survived a second assassination attempt while at his Palm Beach golf course. The wannabe assassin, Ryan Routh, was spotted aiming his weapon at the golf course and was fired upon by Secret Service. He successfully fled, leaving behind an AK-47-style rifle with scope, two backpacks, a GoPro camera, and he was later caught along I-95 by police and taken into custody.

[H/T RealClearPolitics]

Here's what we know so far:

As the Republican presidential nominee walked the course, Rouse hid in shrubbery just 300-500 yards away on the outer side of a chain-link fence. His rifle peeped out between two knapsacks that were filled with ceramic tiles, possibly used to stop incoming rounds from Trump's protection staff. When he was spotted, the Secret Service agent opened fire, as per Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw.

"With a rifle like that with a scope,” the sheriff said at a press conference, “that’s not a long distance.”

The FBI is investigating the incident as another assassination attempt, which will not last long in the legacy news media because, you know, Trump. “The FBI has responded to West Palm Beach Florida and is investigating what appears to be an attempted assassination of former President Trump,” the agency said in a statement.

The Secret Service agent fired four poorly aimed shots, but law enforcement was unsure if the individual fired his rifle as their lives flashed before their eyes and time stood still.

Meanwhile, Routh ran to a parked car along the road that had been left unchecked. A witness took photos of both Routh and the vehicle he fled in.

The incident took place around 1:30 p.m., according to law enforcement, and the Trump-Vance campaign announced the news shortly thereafter. “President Trump is safe following gunshots in his vicinity,” Trump spokesman Steven Cheung said in a statement. “No further details at this time.”

“There were gunshots in my vicinity, but before rumors start spiraling out of control, I wanted you to hear this first: I am safe and well,” Trump wrote in an email that was sent Sunday afternoon.

Secret Service sources tell RealClearPolitics that the two backpacks the gunman carried and attached to a chain link fence were filled with ceramic tile to shield the shooter from return fire. “Soft body armor like what we wear, and police wear, can only stop pistol rounds,” the source said. "In order to stop rifle rounds, which travel MUCH faster, you need rifle plates like the military wear or SWAT teams wear.”

“I believe that the suspect hanging two backpacks on the fence filled with ceramic tile was his attempt to provide himself a somewhat protected firing position,” the source added.

The golf course was partially shut down as Trump played through on Sunday. A Secret Service detail was with the former president and also a couple of holes ahead of him, according to Bradshaw, when an agent spotted a “rifle barrel sticking out of the fence.” The campaign had not made the Republican nominee’s schedule public after a West Coast swing that culminated in Las Vegas the night before, though Trump is known to frequent the golf course.

So how did Routh know that Trump would be there at that time?

“He is not the sitting president,” Bradshaw said at the press conference. “If he was, we would have this entire golf course surrounded.”

But while not the sitting president, the media describes him as America's Hitler and a danger to the nation. No wonder he has been twice a target for death, thus far. 

Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance said in a statement Sunday afternoon that he had spoken with Trump before the news was made public and that his running mate “was, amazingly, in good spirits.” The White House was also alerted of the attempt on Trump’s life. An administration spokesman said that both President Biden and Vice President Harris were briefed on the incident shortly after it occurred, but Biden had nothing to say.

“I have been briefed on reports of gunshots fired near former President Trump and his property in Florida,” Harris said in a statement posted to social media, “and I am glad he is safe. Violence has no place in America.”

So why does she continue describing Trump as a danger to the country?

When Trump and Harris shared a stage at the Philadelphia debate last week, the former president laid the blame for the first assassination attempt at the feet of Democrats.

“I probably took a bullet to the head because of the things that they say about me. They talk about democracy. I'm a threat to democracy. They're the threat to democracy,” Trump said, “with the fake Russia-Russia-Russia investigation that went nowhere.”

The hateful, anti-Trump/anti-Trump voters has got to stop, but this time for real. It should be considered a crime for any media outlet to purvey this kind of rhetoric about any political candidate because there are too many people out there who see assassination as a moral duty.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

What more we know about the alleged gunman Routh at Trump golf club

We now know the alleged gunman who is accused of pointing an AK-47 rifle at former President Trump on Sunday is 58-year-old Ryan Wesley Routh and has an extensive police record spanning several decades.

Routh was arrested shortly after the incident at Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida. The original reporting of the incident said that Routh fired toward Trump but now we know that he didn't fire off any rounds but the Secret Service saw him pointing his weapon through a chain-link fence in Trump's direction and it was the Secret Service who fired at Routh when they saw the muzzle of the rifle, located one hole ahead of where Trump was at on the course.

Authorities are treating the episode as an apparent assassination attempt on Trump, which doesn't make most of us feel that he's any safer with the new D.E.I. agency.

A background check on the name given by officials, Ryan Wesley Routh, shows that he currently lives in Hawaii and has had dozens of run-ins with police, starting as far back as to at least the 1990s.

Routh is a native of North Carolina where he had been arrested for simple drug possession, driving without a license, expired inspection and operating a vehicle with no insurance. The dude is a real rebel it seems and I wouldn't be surprised if we find out that he's a sovereign citizen.

In another arrest, the Greensboro News & Record reported in 2002 that Routh was arrested after barricading himself in his roofing company's office. It created a three-hour standoff that followed a traffic stop in which he place his hand on a gun before fleeing.

Rough, who is apparently a Harris-Walz supporter, moved to the Aloha State in 2017 and has since opened another construction company that builds housing structures for homeless people, according to his own LinkedIn page.

"This does not appear to be some random guy with an AK-47 walking outside Trump's club," an official said after the Sunday afternoon incident. [H/T Fox]

News of the incident broke shortly after Trump was safely escorted off of the golf course, both ears intact.

A Secret Service agent spotted the would-be gunman while Trump was playing the course's fifth hole. Officials say Routh abandoned an AK-47, a Go-Pro camera and two backpacks along a chain-link fence that borders the sixth hole of the course. 

Routh fled like a coward in an SUV after a member of the Secret Service fired on him, but was soon arrested, according to authorities on I 95.

Trump's campaign quickly issued a statement that the 45th president was safe, with Trump following up in a message to supporters that he will "never surrender."

What has happened to America?

BREAKING: 2nd Possible assassination attempt on Trump while golfing

UPDATE: The shooter has been identified as Ryan Wesley Routh.

Former President Trump was on the golf course today in West Palm Beach when at about 1:30 p.m., shots were fired and the Secret Service immediately jumped in to protect him.

The suspect, a man, was caught down the highway.

The weapon used was an AK-47 rifle with a scope. There were backpacks with plates inside and a GoPro found and the alleged shooter fled and was caught on I 95 and identified by a witness who had seen the shooting. His rifle was sticking between the knapsacks so it appears that it was planned.

Questions should be asked: 
How can this happen again? 
Why wasn't the entire golf course fully covered by agents? 
Is the witness under protection? 
How did the shooter know Trump would be on the golf course?
When the shooter was caught, why didn't they show him on the police cams that showed the stop but not the person in the SUV?

The shooter was about 300 to 500 yards away, it was revealed at a press conference with the local police, the FBI and Secret Service.

The local law enforcement said that since Trump is not the current President, he's just the present candidate and he does not get the same protection. 

We now know, however, the threat level is high and the Secret Service kind of sucks.

They keep telling us how "fantastic" the Secret Service is but some people may have doubts. The excuse the FBI gave was that we live in violent times now.

No s**t Sherlock.

This is still developing.

Kamala serves a salad with those fries, still has no answers to questions

Vice President and Democratic candidate for president Kamala Harris, donned a pair of Keds (or whatever brand is still selling sneakers that look like Keds), as she was "interviewed" by Brian Taff and asked about her plan to bring down prices. 

"What are one or two specific things you have in mind," Taff asked the clueless cackler about her plan, in her first solo interview since her nomination two months ago. She still has no idea how to answer that question because she is clueless so she just used words, one after the other, in a salad that made no sense in terms of the question.

"Well, look, I was raised in a middle-class neighborhood..." Okay, and what is your plan to lower prices?

She went on and on for three minutes and never once touched on how she plans to lower prices because she has no plan and if elected, will only be a Party puppet, like her current demented boss. Spouting her bio and spewing clichés such as "opportunity economy" several times, doesn't cut it with intelligent voters. Tax credits for new businesses was another thought that came to mind but was quickly followed by her biography again. She never once mentioned prices or the Biden-Harris inflation.

Harris' "new way forward" implies that she and Biden weren't in charge of the nation for the past three and a half years. Taff noted this and asked, "Some people wonder how different you are from Joe Biden."

"I offer a new generation of leadership," Harris said, being as vague as possible. Then she began returning to her substance insipid go-to staple about an "opportunity economy,"

Her inability to express anything tangible about what her plans or policies would be if elected in cringeworthy and disturbing. You got to see the video.

Jew-hating terrorist stabs cop at Old City's Damascus Gate, attacker shot dead at scene

A 20-year-old police officer was slightly injured on Sunday night in a stabbing incident at the Damascus Gate in the Old City of Jerusalem, as reported by Israeli media.

EMTs and paramedics from Magen David Adom (MDA) started treating the officer on the spot. He was awake and in mild condition, MDA said. Nonetheless, he was taken to Hadassah Mount Scopus Hospital for additional treatment.

According to a police spokesperson, the attacker was shot at the scene by an officer from the Israel Border Police.

The jihadi tried to flee the scene but was shot, and the officer received treatment at the scene. 

"The terrorist who tried to escape into the Old City was neutralized by other Border Police officers," a police spokesperson said.

"The officer who was stabbed was taken for medical treatment. Police and Border Police officers on the spot closed off the area and began investigating the case."

Biden-Harris and Blinken give Egypt $320,000,000 in military aid on the down-low

Mo, Larry, and Curly

Everyone seems to still be caught up in the Trump-Harris debate and the 9-11 anniversary commemoration. Nobody paid attention to the story of the administration giving Egypt $320 million in military aid, in spite of the fact that the country has not met the majority of human rights we required they meet, among other little things like their rabid anti-Zionist/anti-Semitic stance in the Middle East. This clearly demonstrates the incredible weakness of this administration.

[H/T New York Times.]

This is the first time in nearly four years that the U.S. has given Egypt the full $1.3 billion in aid, with some of it having "no conditions." Here's how the numbers break down, according to a State Department spokesman talking to the New York Times:

The first, totaling $980 million, is subject to no conditions and granted automatically.

An additional $225 million is subject to a variety of human rights conditions — the ones that Mr. Blinken would not certify had been met but that he had waived on national security grounds.

A third, $95 million pot of money can be released only if the secretary of state finds that Egypt has made progress in the specific areas of releasing political prisoners, providing detainees with due process and “preventing the harassment and abuse of American citizens.” Mr. Blinken certified progress in these areas, the spokesman said.

The Times report goes on:

For the first time under the Biden administration, the United States will send Egypt its full allotment of $1.3 billion in annual military aid, waiving human rights requirements on the spending mainly in recognition of Cairo’s efforts to reach a cease-fire deal in Gaza, U.S. officials said.

The decision, which the State Department notified Congress of on Wednesday, marks a striking shift for the administration. President Biden came into office promising “no blank checks” that would enable Egypt’s rights abuses, and in each of the past three years, his administration had withheld at least some of the congressionally mandated aid to Cairo, a close American ally.

. . . In response to longtime concerns about human rights abuses in Egypt, U.S. law places conditions on about a quarter of the military aid to Egypt each year. To release it, the secretary of state must certify that Cairo has complied with a range of human rights requirements. 

They're admitting that African nation did not comply. And what did the State spokesman say Secretary of State Antony Blinken's excuse was for waving away the requirements this time: They are helping with the Israel-Hamas ceasefire deal:

A State Department spokesman said the secretary, Antony J. Blinken, had found that Egypt had only partly met the human rights requirements but had overridden them, employing a legally permitted waiver “in the U.S. national security interest.”

Mr. Blinken’s decision was based on Egypt’s monthslong role as an intermediary between Hamas and Israel as the two sides try to negotiate a cease-fire deal that would free Israeli hostages in Gaza and allow more humanitarian aid into the territory, which borders Egypt’s Sinai Desert, the spokesman said.

They added that Egypt is also brokering a "cease-fire in neighboring Sudan’s civil war and its large-scale provision of aid to the Sudanese people."

Mariam Wahba, an analyst for The Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD), shared a list of reasons why the U.S. government should have held the line on giving the full aid to Egypt--they simply have not reformed in any meaningful way:

This is a disappointing development, signaling to our allies that they can get away with anything. Egypt continues to exploit its relationship with the U.S. and gets rewarded with $320 million.

Here’s are some things Egypt has done recently to undermine American interests:

-…— Mariam Wahba (@themariamwahba) September 11, 2024

The post reads:
- Bribed a U.S. Senator.

- Purchased Chinese fighter jets.

- Suppressed civil society and jailed political dissidents.

- Failed to protect religious and ethnic minorities.

- Allowed Hamas to rearm through the Philadelphi Corridor until the Israelis secured it in May.
When will there be consequences? 

Probably never and Egypt reaps rewards for actions that "undermine American interests." The Biden-Harris administration, along with that loser Antony Blinken, don't care as much about holding Egypt accountable for its lack of human decency as they care about posturing for the international community

The country is weaker by far with these incompetents in office.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Iran on the cusp of going nuclear thanks to Biden- and they want Harris to win

As the US presidential election fast approaches, it is known that Iran wants Kamala Harris to win and may be ready to push forward a nuclear weapon as the Trump-Harris election battle continues.

The Islamic Republic now has the technical know-how and resources to get more than a dozen nuclear bombs online in just four months — possibly before Joe Biden technically leaves office [he's been mentally gone for years, sources say].

Tehran thus far has enriched over 6,200 kilograms of uranium to the 5%, 20% and 60% levels. Weapons grade uranium 235 is about 90% enrichment and this is what the mullahs are going for, while under Trump they generated less than low-enriched uranium with fewer than 2,400 centrifuges. 

Now it has over 7,400 of the advanced centrifuges required to rapidly enrich radioactive ore, along with other technical advances that will allow it to replace human lab work on a nuclear weapon with computer modeling, which is much easier to conceal and far quicker.

Worse still, it has reactivated its Fordow enrichment site and is reportedly building a new site near the Natanz facility, one sunk so deep in the earth it would be immune to offensive strikes unless the Mossad can infiltrate it and blow it to smithereens.

In other words, America’s most committed enemy in the Middle East and the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism is now on the cusp of a strategic breakthrough that will see it empowered beyond anyone’s worst nightmares.

Maybe if Biden-Harris sends them more money, they'll be nice to us. After all, the Biden-Harris administration has left us with a border crisis, another national security clusterfrack [sic] so we need to deal with that as well.

Call Trump crazy if you want to, but under his administration, Iran, North Korea, China and Russia knew better than to mess with us. 

Kamala Harris sits down with ABC affiliate and she does 'a Kamala'

Failed Vice President and current Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris had a solo interview with her favorite media outlet, ABC. It's also easier for her to remember the call letters of the tv station and distinguish them from NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN and LGBTQ, which is not a media outlet. This was the first solo "interview" since her friend and a Trump-hater moderated the clusterfrack of a debate.

In spite of how slanted the ABC News was to help Harris in the debate with the powderpuff questions, she still spoke in word salad English. 

Harris answered five questions from Action News 6 ABC, a local affiliate of ABC News. The interview came after several days after her friend and the Trump hater in the debate with Donald J. Trump helped her out by providing fact checks on the former president but not her, and now there's a rumor going around that a whistleblower from ABC News has information that Harris was given the answers beforehand. 

This would be an incredible and damning piece of information.

One of the ABC moderators for the debate,  Linsey Davis, is a member of Harris’ sorority and Dana Walden, a Disney executive whose portfolio includes ABC, is one of the vice president’s close friends. In fact, she introduced the cackling Kamala to her current husband Doug, a guy who impregnated their nanny.

Action News 6 ABC anchor Brian Taff asked Harris, 59, what specifically would she do to bring down prices as president.

“Well, I’ll start with this. I grew up as a middle class kid. My mother raised my sister and me. She worked very hard,” she said, dodging the question thus far. She then babbled on about her neighborhood where people "were proud of their lawn."

“We as Americans have beautiful character. We have ambitions and aspirations and dreams. But not everyone necessarily has access to the resources that can help them fuel those dreams and ambitions,” Harris she said, in answer to the question about bringing down prices as president.

Instead of outlining any plan no matter how rudimentary at this "time deadline," Comrade Harris bragged about her proposed policy to give a $25,000 handout to new homeowners and giving tax breaks to new small businesses.

Harris also said that she is “obviously not Joe Biden” because she offers an “opportunity economy” and “a new generation of leadership,” and she doesn't identify as a man.

“So, for example, thinking about developing and creating an opportunity economy where it’s about investing in areas that really need a lot of work,” she said, confusing the crap out of anyone paying attention and seemingly finding one word at a time as she spoke.

Harris lied about not going to take “anyone’s guns away” and claimed that she supports the Second Amendment, but will ban “assault weapons” and “universal background checks,” and that "[T]hey're literally tools of war."

On what she thinks Trump’s appeal is to voters, Harris again took a few sentences to get to the core of the question.

“I, uh, based on experience and, uh, and, a lived experience know in my heart, I know in my soul, I know that the vast majority of Americans have in common so much more than what separates us,” she said, lying about having a soul.

“And I also believe that I am accurate in knowing that most Americans want a leader who brings us together as Americans and not someone who professes to be a leader who is trying to have us point our fingers at each other,” she said of Trump, who she calls Hitler, and MAGA voters, white supremacists. 

“I think people are more willing now in light of the hate and division that we see coming out of Donald Trump to say, ‘Hey, let’s put country first.'”

If you don't see this as butt-backwards, you're really living in a cave and eating cats.

Taff finally asked Harris if there was anything she wanted voters to know about her.

“I don’t know. I mean, probably it’s not very different from anybody watching right now. I love my family, um, one of my favorite things that I lately have not been able to do is Sunday family dinner. I love to cook. I have incredible friends,” Harris blubbered. 

“I have a career that really, and I said it the other day, you know, as a career prosecutor, I never asked a victim of crime where they were a Republican or a Democrat. The only thing I ever asked them was, ‘Are you OK?'” she said, arguing she thinks most Americans want that approach from a woman who failed the BAR exam on her first try.

ABC Whistleblower: Harris was given the questions and was promised Trump would be fact-checked; she would not

"So tell us why Trump is such a piece of s**t?"

According to a report by The Geller Report an ABC whistleblower is allegedly planning to release an affidavit attesting that Kamala Harris was given “the same questions that were given during the debate” and was assured that Trump would be “fact-checked” and she would not.

Again, this is alleged and has not been proven to have occurred, but if ABC is anything like CNN, it isn't a crazy conspiracy theory. Who do they think they are--Donna Brazile? Candy Crowley?

Mark Penn, a former advisor for the Clintons, is calling on an independent investigation into ABC News for rigging a debate. Below are a few of the posts that address the allegation.
If this turns out to be true, this is a serious breach of journalistic ethics and a death blow to @ABCNetwork reputation.
There are actually 5 whistleblowers now. Even former Clinton adviser Mark Penn is calling for ABC to probe if there was some effort at "rigging the outcome of this debate." Additionally, a very short video is circulating of Linsey Davis who is a sorority sister of Kamala Harris,…

— Tony Seruga (@TonySeruga) September 12, 2024
🚨BREAKING: It is now confirmed that Kamala Harris cheated and rigged the debate.

– Kamala was given the questions before the debate.

– Kamala was told that she would not be fact checked no matter what she said and that Trump would be fact checked.

— Philip Anderson (@VoteHarrisOut) September 12, 2024
The real losers were ABC and its two partisan moderators, Muir and Davis. They sought to warp a debate, disgraced their network, and offered a good reminder why such media “moderators” should never be allowed anywhere near presidential debates.

— Victor Davis Hanson (@VDHanson) September 12, 2024
The ABC “fact-checks” were fake, which has inversely drawn MORE attention to these topics, aka the Streisand Effect, which is a social phenomenon that happens when there's an attempt to censor or hide information but inadvertently brings more attention to it.


In 2003, Streisand tried to suppress photographs of her Malibu home from being published by suing the photographer. However, the lawsuit had the opposite effect, leading to widespread public interest and the viral spread of the photographs that might otherwise have gone unnoticed.

Essentially, the Streisand effect shows how efforts to suppress information can backfire, resulting in the undesired information becoming even more public and widely disseminated.

If it is proved that ABC fed Harris the questions with the pledge to not question her but would instead challenge Trump's claims, heads should roll, indictments should fly and people should be fired.

Friday, September 13, 2024

IDF honcho reveals they recovered a letter of top Hamasshole showing they are crumbling like last year's matzohs

Yoav Gallant meets with IDF commanders

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant on Wednesday shared a letter that he claimed was written by the former commander of Hamas's Khan Younis Brigade. The letter detailed the significant losses the Gaza terrorist group has sustained in the ongoing war in Gaza. Gallant's revelation adds to the understanding of the intense conflict and the toll it has taken on Hamas forces.

The letter, which has not been independently verified, was purportedly written by Rafe Salama and addressed to Hamasshole head Yahya Sinwar and his brother. According to Gallant, the letter describes the severe infrastructure and personnel losses the terrorist group has experienced since initiating the massacre against Israel on October 7 of last year.

According to a translation of the letter by the Israeli Defense Ministry, the letter noted that “we [Hamas] have lost 90-95 percent of our rocket capabilities; and we have lost some 60 percent of our personal weapons; we have lost at least 65-70 percent of our anti-tank launchers and rockets.”

The letter was apparently written prior to July, when Salama was killed by the IDF along with his buddy Mohammad "Mo" Deif.

“We have lost at least 50 percent of our fighters between those who are martyred and wounded, and now we are left with 25 percent,” the now dead Salama reportedly wrote. “The last 25 percent of our people have reached a situation where the people do not tolerate them anymore, broken on a mental or physical level.”

Israeli hearts bleed not for him.

As of mid-August, the IDF said it killed only about 17,000 terrorists in Gaza since the brutal Hamasshole attack on Oct. 7, and this corresponds roughly to the numbers outlined by Salama in the letter if it's authentic.

Gallant said the letter showed “the difficult situation of the Hamas organization.” He posted on X/Twitter that “Hamas is in real distress from the junior to the senior level — we will continue the effort and reach everyone.”

“He [Salama] cries out for the help of the Sinwar brothers, but of course, they can’t save him,” Gallant said. “Why? We are continuing the effort that started in October, which continues step by step and reaches all senior Hamas officials.”

Since the start of the war, Israel has killed many high-ranking terrorists of Hamas and other groups, including Lebanese Hezbollah. It's a good start but there's more to be done to end the attempted genocide.

Am Yisrael Chai!

IDF video of hostage tunnel shocked and divided Israel

It's almost a year now as Israel has been devastated and emotionally exhausted over the Israel-Hamas war. But on Tuesday, it was even worse after IDF Spokesman R-Adm. Daniel Hagari showed chilling images of the Gaza tunnel where Hamas executed six hostages last month.

The three-minute video clip showed Hagari descending from a children’s room with brightly colored walls and paintings of Snow White and Mickey Mouse in the Tel Al-Sultan neighborhood of Rafah, 20 meters into the hell where Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Carmel Gat, Eden Yerushalmi, Alex Lobanov, Almog Sarusi, and Ori Danino were held and murdered--shot multiple times in the head. 

It is believed that the men hostages attempted a last-ditch effort to protect the female hostages, but they were killed along with the women.

“Here is the place in the tunnel where the hostages were murdered,” Hagari said in his unemotional monotone. “Here you see their blood on the floor. Here were the last moments of Hersh, Eden, Carmel, Ori, Almog, and Alex. Here they were brutally murdered. We will learn what happened here. We need to learn very well what happened here.

“It is very hard to survive here,” Hagari continued. “They were heroes, heroes who were killed in cold blood by murderous terrorists who build tunnels under the rooms of children and hide in them with hostages.”

Islamic jihad is a sick, evil, bloodthirsty act that is supposed to be holy. 

Hagari revealed the terrible conditions in which the hostages were kept – a low ceiling that didn't allow them to stand upright, a cesspool, bottles of urine, and no ventilation. He mentioned how extremely humid it was. He found a broken hairbrush, a chess set, a flashlight, magazines for an AK-47, and a bullet casing. Among all these items, there was also a copy of the Qur'an, the Islamic 'scripture' that calls for hating Jews and unleashing jihad against "the unbelievers."

The compassionate people of Israel watched the video and felt the suffocating heat of the tunnel, smelled the disgusting stench, sensed the fear the hostages must have endured, and heard the cries. As they viewed the disturbing images on the 8 p.m. news, the anger from October 7 returned, and their rage boiled over once more, while many useful idiots of the West marched and demonstrated for Hamas.

However, the anger among Israelis was widespread as the horrifying images were broadcasted. Many Israelis directed their frustration towards Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his administration, arguing that the hostages would not have been murdered if Israel had not stubbornly insisted on remaining in the Philadelphi Corridor, which is only a short distance from the tunnel.

They were angry that Netanyahu and the government didn't jump at what they thought was the deal at hand and concluded that in order to keep the same fate from happening the remaining hostages, the deal needed to be made immediately.

Those presenting this argument assume—despite a lack of clarity—that a deal is possible. They believe that Hamas, despite recently increasing its demands by adding more names to the list of terrorist murderers they want released, is open to negotiating an agreement. 

They obviously don't know Hamas.

Others, however, correctly directed their anger at Hamas, in this writer's opinion. They highlighted the Hamassholes' brutality, so evident in the clip, and saw the video as justification for not striking a deal with Hamas, but, rather, using harsher measures against the terrorist organization, including ending the supply of humanitarian aid.

If this is how Hamas behaves, Yediot Aharonot journalist Amichai Attali wrote, articulating this same mindset, then Israel should halt all but essential humanitarian aid – water and flour – to Gaza.

A nation so deeply divided over how to free the hostages – by an agreement that would include giving in to some of Hamas’s demands or by continued military pressure – viewed the same grisly video and came to opposite conclusions, which is exactly what Hamas hoped would happen.

It's fully understandable how families of the remaining hostages want an immediate deal with the terrorists, but it should not come as a surprise that the remaining hostages still alive would be murdered before handing them over, if that hasn't already happened, because this is how Jew hatred works.

The only solution to this situation is to eliminate Hamas and those who would try to eliminate Israel.

Hamas-lover charges at pro-Israel demonstrator who shoots him in self-defense but is being charged

Framingham, MA -- A pro-Israel demonstrator was attacked by a pro-terrorist man. The Hamas-lover ran across the street, attacked the pro-Israel demonstrator who was carrying a legally owned handgun, and knocked him to the ground as he grabbed him by the neck. Fortunately for the pro-Israel demonstrator, he was able to shoot the frenetic man in the stomach in what seems to clearly be an act of self-defense.

The entire incident was based on the war in Gaza in which the attacker accused the protesters of "defending genocide" and calling them "sick."

Obviously, if the attacker knew what genocide really means, he would know that it is Hamas that has clearly attempted to commit genocide on the Israeli Jews, but somehow because Israel is winning the war, it's their fault Hamassholes are dying like moths at a pig roast. The truth is, if Israel, with its military dominance over Hamas wanted to commit genocide, there would have been hundreds of thousands of Gazan deaths rather than the actual number.

The pro-Israel man, Scott Hayes, 47, has been charged with assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, and violation of a constitutional right causing injury after he shot the scumcrumpet during the scuffle on the ground. It happened in Newton at about 6:40 p.m., according to Middlesex County District Attorney Marian Ryan at a press briefing.

Hayes did not fire his gun until after the Hamasshole supporter ran at him from across the street and tackled him before grabbing him by the neck, making this sound like "a good shoot," as the cops would say.

After the shot rang out, two other pro-Israel demonstrators could be seen stomping on the crazed pro-Hamasshole supporter, who has not been identified, and then dragging him off Hayes.

In another video posted online, Hayes can be seen administering aid to the man seconds after the shooting and telling an onlooker to call 911. The Jew-hating shooting victim  suffered life-threatening injuries and was being treated at a local hospital, according to Ryan.

The shooting victim was still wearing a 2020 COVID face mask but had it hanging around his neck in place of a keffiyeh.

Hayes is expected to be arraigned today, Friday at Newton District Court.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Arab channel TV show guest calls for killing all LGBTQ people

According to a complaint filed by The Aguda - The Association for LGBTQ Equality in Israel, a broadcast on KAN 11 called for the murder and execution of LGBT people.

'They are unnatural': Arab channel TV show guest calls for the execution of gay people
Among other things, a Muslim named Saeed Badran said that "homosexuals are outside of nature" and that he supports killing them he said in a broadcast on Monday night. 

He made the complaints about gays in Israel but he obviously does not speak for Israelis as Israel happens to be the most democratic, live-and-let-live country in the entire Middle East where the remainder are as homo-homicidal as one can imagine.

The complaint is about a show on "Makan 33," an Arabic-language channel owned by the same company that runs KAN 11. But the calls for killing gays came from Muslim Arabs, certainly not from Israel where they hold an annual gay pride parade in Tel Aviv.

Badran also said that it wouldn't matter if it were an Islamic (Shariah) state, Judaic (Halachic) state, or Christian state; all would execute gay people if they ruled by religion.

What are they afraid of? Islamic paradise, Jannah, offers young, handsome boys along with the 72 virgins, as a reward, and the wives get to watch. 

The association responded, "These are statements that have the power to incite serious violence against LGBT people and directly endanger the lives of LGBT people from Arab society in particular, many of whom are also in danger every day.

This is how Muslims treat gay people as prescribed in the 'holy' Qur'an

"In light of this, we expect and demand from the broadcasting corporation, whose responsibility it is to represent all sections of the public appropriately and properly, to take all sanctions against the program team, the editors, the presenter, and anyone who approved the broadcast of the interview and leaving it on the air for long minutes."

KAN 11 responded, "The words that were said on the broadcast in Arabic are intolerable, and it was not appropriate for them to be broadcast. We immediately removed the segment from the network. The guest who said the things on the broadcast will not return to our broadcasts."

Badran is obviously quite Islamic.

UNRWA says staffers killed in school strike: turns out they were terrorists, as usual

The IDF struck the Al Jaouni School near Nuseirat in central Gaza and before the smoke had cleared, UNRWA claimed that their staffers were killed. This may be true, but if so, their staffers were terrorists, the IDF revealed.

And again, before the smoke had cleared, the anti-Semite UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres condemned the deaths of the 6 UNRWA terrorists, and the IDF said they requested details of the staff so they could investigate. Naturally, the request was denied.
What is "unacceptable,” @antonioguterres, is the fact you refuse to recognize reality and continue to distort it. Terrorists operating out of civilian buildings previously used by @UNRWA are not "innocent." It is unconscionable that the UN continues to condemn Israel in its…— Danny Danon דני דנון (@dannydanon) September 12, 2024
"Upon receiving reports claiming that local Palestinian UNRWA workers were killed as a result of the strike, the IDF requested that the agency provide details and names of the workers, in order to thoroughly review the claim. To date, no answers have been provided by UNRWA despite repeated requests.

Muhammad Adnan Abu Zayd, an "UNRWA employee" and one of the nine terrorists listed, launched mortars at Israel as part of his role in Hamas's Military Wing, the military said, but they were mostly friendly mortars.

Yasser "That's My Baby" Ibrahim Abu Sharar, another of the eliminated scumcrumpets and an "employee of UNRWA," acted as both a member of Hamas's Military Wing and as an operative in Hamas's emergency bureau in Nuseirat. "He had so much to look forward to," his family began, "what with all those Israelis yet to be slaughtered."

Finally, the military said that Ayad Matar was both an "UNRWA employee" and a terrorist in Hamas's military wing.

The other 6 terrorists named were Aysar Karadia, from Hamas's Military Wing, Bassem Majed Shaheen, whom participated in Hamas's October 7 attack and was a member of the terror group's military wing, Amar al-Jadili, a member of Hamas's Military Wing and an operative in the group's Internal Security Forces, Akram Saber al-Ghalaydi, a member of Hamas's Military Wing and an operative in the group's Internal Security Forces, Muhammad Issa Abu al-Amir, an Oct. 7 terrorist and member of Hamas's Military Wing, and finally, Sharif Salam, a terrorist in Hamas' Military Wing.

May their memories be a warning: the Jews aren't so easy to kill anymore.

Am Yisrael Chai!

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Foo Fighter 'does a Doug Emhoff' and fathers a child out of wedlock

Frontman and lead singer for the fabulous Foo Fighters, Dave Grohl, admitted Tuesday that he did what the Second Husband of the United States did, which was to father a child out of wedlock and remain in the marriage anyway. 

Grohl says that he's still involved in the new baby's life, and although he's a liberal, at least he didn't have the baby killed. He also intends to remain at his job of fighting foo and singing.

“I’ve recently become the father of a new baby daughter, born outside of my marriage,” the 55-year-old Foo Fighter shared on Instagram. “I plan to be a loving and supportive parent to her. I love my wife and my children, and I am doing everything I can to regain their trust and earn their forgiveness.” 

He also loves Serge, the name he gave his penis.

“We’re grateful for your consideration toward all the children involved, as we move forward together,” the post said. Comments on the post were turned off because the Grohls didn't want to be inundated with good wishes and joyous joy, joy.

The admission of the baby girl born out of wedlock came after The Foo Fighters blasted presidential nominee Donald Trump, for using their song, "My Hero" at an Arizona rally in August. They didn't know that the Trump organization paid for the rights to the song, and just to keep in the good graces of the Left to avoid cancellation, a representative for the band said,  “Foo Fighters were not asked permission and if they were, they would have not granted it.”

But Trump had permission, so there's that.

Trump’s rep Steven Cheung hit back on X, using Foo Fighters song titles while composing a message that said, “It’s Times Like These facts matter, don’t be a Pretender.” Cheung also said they had gone through the proper channels to obtain rights to the music, the outlet noted.

The former unfaithful Nirvana drummer met his wife, Jordyn Blum, at the Sunset Marquis Whiskey Bar in West Hollywood in 2001, according to the New York Post. The rest is history . . . a bit sordid, but history nevertheless.

Grohl was previously married to photographer Jennifer Youngblood, divorcing her in 1997 for reasons unknown. He currently has three daughters with his current wife and one daughter with someone else.

IAF hits Hamas control center embedded in UNRWA school compound

The FAFO Squadron

Israeli Air Force (IAF) fighter jets targeted terrorists at a command and control complex within a compound formerly used as UNRWA's Al-Jaouni school in the Nuseirat area, central Gaza, the IDF reported on Wednesday. The children who attended that school were not on the premises as they were out with Hamas serving as human shields.

The military emphasized that the strike was meticulously planned, relying on intelligence from the IDF, Shin Bet, and Division 252. If Israel accidentally harms a non-combatant, and there are dozens of those in Gaza, the world has a cow and points their collective finger at the, you know, Jews.

So the IDF explained that, "[B]efore the strike, numerous steps were taken to mitigate the risk of harming civilians, including the use of precise munitions, aerial surveillance, and additional intelligence."

"This is a further example of the Hamas terrorist organization’s systematic abuse of civilian infrastructure in violation of international law. The IDF will continue to operate against Hamas in defense of the citizens of Israel."

Can I get an Am Yisrael Chai!

Gaza "journalist" arrested and admits he's a terrorist" during questioning


Amro Abu Rida, a alleged journalist from Gaza, was arrested for being involved in the October 7 massacre. During an interrogation by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), he confessed that he isn't actually a journalist, as reported by KAN news on Wednesday night.

Instead, Rida is a Hamasshole supporting, Jew-hating, barely bathing terrorist.

In the interrogation, Amro also revealed that he is a member of the Popular Front, a small terrorist group. He admitted to kicking the body of one of the hostages, according to KAN, and said that he misses his "pet" goat Ayisha. 

So what we have learned is that Gaza journalism is to Hamas as American liberal journalism is to the Democratic Party.

There was a GoFundMe page back this past January titled: "Help Amr Abud Raza Bring Joy to Children in Gaza." Now we can imagine where the money actually went because Hamassholes do not value Gaza children--they use their schools to store weapons, and their bodies to act as shields. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Netherlands sentences jihadis to prison who called for murder of Geert Wilders

The Dutch government finally grew a set when sentencing a pair of Pakistanis to prison who called for the murder of PVV leader Geert Wilders. The court in The Hague sentenced the Islamists to prison terms of fourteen and four years.

The Public Prosecution Service has called for the most severe sentence for Muhammad Ashraf Asif Jalali, a 56-year-old spiritual leader. The other individual convicted is Saad Hussain Rizvi, a 29-year-old who leads the extremist party Tehreek-e-Labaik Pakistan (TLP).

It is totally reasonable to assume that Jalali's jihadis, [say that 3 times fast] that is, his followers, took his calls for murder seriously. He even went so far as to make his statements in English and addressed an international audience because the more who are ready to kill Wilders for the sake of Islam, the better the chances of success. 

The court considers these calls to be a crime with a terrorist objective, rather than a religious, religion of peace objective because the court is capable of seeing through the bull crap.

Rizvi was partly acquitted of a crime related to terrorism. The court concluded that there wasn't enough evidence to prove this was Rizvi's intention. Consequently, Rizvi was sentenced to four years in prison, despite the Public Prosecution Service having demanded six years.

Neither Jalali nor Rizvi were physically present in court as the Netherlands has no extradition treaty with Pakistan. The chance that they will serve their sentences is as likely as Kamala Harris getting struck by lightning on her way to the debate. 

Wilders himself was present in court.

In 2018, Wilders announced that he wanted to hold a cartoon contest in the House of Representatives, in which people could win 10,000 dollars with a cartoon about the prophet Mohammed. The contest led to much outrage in the Islamic world, especially in Pakistan because, while Mohammed is depicted much like a cartoon character who took a flying horse to heaven to chew the fat with Allah, Muslims kill people who depict him in that way [see Charlie Hebdo, Jan. 2015].

Pakistan has very strict laws on blasphemy, gays, lesbians, Jews, Hindus, Christians, atheists, apostates, women who show too much skin, women who answer back their husbands, adultery, rape, and all non-Sunni Muslims. 

So don't even question Islam nor the behavior of the pedophile who led it in battle for his booty and myriad wives, one who became so when she was six.

Harris promised to use taxes to fund sex change surgery for illegal alien criminals in detention

During her presidential campaign in 2019, Vice President Kamala Harris promised to use taxpayer funds for sex change surgeries for illegal immigrants who are in detention. This was revealed in a questionnaire she filled out at the time, but not many people paid attention to it.

CNN’s Andrew Kaczynski reported that Harris, who was a senator then, expressed support for decriminalizing federal drug possession, making significant reductions to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and promised to stop detaining illegal immigrants.

Harris was asked on the questionnaire if she as president would use “executive authority to ensure that transgender and non-binary people who rely on the state for medical care, including those in prison and immigration detention, will have access to comprehensive treatment associated with gender transition, including all necessary surgical care.”

She answered, "Yes." She claimed that it was “important that transgender individuals who rely on the state for care receive the treatment they need, which includes access to treatment associated with gender transition.”

“Transition treatment is a medical necessity, and I will direct all federal agencies responsible for providing essential medical care to deliver transition treatment,” she ignorantly added.

Harris’ campaign skirted questions about whether she still supports these taxpayer funded, extreme communist policies.

“The Vice President’s positions have been shaped by three years of effective governance as part of the Biden-Harris Administration,” the campaign claimed. “As President, she will take that same pragmatic approach, focusing on common-sense solutions for the sake of progress.”

Harris' campaign has said several times that she doesn't support many of the extreme views she had during the 2020 election anymore. However, these claims usually come from unnamed sources in the campaign, and the major news outlets keep their identities secret.

Donald Trump Jr. responded to CNN’s report by posting on X: “It’s bad enough that Kamala Harris bragged about allowing hundreds of thousands of unvetted Haitian Migrants into our country, but she also pledged to cut funding for ICE and give free taxpayer funded trans surgeries to illegal immigrants who were detained by authorities.”

The more you know, the more Kamala Harris looks like a communist clown.

Kamala Harris puts last minute policies on her website: pass the salad dressing

Well the debate is here tonight and now the tire meets the road. Kamala Harris had been blowing smoke in our faces and elsewhere, but now she has finally put some "policies" on her website after hiding it from us for months. I use scare quotes for the word 'policies' because they don't tell us anything other than the fact that the woman running for President of the United States is a terrible candidate and a fraud who has failed to do show-and-tell as to what her positions are and has been "doing a Joe Biden" from the public.

So let's get on with her latest word salads posted on her website:
Vice President Harris will never hesitate to take whatever action is necessary to protect U.S. forces and interests from Iran and Iran-backed terrorist groups. Vice President Harris will always stand up for Israel’s right to defend itself and she will always ensure Israel has the ability to defend itself. She and President Biden are working to end the war in Gaza, such that Israel is secure, the hostages are released, the suffering in Gaza ends, and the Palestinian people can realize their right to dignity, security, freedom, and self-determination. She and President Biden are working around the clock to get a hostage deal and a ceasefire deal done.

From advising on tough decisions in the Oval Office and the Situation Room, to serving on the Senate Select Committee on the Intelligence, to going after transnational criminal organizations as California’s Attorney General, Vice President Harris brings extensive national security experience—and it’s no surprise more than 350 foreign policy and national security experts have endorsed her.
This brings to mind several questions.

First, what actions will she take to protect our forces and interests from [?] Iran and Iran-backed terrorist groups? And furthermore, what are our 'interests' are we protecting 'from' Iran et al.?

Secondly, Israel's right to defend itself is a given. What does Harris specifically mean by standing up for its right to defend itself? That is, what does 'standing up' translate to be? How far will she go to that end?

Thirdly, what is she and President Biden doing to end the war in Gaza, and what is she and Biden doing to get the hostages released beyond saying they will? More importantly, why is she more concerned about the 'suffering' of the Palestinian people' than what Hamas has done to the Israeli people? It's a fact that the vast majority of the so called Palestinian people support Hamas and their "journey" to annihilate Israel and the Jews. And c'mon now; does she really think we believe that she and Biden are "working around the clock to get a hostage deal?

Fourth and lastly, how is the fact that she was last person in the room with Biden when they decided to pull our troops out of Afghanistan the way they did, a good thing? 

There is no plan here, only a political advertisement that says nothing tangible about what she would do if, heaven forbid, she becomes president.

But wait; there's more empty balderdash.
As President, she will direct her Administration to crack down on anti-competitive practices that let big corporations jack up prices and undermine the competition that allows all businesses to thrive while keeping prices low for consumers. And she will go after bad actors who exploit an emergency to rip off consumers by calling for the first-ever federal ban on corporate price gouging on food and groceries, which will build on the anti-price gouging statutes already in place in 37 states.

Just as she did as Vice President, she will take on Big Pharma to lower drug prices and cap insulin costs, not just for seniors but for all Americans. And she’ll keep fighting to bring down prescription drug costs by taking on pharmacy middlemen, who raise consumers’ prices for their own gain and squeeze independent pharmacies’ profits.
What is her plan to crack down on "anti-competitive practices." She gives no examples of "price gouging" and her babble sounds like cocktail talk at the Bernie Sanders' honeymoon in Russia. Insofar as groceries are concerned, the profit margins are very low and tell us please, which grocery stores and producers are doing the "price gouging." We have federal laws to fight that already in existence.

Then Harris claims that she is going to be "taking on the pharmacy middlemen." How will she do that and what does it even mean? We don't know because she doesn't explain her points.

Her entire platform on lowering costs is just a bunch vague bull crap disconnected to any policy ideas.

Regarding Social Security, this is the lie that Harris told.
Vice President Harris will protect Social Security and Medicare against relentless attacks from Donald Trump and his extreme allies. She will strengthen Social Security and Medicare for the long haul by making millionaires and billionaires pay their fair share in taxes. She will always fight to ensure that Americans can count on getting the benefits they earned.
Former President Trump never said that he wanted to cut or even touch Social Security--it was never on the table.  On the contrary, Trump has been criticized from the right because he doesn't want to do anything to fix the program before it careens off the fiscal cliff. 

Nevertheless, Harris' plan to save Social Security is to raise taxes. Not a good plan because the nation's billionaires could be taxed a hundred percent and that wouldn't save it. Harris is hoping the American public is too stupid to see through this lie.

The website went on to brag about the Inflation Reduction Act, which turned out to be an oxymoron. It increased inflation and destroyed jobs while never creating those 'high-quality clean energy jobs" that were promised.
As Attorney General, Kamala Harris won tens of millions in settlements against Big Oil and held polluters accountable. As Vice President, she cast the tie-breaking vote to pass the Inflation Reduction Act, the largest investment in climate action in history. This historic work is lowering household energy costs, creating hundreds of thousands of high-quality clean energy jobs, and building a thriving clean energy economy, all while ensuring America’s energy security and independence with record energy production. As President, she will unite Americans to tackle the climate crisis as she builds on this historic work, advances environmental justice, protects public lands and public health, increases resilience to climate disasters, lowers household energy costs, creates millions of new jobs, and continues to hold polluters accountable to secure clean air and water for all. As the Vice President said at the international climate conference, COP28, she knows that meeting this global challenge will require global cooperation and she is committed to continuing and building upon the United States’ international climate leadership. She and Governor Walz will always fight for the freedom to breathe clean air, drink clean water, and live free from the pollution that fuels the climate crisis.
 The Inflation Reduction Act was a worthless clusterfrack [sic] that has accomplished essentially nothing but giving the IRS a bunch of money to waste, collecting a fraction back with new enforcement. Her pretense of uniting the country against climate change is simply a bunch of empty pretentious words. 

She says nothing and does nothing. Her assignment as "border czar" is a clear example of that. The words that come out of her cackling mouth are just the same garbage the Left has been spouting for years. There is nothing new or thought out, but the Democrats are hoping that your 'joy' will overcome your intelligence.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Former Democratic state senator forced chief of her staff to perform sex contortions that hurt his back, hip: lawsuit

A Democratic turned Republican California state senator, Marie Alvarado-Gil, forced a former staffer to perform sexual acrobatics for her while he worked for her as part of a "quid pro quo relationship." This left the man with serious back and hip injuries as a new lawsuit alleges.

Alvarado-Gil's former chief of staff, Chad Condit, served her with the lawsuit last week. It alleges that she, a former, longtime Democrat who recently became a Republican, pressured Condit to perform sex acts on her while traveling to work.

Condit, a married man, claims he gave in and performed the contortions on his boss over the years as part of a "sex-based quid pro quo relationship" in order to retain his job, according to the suit, which was filed in Sacramento Superior Court.

During their final act, Condit alleges he suffered a debilitating back injury while having to “twist and contort” [like he did last summer] as he performed oral sex on the senator in a car — leaving him with three herniated discs and a collapsed hip, [and her with a horse voice from screaming], the court papers charge.

Condit claims he started using his back injury as an excuse to reject Alvarado-Gil’s advances in August last year but she allegedly retaliated and handed him a disciplinary letter with accusations of inappropriate behavior leveled against him. Evidently, she views sexual acrobatics as necessary and appropriate behavior and Condit wasn't doing his job.

Condit now alleges he was fired in December after repeatedly making clear that the sexual advances were no longer welcome and that he was undergoing back surgery, according to the suit.

“This was a sex-based quid pro quo relationship of unwelcome advances and sexual behaviors coupled with punishment and flexing of power,” the suit alleges.

Alvarado-Gil is portrayed in the suit as an “erratic” and “controlling” boss who allegedly inflicted a “sexually dominating abuse of authority and power” over the married aide.

Condit, who is the son of former Congressman Gary Condit (D-CA), first started working for Alvarado-Gil when she ran for her Senate seat as a Democrat in 2022. He became her chief of staff when she was elected.

Alvardo-Gil’s attorney, Ognian Gavrilov, has since hit back at the former aide’s allegations.

“A disgruntled former employee has fabricated an outlandish story, presented without evidence, to get a payday,” Gavrilov said in a statement to The NY Post.

“We expect that the senator will be fully cleared of any wrongdoing of these bogus, financially motivated claims.”

Meanwhile, Condit is still married but we don't know for how long, if the allegations are true.

Comrade Sanders exposed Comrade Kamala as a fraud who scams the voters

Sometimes the truth is accidentally revealed by the far-left because they like to hear the sound of their own voices and don't consider the content.

In an interview on "Meet the Press" Sunday, far-left Senator and Comrade Bernie Sanders (Commie-VT) was enjoying his Brooklyn accent when he said the truth.

When pressed by host Kristen Welker on Harris’s reversal of her former key progressive positions—like her prior support for Medicare for All and a ban on fracking—Sanders’s words revealed the former unspoken truth. The old guy admitted that her current stance is nothing more than a political charade to win votes. [Remember Harris' statement about when she lied in a debate against Biden when she ran for President? Her excuse was "[I]t was a debate. It was a debate," followed by her signature cackle.]

Of course Harris isn't really going to move toward the center, or even the center left. She, like her estranged Jamaican father, is a far-left socialist. In other words, she's further left of socialists.

Sanders' reply to Welker's question about her flip-flopping over her progressive ideals, the same lunatic progressive ideals that Sanders holds, wasn't a defense of the flip-flopping. He said,  “No. I don’t think she’s abandoning her ideals. I think she’s trying to be pragmatic and doing what she thinks is right in order to win the election.”

Kind of like the way she debates, lies and all.

Sanders was being truthful by admitting Harris is scamming the voters rather than having a modicum of principal with a dab of honesty. She hasn't changed her leftist values because she had an epiphany; she's doing it to win the election. Face it, anyone who would have sex with Willie Brown just to get a political appointment, would have no problem with lying to the nation to become its leader.

"I did have s_x with that woman, Miss Harris"

So while Sanders says that her move to the middle is to become more electable to the general public, he is also admitting that his and Harris' interest is their own, not that of the country.

And that is a crappy reason to vote for them. But will independent voters be bamboozled? It's possible, but with Sanders and others with little self-awareness or blatant honesty, they just might catch on.

Israel-Hamas War: where it now stands

Since October 7, 2023, and as of last week, a total of 1,667 Israelis have been killed, and of those, 706 were IDF soldiers. There have been about 17,800 wounded and more than 143,000 Israelis have been evacuated from their homes.

Since the start of the war, alerts have sounded in 935 communities, forcing Israelis to run to safe areas around 15,000 times.

Approximately 20,000 rockets, missiles and drones have been fired into Israel, according to a recent INSS report.

As of this writing, 101 hostages, both alive and deceased, are still in Hamas captivity. We are uncertain of the breakdown of the hostages, but thus far, many have been murdered in captivity and the Western media tends to blame Israel and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for the behavior of the terrorists.

Thus far, 17,000 terrorists have been killed and the IDF struck about 38,000 Hamas targets throughout Gaza. 

The Hamas-run Gaza health ministry, says 41,000 Arabs have been killed, and almost 95,000 have been wounded, but they do not draw distinctions between civilians and combatants, and it's a fact that many Gazans participate in the war so it's difficult to distinguish between non-combatants and terrorists. 

Over 68,000 Israelis have been evacuated from 43 northern communities, and around 100,000 people have been evacuated from their homes in Lebanon, according to the report. 

The report also detailed the occurrences in the West Bank. According to the INSS, since the onset of the war, 4,973 terror attacks have occurred in the West Bank, killing 38 Israelis, 12 of whom were soldiers and three were police officers. In addition, 285 Israelis were wounded in these terror attacks.

Nearly 700 Arabs have been killed throughout the West Bank since the beginning of the war, according to the report, citing the Palestinian health ministry.

Approximately 4,400 Arabs were arrested, among whom 1,850 were Hamas terrorists, representing a 114% increase in the number of Arab prisoners imprisoned in Israeli jails compared with the numbers in July of 2022.

Also, in the West Bank, since the beginning of the war, there have been 1,407 incidents of violence between Arabs and settlers, with the largest number of such incidents, 300, occurring in October of last year.

Regarding protests worldwide on the war, the report showed that an average of 2,090 anti-Israel protests occur globally every month in comparison to 65 pro-Israel demonstrations.

Yemen saw the most anti-Israel protests, with 5,500 demonstrations. The US came in second, with 3,500 protests, followed by Morocco, Turkey and Iran.

The most pro-Israel protests, 317, have occurred in the US, followed by France with 108, Germany, Canada, and Australia.

More on the second attempted Trump assassination

Backpacks filled with ceramic tiles  On Sunday, former President and Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump, survived a second assa...