Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Obama Supports Adam and Steve

Obama announced today that his "personal belief" a belief that has been fomenting, formulating and developing for years, is that men marrying men, women marrying women, and men marrying women is all okay. This has not been his historical take on this question but hey, there's an election coming up and if he can round up the Brokeback Mountain vote with his charade, then so be it.  Obama's stance on this issue has changed back and forth since 1998, but as recently as 2008, his "Christian" stance was made clear by him and he opposed gay marriage.

You can call Mitt Romney a flip-flopper all you want but Obama is a flip flip-flopper and Joe Biden is his pointman.  (Let's face it, Joe blew it with this administration and with his stance on gay marriage and abortion, he will never stand a chance of running for Pope.) Therefore, if Romney is a flip-flopper, so is Obama, but lots of politicians say one thing on Tuesday and change the message by the time the weekend arrives. The important things voters will need to consider is the economy and national security, not single-sex marriage and banning McDonalds.  We will vote on whether we want to keep the current corrupt administration who allows guns to walk and New Black Panthers to intimidate white folks at polling places.  We will vote over the outrage of the left by the shooting of one black man while saying nothing about a white couple attacked by a mob of angry blacks as a result of that shooting. 

Everything else is a smokescreen to keep us from considering Obama's abysmal failures and incompetence.

If you want a great read about modern day terrorism and suspense, my latest novel, Jihad Joe, is now available both in soft cover and as an Ebook--see the links below. 

Jihad Joe Soft Cover           

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