Saturday, July 11, 2020

Illegal alien child rapist released from jail by Maryland sanctuary county still at large

The political operatives of a sanctuary county in Maryland need to be held accountable. Along with offering illegal aliens sanctuary, they keep releasing dangerous criminals from jail in order to shield them from federal law enforcement.

And it's never the lawmakers themselves who are directly affected by the laws they make--it usually the poor and the vulnerable.

The county recently released a scumbag from El Salvador who, with his new-found freedom from the law, raped a seven-yer-old girl multiple times. This was not the child of any officials in Montgomery County, the leftists who freed this piece of scum, because it never is.

So instead of honoring the detainer issued by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), these horrible officials let 56-year-old Rene Ramos-Hernandez go free on bond.

Court documents obtained by a local media outlet say the pedophile reportedly lives illegally in Brentwood “forced unwanted sexual intercourse” with the girl “at least ten times.”

In 2017, the alleged victim came forward to Montgomery County Police and in August 2018, detectives filed for an arrest warrant.

Although it took nearly two years, the police found Ramos-Hernandez last month and he was booked at the Montgomery County Detention Center (MCDC) in Rockville. He was charged with one count of sexual abuse of a minor and two counts of second-degree rape.

The day after he was booked, ICE's Baltimore Field Office lodged a civil immigration detainer against the alleged human scum, an undocumented immigrant from El Salvador.

But on that same day, Montgomery County District Court Judge Zuberi Williams granted Ramos-Hernandez a $30,000 unsecured personal bond. Williams tacked on a number of restrictions Ramos-Hernandez was unlikely to abide by, including electronic monitoring and curfew, plus ordered him to have no contact with minors.
On June 23, MCDC called ICE's Law Enforcement Support Center in Vermont around 9:20 a.m. to report that the accused child rapist cum crap-weasel was processing out of jail and would likely be released within an hour. 
ICE believed it was not possible to scramble agents to the jail in that timeframe, so, Ramos-Hernandez "walked." He gave a bogus residential address and according to ICE, the 56-year-old douche nozzle remains at large.
Court records note that Ramos-Hernandez is divorced, has one child, and works as a "remodeler." He faces up to only 70 years in prison in the child rape case
The state government must do something about those responsible for making Montgomery County a sanctuary county, and put them on trial for reckless dereliction of their responsibilities to the public. Of course, this will never happen; that isn't how this works.

In a statement issued by ICE, they blast Montgomery County officials for protecting illegal aliens who commit state crimes.

“Montgomery County continues the practice of not honoring lawful ICE detainers and release potential public safety threats back into the community,” said acting Baltimore Field Office Director Francisco Madrigal. “When they refuse to give adequate notification of an impending release to allow a safe transfer of custody, it shows their actions are insincere. ICE believes the best way to protect public safety is for law enforcement to work together.”

This case is an example of a national crisis caused by local governments around the country that offer violent illegal immigrants sanctuary from the law. Under a local-federal partnership known as 287(g), ICE is to be notified of jail inmates in the country illegally so that they can be deported after serving time for state crimes or making bail like the accused rapist in this case.

Unfortunately, there are virtue-signaling liberals who want to make themselves feel righteous and better than those of us who follow the law. These idiots, immune to the outcomes of their decisions, are releasing illegal aliens, whether they have serious convictions such as in this case, or other offenses even including murder, rather than handing them over to federal authorities for removal back to their own wonderful countries.

This is sickening. Truly sickening.

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