Monday, August 20, 2018

Jewish Dem. group rejects MN lawmaker's anti-Semitic statements

What in the world is wrong with the voters of Minnesota? They voted for Keith Ellison, an anti-zionist and friend of anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan, and another anti-Zionist Muslima Ilhan Omar is favored to take Ellison's seat in Congress after she won her Democratic primary on Tuesday in a heavily Democratic district in the state.

Omar will face Republican Jennifer Zielinski in the November midterms.

If Omar wins, and she is favored to take the seat, she will replace Ellison as he runs for Minnesota state attorney general. Ellison has been accused of sexual abuse by an ex-girlfriend, but as a black Muslim Democrat, the Me Too movement doesn't apply to him and he won the primary easily.

Omar isn't the only Muslim American who hates Israel and the Jews who live there. In Michigan last week, Rashida Tlaib won her primary and runs unopposed in November--she can't lose. Tlaib has called for cutting US assistance to Israel, which she has called "discriminatory" and would like Hamas to get their share of the booty. The Jewish Democratic Council of America (JDCA) has condemned her call.

After Omar's win, the JDCA told the media that it "strongly condemns Ms. Omar's past statements characterizing Israel as an "apartheid state," as well as her bloviating that Israel is "hypnotizing the world" to ignore it's so-called "evil doings," such as providing medical help to injured Palestinians who live in Gaza as well as providing jobs, even in the Israeli government and treating women as equal citizens. Everything opposite to what the Palestinian Authority does. No Jews live in Gaza--at least, not very long.

"Now that Ms. Omar has emerged as the Democratic candidate, JDCA will not support her candidacy--and certainly will not endorse her--because her views are not aligned with our positions and values," the group said.

Maybe Jewish liberals will eventually wake up and see that it's the GOP and other conservatives who support Israel and Jerusalem as its capital.

But probably not.

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