Saturday, November 21, 2015

DNC ad attacks GOP on term "radical Islam"

Awad quotes Sura 9:5 "Sura of the Sword"
The DNC (evidently standing for Department of Nut-jobs and Communists) has made an ad denouncing the GOP's use of the term 'radical Islam.' A post in "DNC Ad Attacking Republicans for Saying 'Radical Islam' Is Laughably Stupid" discusses the new ad.

The DNC is attempting to convince people, whose intelligence they have no respect for, that to use the term 'radical Islam' is to say that all Muslims are terrorists. This is as laughable as Bill Clinton's "I did not have sex with that woman  .  .  .  Monica Lewinsky."

As pointed out by Robert Spencer, this move by the DNC is an attempt to make the willful ignorance of Islamic jihadist terrorism appear as if it's a virtue. Spencer argues: "The DNC claims that to say 'radical Islam' is to say that all Muslims are terrorists. That is tantamount to claiming that to say 'Italian mafia' is to assert that all Italians are mafiosi."

The DNC used George W. Bush, a president they've hated for his 8 years in office, as "exemplary" in his "denial of the nature of the jihad threat." You might notice Nihad Awad, National Board member of CAIR standing behind Bush nodding his head to Bush's dhimmie statement.

We know that CAIR is a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, which is an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation trial. The MB was convicted of funding Islamic radical terrorism. They were not convicted of funding Muslim terrorism, as the DNC would try to convince you.

Most Americans, 56% of Democrats included, are clear that we are at war with "radical Islam." Only 24% of the nation agrees with our JV president, a man who says he is not a Muslim (as if he even believes that this would be a bad thing to be) but shows clear preference for Muslims over Christians, including in cases of immigration, cases where Christians are being killed by radical Islamists and deserve true refugee status.

It's clear that the DNC is run by people who are totally out of touch with the pulse of America (see Debbie Wasserman Schultz, for moron that).

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