Monday, May 14, 2012

Billary, Obamney and a John Hunter

Bill told Hillary that Obama is an "amateur" and that she should run against him in this election.   MSNBC didn't report that.  Mitt Romney allegedly hazed a gay guy who nobody knew was gay--this was nearly 50 years ago when Romney was a teenager, and MSNBC jumped on that story in spite of the fact that the victim's family said it wasn't so. The media also left out the good stuff--but let's not talk about how Mitt Romney worked with underpriveleged kids when he was a teen,or refused to take his father's fortune for himself and donated it to his church. Chris Matthews missed that one too. Matthews also missed Obama's confession, in his own voice, about how he drank lots of beer, smoked "reefer" and snorted cocaine when he was a high school student (you know, when he was Mitt Romney's age and when Romney supposedly bullied this kid).  So much for fair and balanced journalism--it's a joke.

But the really stupid thing was the fact that Romney apologized for the alleged hazing and said that he actually didn't remember the actual incident itself.  It's time for Republicans to stop acting like whimps and to fight back.  What we did in high school should not keep us from being President, unless we're talking about something actually more than stupid high school behavior.  

Drones are being considered as alternative surveillance tactics in the USA.  The Obama administration plans to name the program "Project Big Brother," and the Scott Paper Company plans to make a new line of "US Constitution Toilet Paper," in its honor.  While you know I'm not totally serious, I am concerned about the constitutionality of flying drones over US air space to spy on US citizens.  I'm the first one to advocate for information gathering techniques and I don't oppose waterboarding obvious terrorists to gain information that might save American lives. But I can also imagine the drone program being misused for certain, shall we say, political purposes, and this is abhorrent to me. 

This is what trading down looks like
John Edwards (a poster boy for the Democratic party) is still on trial and still a scumbag.  If found guilty, I sincerely hope the public will have the opportunity to see his prison haircut.

A diagram of Iran's nuclear reactor system was recently put into the hands of US intel and based on what the diagram depicts,  it is likely they are in the process of developing a nuclear weapon. Of course, we know there's nothing to really worry about--suicide is un-Islamic we are told, and Iran knows that if they launched a nuke at us, we'd retaliate and that would be suicide for them.  Muslims do not commit suicide because it is against Islamic teachings--wait--never mind.

Finally, in case you haven't been checking, Obama's promise to cut the deficit in half has not worked out.

If you want a great read about modern day terrorism and suspense, my latest novel, Jihad Joe, is now available both in soft cover and as an Ebook--see the links below. 
Jihad Joe Soft Cover          

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