Monday, May 28, 2012

Peace on You, Egypt

Kofi Annan spoke out against Syrian violence--his words are useless, as useless as the UN itself.  In the same vein, Obama has done nothing to help Egypt defeat the oppression of the government over their people--Obama's words are also useless--as useless as his promises.  Egypt's current ruler,Tafiq, and the farce of an election that is taking place there, is unacceptable to the Egyptian people, but Obama believes the Muslim Brotherhood is not a viable threat to the country and has done nothing to intervene. Perhaps he thinks Sharia law is a good thing, just as long as his daughters don't have to live under it. Maybe this was his covert agenda all along. He talks about how he would stand with Islam if the time ever came to make a decision that would effect the world.

We, as a nation, have sat quietly along the sidelines while Islamic organizations like CAIR, ISNA, MSA, and others that like these that are associated with the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), create ways of silencing our questions about Islam, jihad, and Sharia. They call those of us who question them "Islamophobic," a term created by an Islamic think tank which is also an arm of the MB.  This term was created specifically to make us keep our mouths shut or be labelled "racists."   It's ridiculous to call someone a racist about a religion rather than a race, but it seems to be working and it has the left jumping through hoops to appease the Islamic world. (I just now nearly used the term "Islamists" rather than Islamic world, but I realize that by doing so, it would have been me appeasing them--it isn't a "special group of Muslims that are different from other Muslims, except for the fact that they are literalists of the Koran and Hadith--they simply are doing what the religion tells them to do: kill the unbelievers, Jews, gays, and keep your women in line because they are inferior to men. Yes, Islam clearly says that in their scripture--so don't blame me for pointing it out.)

I refuse to accept the term racist for questioning Islam--if that were so, it would make all Muslims racist for disrespecting Christianity and hating the Jews.  Islam is the most intolerant "religion" in the world, but political correctness doesn't allow this to be mentioned.

The Islamic world is creeping forward, slowly, like a crab under the waves at the beach, about to grab onto your big toe and hurt you badly. But in this case, there are many other crabs under the waves and they're all about to pounce when the time is ripe.  We can pretend that all is well and the water's fine, but when the crabs grab onto you, it's going to hurt more than just a big toe--and once they get you, they aren't going to let go.

Obama may not have been born in Kenya, and may or not be a Muslim. But his heart belongs to Islam and if you don't see that, I advise you to stay out of the water.
If you want a great read about modern day terrorism and suspense, my latest novel, Jihad Joe, is now available both in soft cover and as an Ebook--see the links below. 
Jihad Joe Soft Cover          
click here for ebook version    

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