Monday, August 20, 2018

John Brennan lies like a Persian rug

It's almost laughable that former CIA director John Brennan wants to sue the Trump administration because the president took away his security clearance. But let's not kid ourselves, it's totally laughable.

Brennan is as believable as a Stormy Daniels climax.

Let's look at his history.

In 2011 Brennan swore to Congress that scores of drones abroad have not killed even one noncombatant; not one civilian, only the bad guys. But both Brennan and Barack Obama received many reports of civilian deaths.

Perhaps he was under presidential orders to lie, but it's still a lie and if that was the case, it also makes Obama culpable as a liar. But we knew that long ago.

In 2012, Brennan released information about having a double agent in Yemen, which put the agent in jeopardy.

As CIA director in 2014, Brennan swore to Congress that the CIA never illegally accessed the computers of U.S. Senate staffers who just so happened to be looking into the CIA's role in the torturing of detainees.

In fact, Brennan told Andrea Mitchell: "As far as the allegations of the CIA hacking into Senate computers, nothing could be further from the truth . . . "We wouldn't do that. I mean, that's just beyond the, you know, the scope of reason in terms of what we do."

Even the Democrats were angry at him and called for his resignation. And it was only after months of his lies, when the CIA's inspector general report was released, did Brennan apologize to the senators he spied on because he got caught.

In May 2017, Brennan most likely lied to Congress when questioned by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC).

Brennan said that he had no idea who commissioned the Christopher Steele dossier and lied again when he claimed that the CIA did not rely on that dossier for action on the Russia investigation. But retired NSA director Michael Rogers and former director of the National Intelligence Agency James Clapper, both admitted the dossier, along with the knowledge that it was a Clinton campaign-funded product, absolutely did help shape the Obama's intelligence community interagency assessments and actions, often with the push by Brennan.

There are many reports that, while he denied knowledge about the dossier, he was a covert conduit to ensure it was widely disseminated, as evidenced in the meeting he had with Sen. Harry Reid in August 2016.

Brennan briefed Reid on the dossier's unverified content in hopes Reid would pressure the FBI to dig deeper in the investigations which Reid actually did two days later with a call he made to James Comey.

Now Brennan is complaining that taking away his security clearance will silence him. Ironically, he hasn't shut up about this since Trump yanked it from him. He threatened to take legal action, but if he does, he will be exposed as the security risk and mentally deranged Communist-voting scumcrumpet that he is.

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