Saturday, July 11, 2020

Sr. Louis Couple who defended themselves have rifle seized during police search

They're coming for your businesses and they're coming for your Second Amendment right to defend yourself from bodily harm. They are organizations known as Antifa, "Expect Us," and the Democrat Party.

Authorities in St. Louis executed a search warrant Friday evening at the home of Mark and Patricia McCloskey. The couple, both attorneys, took up arms and defended their home from rioters and protesters last month, but now the law is coming for them.

Police searched their home and seized the rifle that Mark McCloskey was shown holding during the June 28 incident, KSDK-TV of St. Louis reported, citing information from a source.

The pistol that Patricia McCloskey held during the June confrontation was already in the possession of the couple’s attorney, the outlet reported.

There is no indication that either of the McCloskeys were arrested or if they were charged with a crime, but the idea they did anything wrong, as opposed to the visual evidence that they were merely defending themselves against an unruly crowd that had already broken down the private gate of their community, is totally ludicrous.

On Monday, the McCloskeys appeared on Fox News’ “Hannity” and explained that protesters returned to their neighborhood last Friday.  They were told in advance the mob was coming and hired a private security company to protect their residence since the police were not going to be involved.

Last week’s protest was loud but non-violent, the homeowner said.

In the June 28th incident, Patricia McCloskey said, they was startled just before dinnertime when “300 to 500 people” entered the gated community where they live.

"[They said] that they were going to kill us," Patricia McCloskey told Hannity.
"They were going to come in there. They were going to burn down the house. They were going to be living in our house after I was dead, and they were pointing to different rooms and said, 'That’s going to be my bedroom and that’s going to be the living room and I’m going to be taking a shower in that room’.”"

That's how Communism works.

The protesters even threatened to harm their dog, which was outside the home at the time.

The protesters claimed they were passing the McCloskeys' home while heading toward the home of Mayor Lyda Krewson, to demonstrate there, which is a lie because the mayor doesn't live there, the McCloskeys explained.

Soon after the June incident, Kimberly Gardner, circuit attorney in St. Louis, announced that her office and the St. Louis Police Department would be conducting an investigation into the McCloskeys’ use of firearms.

Had it been "Louisville Sluggers" that were brandished by the couple to protect themselves, rather than an AR15 and handgun, there would be no investigation, and possibly no McCloskeys.

The couple’s attorney, Albert Watkins, said in a statement that the McCloskeys didn't arm themselves until after they began feeling threatened [from the threats that were made on their lives and the life of their dog].

"My clients didn't sit on their front stoop with guns. ... No firearms were on them at the time that they, were, as property owners standing in front of their home," he said. "It was not until they basically were in a position of seeing and observing violence, recklessness, lawbreaking, and knowing that the police were not going to be doing anything."

Rather than investigating the McCloskeys, why aren't the authorities being investigated by unbiased outside authorities?

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