Friday, October 4, 2019

Warren backs AOC's illegal alien welfare scam

Presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth "Dances with Dunces" Warren (D-MA) agrees with fellow socialist Rep. Alexandria Obviously-Comatose's proposal to use U.S. taxpayer money to benefit illegal aliens [a term I am able to use due to the fact that I no longer live in New York City where I could be fined $250 thousand for saying illegal aliens.] 

This is clearly a case of taxation without representation, a case of our government caring more for illegal aliens than American veterans.

Comatose's proposal, labeled "A Just Society," calls for nationwide rent control a move that takes away the rights of private landlords and gives them to the government, [aka Big Brother.] It also forces the federal government to provide welfare benefits to illegal aliens even with criminal histories, all at the taxpayer's expense.

Warren is the first socialist presidential candidate to endorse the idiotic plan from the former bartender, referring to it as "just the type of bold, comprehensive thinking we'll need" to make "big structural change," but not mentioning how it will raise taxes to the point of effectively making the working class indentured servants of the government and, in effect, of the people who are able to enter the country illegally.

Obviously-Comatose is considered to be "one of the most important endorsements in America," because the left tends to vote with their libidos and feelings.

Warren's immediate support of her latest policy marks another attempt to win the freshman congressman's nod of approval and say anything to get votes. Her flagrant embrace of the moron's plan is the latest sign of the socialist's policy impact on the Democratic presidential field, a political field that, if in power, will make Venezuela look "comfortable."

Neither AOC nor Warren returned requests for comment because being questioned about stupid ideas might make them look stupid. Let's face it, when AOC wants to make it illegal for the federal government to deny welfare benefits to ex-convicts and illegal aliens, and Warren thinks that this is bold, you're taking full-blown socialism with a dash of crazy. And another of AOC's bills titled "The Place to Prosper Act" calls for federal rent control and would impose a 3 percent national cap on annual rent increases. It would also dry up supply and lead to greater homelessness.

Like her farting cow elimination, AOC's ideas are sophomoric and unrealistic. But that's only because they're communistic and dangerous, and the fact that Warren has endorsed the crazy ruminations of a bent mind should give pause to every voter.

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