Thursday, May 31, 2012

Abortionomics and Obama's Leadershiplessness

The jobless claim has climbed to 383 thousand this week but even these anemic numbers don't show the actual numbers of jobless--many people have simply given up or retired prematurely. The deficit continues to climb at a rate of over $9 billion a day, the highest rate in history.  If you have children, by the time they reach adulthood, they will have a debt of over $900 thousand per person.

The Catholic church is still under attack by the left and all people of conscience are part of that equation. They are forcing parents to allow their children, as young as kindergarten age, to take sex education classes, some of which advocate premarital sex, gay sex, and who knows what else kind of sex.  The leftist media has failed to report the scores of lawsuits against the administration--perhaps they don't think it's important, but it's actually a huge story--in the past, the Church tended to endorse the left, today, it's finally taking the higher road out of a sense of self preservation.

Planned Parenthood, an organization that has killed more babies since 2000 than World War Two has killed soldiers, is endorsing Obama, and Obama is endorsing abortion.  This is another slap in the face to the Church.  The next endorsement for Obama should come from the National Organization for Women (NOW), who support abortion ("a woman's right to choose, over the rights of the unborn"), because like Obama, they pretend to have a moral core while they do nothing about the mistreatment of women in the Middle East and other Islamic countries.  Women and girls are "honor killed," (now that's an oxymoron if I've ever heard one), given half the legal rights that men enjoy, are forced to live in cloth tents because, heaven forbid, if a man sees their ankle or face, he will lose self-control and be forced to rape them. These are the nations our President tells us to respect as he bows to a Muslim king in Egypt.  But he is not a Muslim--he just acts like one.  

Syria has become a killing field for Assad, that chinless piece of human excrement..  But Obama has gallantly stayed in role as he continues to lead from behind.  Actually, he doesn't really lead, he talks, he promises, and he lies. Like the dead voters who supported him, he is a fraud, and the Syrian bodies keep multiplying. 

It's truly amazing that people continue to support Obama.  The facts speak for themselves, just as his words prove his character and how he has deceived the American public. But there will always be leftists who believe what they feel, not what they see.

If you want a great read about modern day terrorism and suspense, my latest novel, Jihad Joe, is now available both in soft cover and as an Ebook--see the links below. 

Jihad Joe Soft Cover           

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Smoke and Mirrors

It's becoming increasingly more difficult being proud of what our country is doing with our so-called allies. Doctor Afridi, the Pakistani doctor who helped us find bin Laden, has been thrown under the bus and the driver rode over him and then threw it in reverse.  How can we in good conscience allow this brave man to spend what might amount to the rest of his life, in prison?  In fact, if Pakistan is calling him a traitor for helping us nail bin Laden, then where is Pakistan's real allegience? The answer is obvious--al Qaeda.

Congress has decided to get tough with Pakistan by disallowing $33 million to not go there as aid.  This is like fining a professional baseball player of high caliber a thousand dollars for throwing at a batter.  Pin money. A joke.

If instead, we told Pakistan that if they do not immediately free this man and allow him asylum in the USA, we will cut off all of their aid and give it to India. That would rattle their cage.  No idle threats; just action. Once they know that we would support India, their mortal enemy, they will collectively form the world's largest cesspool and give in to our demands. Otherwise, it's just like an Obama promise.

But the problem is Obama.  He has been instrumental in creating the image of the United States as a nation that will not stand behind its promises, a nation that throws its allies under the bus while embracing its enemies.  Who is this president really?

If you want a great read about modern day terrorism and suspense, my latest novel, Jihad Joe, is now available both in soft cover and as an Ebook--see the links below. 

Jihad Joe Soft Cover         

Monday, May 28, 2012

Peace on You, Egypt

Kofi Annan spoke out against Syrian violence--his words are useless, as useless as the UN itself.  In the same vein, Obama has done nothing to help Egypt defeat the oppression of the government over their people--Obama's words are also useless--as useless as his promises.  Egypt's current ruler,Tafiq, and the farce of an election that is taking place there, is unacceptable to the Egyptian people, but Obama believes the Muslim Brotherhood is not a viable threat to the country and has done nothing to intervene. Perhaps he thinks Sharia law is a good thing, just as long as his daughters don't have to live under it. Maybe this was his covert agenda all along. He talks about how he would stand with Islam if the time ever came to make a decision that would effect the world.

We, as a nation, have sat quietly along the sidelines while Islamic organizations like CAIR, ISNA, MSA, and others that like these that are associated with the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), create ways of silencing our questions about Islam, jihad, and Sharia. They call those of us who question them "Islamophobic," a term created by an Islamic think tank which is also an arm of the MB.  This term was created specifically to make us keep our mouths shut or be labelled "racists."   It's ridiculous to call someone a racist about a religion rather than a race, but it seems to be working and it has the left jumping through hoops to appease the Islamic world. (I just now nearly used the term "Islamists" rather than Islamic world, but I realize that by doing so, it would have been me appeasing them--it isn't a "special group of Muslims that are different from other Muslims, except for the fact that they are literalists of the Koran and Hadith--they simply are doing what the religion tells them to do: kill the unbelievers, Jews, gays, and keep your women in line because they are inferior to men. Yes, Islam clearly says that in their scripture--so don't blame me for pointing it out.)

I refuse to accept the term racist for questioning Islam--if that were so, it would make all Muslims racist for disrespecting Christianity and hating the Jews.  Islam is the most intolerant "religion" in the world, but political correctness doesn't allow this to be mentioned.

The Islamic world is creeping forward, slowly, like a crab under the waves at the beach, about to grab onto your big toe and hurt you badly. But in this case, there are many other crabs under the waves and they're all about to pounce when the time is ripe.  We can pretend that all is well and the water's fine, but when the crabs grab onto you, it's going to hurt more than just a big toe--and once they get you, they aren't going to let go.

Obama may not have been born in Kenya, and may or not be a Muslim. But his heart belongs to Islam and if you don't see that, I advise you to stay out of the water.
If you want a great read about modern day terrorism and suspense, my latest novel, Jihad Joe, is now available both in soft cover and as an Ebook--see the links below. 
Jihad Joe Soft Cover          
click here for ebook version    

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Memorial Day Brain Flushings

 It's Memorial Day weekend and our defense budget is destined to become anemic if our so-called Commander in Chief has his way.  Our Navy will have only slightly more war ships than Saudi Arabia currently has and fewer ground troops than there are heterosexuals in San Francisco. Democrats want to increase our taxes, saying that it will help cut the deficit, but this is about as believable an Obama promise.  But it doesn't matter because the media is the message and the message is so far left that Republicans don't get a fair voice in the discussion.  Liberals control the airways and that is the main reason why liberals win elections.

Obama spoke recently at a gathering of nodding socialists.  They believed his speech about how he has significantly cut the rate of spending in the Federal budget while it's the Republicans who try to "bamboozle" us. (It's amazing that a president can use words like "bamboozle" without the audience wetting their collective skivvies). This is pure and utter otter poop but liberals actually believe it because they, like many of us, believe what the media tells us to believe. 

"If it's in the New York Times, it must be fact."  Well, the Gray Lady is a liar. She tells us what she wants us to hear, and leaves out things that hurt the liberal cause. This is true not only of the Times, but also the mainstream media in general. Not one word was reported by most of liberal TV about the lawsuits initiated by the Catholic Church against Obamacare but Chris Matthews is still getting thrills up his legs and pretends liberals are more patriotic than conservatives because libs want to cut defense spending and thus decrease the deficit, while conservatives simply want to defend freedom with their lives, if necessary.

On an even sadder note, the Syrian government has killed another 109 people, 32 of whom were children. I picture the Muslim Brotherhood quietly sitting on the sidelines and applauding.

Pakistan is still the shizophrenic neighbor down the block who you know you can't trust, but who keeps you informed of the even crazier schizophrenics around the corner. It's unbelievable that Obama has done nothing publicly to help Doctor  Afridi from serving time in a Paki prison as a traitor to the state.  If the guy is a traitor to the Pakistani cause because he helped us nail bin Laden, then what is the Pakistani cause? Leon Panetta hopes that Pakistan will understand that Doctor Afridi was not acting against Pakistan, but acting against Al Qaeda. This should provide us with enough information to make the determination that Leon Panetta is a moron if he honestly thinks that Al Qaeda and Pakistan are enemies.
Finally, I hope you have a peaceful, thoughtful Memorial Day. I hope you realize the gift you have at being American--most humans aren't as fortunate.  I hope you and your family enjoy the day but pause long enough to remember that many people have sacrificed for our country. I hope you don't find my words too corny or difficult to take seriously, because I mean them with total conviction. I love my country more than anyone who wants to change it, pretending that their way will make it better. That is the difference between we conservatives and the liberals--we want to preserve what is already great.

God bless America.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

How The Left is Hustling US

Hustler Magazine CEO, Larry-I'm-Just-So-Outrageous-Flynt, has done what the left often does: demeans women. He published a photo of S.E. Cupp with a penis in her mouth, disclaimed the photo as a fake, and the left, as it often does with photos of penises, ate it up, so to speak. 

But no worries--NOW is on the case and has denounced the photo and Flynt's mysoginistic attack on women--wait--they haven't actually denounced it, but maybe, just maybe they will.  If they don't, we know our illustrious President, Barack Hussein Obama, will call Ms. Cupp and comfort her like he did to Sandra Fluke (pronounced like Fluck).  Of course, if you believe that, then I have a health care plan to sell you that begins with a vowel.

Why is it the left only defends women on the left and not womanhood? Because to do so would mean they must defend women in general, left or right.  And the one thing the left cannot stand is fairness and honesty.  It doesn't get any more hypocritical than that.
Beautiful Women of NOW

Wait, it does get more hypocritical than that.  NOW has also quietly stood by in cases where women without political affiliations to the right or left have been mistreated.  I am referring to Muslim women who must answer to the brutality laid upon them by Sharia law.  While most of the inhumane treatment to women is perpetrated in Islamic countries, there are honor killings and other forms of abuse that take place in North America, and NOW has done nothing at all to address this problem.  In fact, they basically refuse to speak about it.  And need I remind you that NOW is a leftist organization that pretends so well to mean well, they actually believe their propaganda?  They attack Rush for calling Sandra Fluke (pronounced Fluck) a slut, but allow Bill-I-Can-Lick-My-Nose-Maher, Chris "Tingles" Matthews, and Ed-Poo-Poo-Pants-Schultz to say worse things about conservative women. 
Their Wish List

But the biggest problem is the fact that conservatives allow these clowns to get away with it.  I have yet to hear Romney or any Republican attack them directly.  All Republicans seem to do is apologize when they're accused of any indiscretion.  Even Rush, who knew he was wrong, apologized about using the "s" word.  Instead, he should have immediately attacked Maher et al and demanded they apologize too.

We live in a world of chronic double-standards and the left has showed us the way.

If you want a great read about modern day terrorism and suspense, my latest novel, Jihad Joe, is now available both in soft cover and as an Ebook--see the links below. 
Jihad Joe Soft Cover          

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Romney Obama

Mitt Romney just won the Kentucky primary and Joe Biden is trying to do a greaseboard presentation of how Mitt doesn't know anything about business like Obama do.  This is funnier as a Seinfeld skit about having "hand."  Remember how George finally realized the importance of having hand and how it impressed people?  This is what Joe-the-Village-Idiot-Biden is trying to do with Mitt's credentials.  

But what are Obama's credentials, now that the subject, like a mahone in a swimming pool, has come up?

Just Another Comparison
Obama was a community organizer.  A community organizer specializes in organizing protests, creating chaos, and splitting people apart.  Sound familiar?

Romney has actually created jobs. Obama has created devisiveness.  Romney is a practising Mormon.  Obama is a practicing who knows what.  He rarely goes to church and when he did, his pastor, Jeremiah Wright, clearly showed his true Communist colors and basic hatred of America and white Americans in particular.  Wright was a Muslim and became something he calls a "Christian."  Obama was probably a Muslim, and became President of the United States of America.  Romney may have flip-flopped on some issues. Obama never met an issue he didn't first consider the political ramifications of rather than an honest appraisal.  Romney's record with managing the Olympics is nothing compared to Obama's ability to finance green companies like Solyndra.  Biden says Romney has no better ability to lead the country than Joe the Plumber, but Obama doesn't have the ability to change a roll of toilet paper because he probably never had to until he became POTUS.

If you want a great read about modern day terrorism and suspense, my latest novel, Jihad Joe, is now available both in soft cover and as an Ebook--see the links below. 
Jihad Joe Soft Cover           

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Challenging Islam and Saving Your Head

They say not all Muslims are terrorists but most terrorists are Muslim.  There's some truth to that statement and to deny it is merely a stab  at political correctness (forgive the pun) .  We remove our shoes at the airport, spill out liquids, deny access to nuns, 87 year old invalids in wheelchairs, and babies with middle eastern names that ring a bell.  The enemy is not the bomb or terrorism; the enemy is the terrorist and the reason they exist to kill us is written in their scripture. They are not extremists; they are religious.

Imagine you're a journalist for a  Manhattan newspaper and one day while working on your novel you hear a commotion and discover you're under a terrorist attack.  You are captured, blindfolded and taken hostage to their remote safe house.  They're going to kill you--cut off your head and show it on YouTube for all the Western world to see unless the President allows the release of three Guantanamo Bay jihadists.  The protocol is clear, the United States of America will not give in to terrorist's demands.  The beheading will take place the next day if he doesn't change his mind.

Yusuf, the lone terrorist guarding you, has your life in his hands and you have only one way out of this situation and only one day to save yourself.  You must convince him that the religion he puts all his faith in is not a true religion and that the Quran, the Islamic holy book, cannot possibly be the actual word of God.  

The clock is ticking  . . . 

Jihad Joe Soft Cover           

Monday, May 14, 2012

Billary, Obamney and a John Hunter

Bill told Hillary that Obama is an "amateur" and that she should run against him in this election.   MSNBC didn't report that.  Mitt Romney allegedly hazed a gay guy who nobody knew was gay--this was nearly 50 years ago when Romney was a teenager, and MSNBC jumped on that story in spite of the fact that the victim's family said it wasn't so. The media also left out the good stuff--but let's not talk about how Mitt Romney worked with underpriveleged kids when he was a teen,or refused to take his father's fortune for himself and donated it to his church. Chris Matthews missed that one too. Matthews also missed Obama's confession, in his own voice, about how he drank lots of beer, smoked "reefer" and snorted cocaine when he was a high school student (you know, when he was Mitt Romney's age and when Romney supposedly bullied this kid).  So much for fair and balanced journalism--it's a joke.

But the really stupid thing was the fact that Romney apologized for the alleged hazing and said that he actually didn't remember the actual incident itself.  It's time for Republicans to stop acting like whimps and to fight back.  What we did in high school should not keep us from being President, unless we're talking about something actually more than stupid high school behavior.  

Drones are being considered as alternative surveillance tactics in the USA.  The Obama administration plans to name the program "Project Big Brother," and the Scott Paper Company plans to make a new line of "US Constitution Toilet Paper," in its honor.  While you know I'm not totally serious, I am concerned about the constitutionality of flying drones over US air space to spy on US citizens.  I'm the first one to advocate for information gathering techniques and I don't oppose waterboarding obvious terrorists to gain information that might save American lives. But I can also imagine the drone program being misused for certain, shall we say, political purposes, and this is abhorrent to me. 

This is what trading down looks like
John Edwards (a poster boy for the Democratic party) is still on trial and still a scumbag.  If found guilty, I sincerely hope the public will have the opportunity to see his prison haircut.

A diagram of Iran's nuclear reactor system was recently put into the hands of US intel and based on what the diagram depicts,  it is likely they are in the process of developing a nuclear weapon. Of course, we know there's nothing to really worry about--suicide is un-Islamic we are told, and Iran knows that if they launched a nuke at us, we'd retaliate and that would be suicide for them.  Muslims do not commit suicide because it is against Islamic teachings--wait--never mind.

Finally, in case you haven't been checking, Obama's promise to cut the deficit in half has not worked out.

If you want a great read about modern day terrorism and suspense, my latest novel, Jihad Joe, is now available both in soft cover and as an Ebook--see the links below. 
Jihad Joe Soft Cover          

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Only Explosion Was Caused by a Drone

I posted this story (seen below in italics) recently about the newest underwear bomber, whose apparent handiwork was reminiscent of the original Christmas Ball Bomber of 2009.  Since I last blogged about the story, it was learned that the bomber was a CIA operative working for us via Saudi Arabia.  At least that seems to be the story but the details are understandably murky, what with all the burqa and dagger involved.  The good news is that nobody was hurt, one al Qaeda operative was "droned" and we have learned a great deal more about the exploding testicular contraptions that are being designed to take down civilian aircraft.  All we have to do now is properly identify the real enemy and stop calling them "terror."

So here is what I had written and now you can get somewhat more clarification on it.

Another plot to blow up an American jet passenger plane has been foiled by the CIA.  Like the Christmas Ball Bomber of the recent past, this plot also involved the placement of the PETN bomb beneath the family jewels so as not to be inspected by the TSA, but this just demonstrates the holes in al Qaeda's intelligence when it comes to the TSA and their willingness to put their hands where one only gets permission during the honeymoon.  Their new motto: "Over One Million Groped."  But this bomb was more sophisticated and less easily detectable as it had no metal.

Nailing the "Anal Sphincter Bomber"
The plot for the bombing coincides with the take down of Osama bin Laden last May. If you believe one administration story, it seems that President Obama has been aware of this bomb plot for months but it has only now gone public, and it doesn't appear that Obama had given it much attention until now.  But when asked about possible plots several months ago, it appears they were in the dark.  Who knows what the truth is--Obama wouldn't lie, would he?

So, it seems that the war on terror is over and now we can begin the war on actual people who are trying to kill us.  Now al Qaeda is operating large in Yemen, and this is probably their headquarters (if you can call the dumps they inhabit headquarters). This may be an indication that al Qaeda is zigging and zagging, but we must remember that any group of religious warriors who are willing to kill themselves to kill you and then get to heaven, are not going away without a fight.

If you want a great read about modern day terrorism and suspense, my latest novel, Jihad Joe, is now available both in soft cover and as an Ebook--see the links below. 
Jihad Joe Soft Cover          


Clown Wins in Gallop Poll, Defeating Village Idiot

In a recent Gallop poll taken across key swing states it was revealed that if Joe Biden was to run in a separate Vice Presidential election, he would actually lose dramatically to Bozo the Clown by a margin of 87% to 13%.  While a Vice President does not run separately from the incumbent President, the results are quite interesting, leading the Gallop pollsters to agree that Biden has the credibility as VP as Osama bin Laden would have had should he have declared himself a campaign candidate for the head rabbi of Israel.

Biden, stated that he would not dignify these findings with an intelligent response and said that he believes Bozo is the very same clown involved in the GSA scandal in which over $800 thousand was used to throw an elaborate party at the taxpayer's expense.

Bozo simply pedaled off on his unicycle and honked away into the sunset.

If you want a great read about modern day terrorism and suspense, my latest novel, Jihad Joe, is now available both in soft cover and as an Ebook--see the links below. 
Jihad Joe Soft Cover           

Obama Supports Adam and Steve

Obama announced today that his "personal belief" a belief that has been fomenting, formulating and developing for years, is that men marrying men, women marrying women, and men marrying women is all okay. This has not been his historical take on this question but hey, there's an election coming up and if he can round up the Brokeback Mountain vote with his charade, then so be it.  Obama's stance on this issue has changed back and forth since 1998, but as recently as 2008, his "Christian" stance was made clear by him and he opposed gay marriage.

You can call Mitt Romney a flip-flopper all you want but Obama is a flip flip-flopper and Joe Biden is his pointman.  (Let's face it, Joe blew it with this administration and with his stance on gay marriage and abortion, he will never stand a chance of running for Pope.) Therefore, if Romney is a flip-flopper, so is Obama, but lots of politicians say one thing on Tuesday and change the message by the time the weekend arrives. The important things voters will need to consider is the economy and national security, not single-sex marriage and banning McDonalds.  We will vote on whether we want to keep the current corrupt administration who allows guns to walk and New Black Panthers to intimidate white folks at polling places.  We will vote over the outrage of the left by the shooting of one black man while saying nothing about a white couple attacked by a mob of angry blacks as a result of that shooting. 

Everything else is a smokescreen to keep us from considering Obama's abysmal failures and incompetence.

If you want a great read about modern day terrorism and suspense, my latest novel, Jihad Joe, is now available both in soft cover and as an Ebook--see the links below. 

Jihad Joe Soft Cover           

Monday, May 7, 2012

Al Qaeda's New Ball Bomber Attempt

Another plot to blow up an American jet passenger plane has been foiled by the CIA.  Like the Christmas Ball Bomber of the recent past, this plot also involved the placement of the PETN bomb beneath the family jewels so as not to be inspected by the TSA, but this just demonstrates the holes in al Qaeda's intelligence when it comes to the TSA and their willingness to put their hands where one only gets permission during the honeymoon.  Their new motto: "Over One Million Groped."  But this bomb was more sophisticated and less easily detectable as it had no metal.

Nailing the "Anal Sphincter Bomber"
The plot for the bombing coincides with the take down of Osama bin Laden last May. If you believe one administration story, it seems that President Obama has been aware of this bomb plot for months but it has only now gone public, and it doesn't appear that Obama had given it much attention until now.  But when asked about possible plots several months ago, it appears they were in the dark.  Who knows what the truth is--Obama wouldn't lie, would he?

So, it seems that the war on terror is over and now we can begin the war on actual people who are trying to kill us.  Now al Qaeda is operating large in Yemen, and this is probably their headquarters (if you can call the dumps they inhabit headquarters). This may be an indication that al Qaeda is zigging and zagging, but we must remember that any group of religious warriors who are willing to kill themselves to kill you and then get to heaven, are not going away without a fight.

If you want a great read about modern day terrorism and suspense, my latest novel, Jihad Joe, is now available both in soft cover and as an Ebook--see the links below. 
Jihad Joe Soft Cover          


KSM and Company Playfully Prepare for Trial

An Islamic Holy Man
Khalid Sheik Mohammed and his four terrorist co-defendants were arraigned yesterday in a process that took 13 hours rather than the typical 13 minutes, at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.  One made a paper airplane, signifying the jihadist's suicide missions that killed over 3,000 innocent Americans, another terrorist scumbag gave a "thumbs up" to a victim's family member, and one removed his shirt, revealing his oily chest hair, and this was just the start.

These creatures (I refuse to call them animals because animals don't do what these dickweeds did to fellow human beings) can receive the death sentence if convicted, but the way the trial has begun suggests to me that by the time the sentence is finally imposed, they will have died of natural causes in prison.  If these orthodox Islamic worshipers are not convicted, I propose they be released on their own recognizance in a locked room in Manhattan with the families of the 911 victims and a few members of SEAL Team 6.
bin Quikta Sin

During the opening hearing, an attorney for one of the scumbags complained that the military commission trial is unconstitutional (as is the killing of American citizens, and the beheading of Daniel Pearl, which he left out).  Another lawyer and useful idiot for Islam wore a hijab and abaya, which to the Muslim mind can be thought of as an "anti-erection outfit" as she told the military attorneys that they should dress more modestly as they might cause these Muslim holy men to commit a sin.  You see, if a Muslim looks at human skin tissue, it causes an immediate sexual reaction with concomitant "dirty" thoughts.  These "dirty" thoughts can cause these holy Muslim terrorist jihadists to go past Paradise and land in Hell where Allah burns away their skin as they scream in pain, then replaces this skin with new skin.  This is their conception of their god. Really, it's in their "holy book," that can get you killed if they find it in your outhouse.

"Quiet, I need to pray"
One lawyer for them was upset that we had these terrorists strip-searched before leaving Gitmo.  If we strip-searched Mohammad Atta, they would have found his box-cutters and the Twin Towers might still be standing.

Yes, I am angry at this nonsense.  We are allowing this mockery of our justice system to get off on the wrong foot.  I say put the garbage in another room where they have the choice to watch it on CCTV.  I say that when one of their useful idiot lawyers tells us to respect their religion, we remind that moron that it is their religion that commanded their actions in the first place.  Anyone who disagrees with that statement has not read their koran; and if they had, they didn't understand it in the way it's intended.  Giving in to these demands by their lawyers, is a victory for them. Tape their mouths in the courtroom if they're inappropriate. 

If you want a great read about modern day terrorism and suspense, my latest novel, Jihad Joe, is now available both in soft cover and as an Ebook--see the links below. 
Jihad Joe Soft Cover          
click here for ebook version  

Bibi orders "massive" counter-terror operation after bus bombings

We can thank G-d anti-Israel terrorists don't know how to tell time very well.  Explosive devices went off on Thursday night around 9 p....