Friday, June 19, 2015

Now is the time to come together as a nation

Some people are saying that now is a time for America to come together. They say this after the horrific massacre that occurred Wednesday night in Charleston, SC when a 21-year-old racist went into a black church, and methodically began shooting them as he reloaded several times in the process. He had sat and spoke with them an hour before the shooting began.

The alleged shooter, Dylann Storm Roof, was caught and taken into custody. He has already confessed to authorities.

Some people are saying that this incident will bring the community together in solidarity against hate crimes. Maybe it will be the catalyst of tougher restrictions on the mentally ill, but as it now stands, the gun restrictions that currently exist are plenty tough. 

Today, people have come together in prayer. Their race does not factor into the mix as they join hands and bow their heads to pray for the deceased. This coming together is about the human race.

"He said blacks were taking over the world. Someone needed to do something about it for the white race," said Joseph Meek Jr., a former classmate of Roof.

The Department of Justice will be investigating this as a hate crime, but there is no doubt that they will arrive at that conclusion. 

South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley is calling for the death penalty and I hope this racist gets it.

When the shooting occurred, Al Sharpton announced that he will go to South Carolina "because there's gold in them thar hills." 

Okay, he didn't actually say that but I bet the thought crossed both of his brain cells. To his credit, however, he didn't blame Fox News for the shooting and didn't call for gun control.

South Carolina Rep. Todd Rutherford (D-Columbia) and President Obama did, respectively. 

This is disgusting and ill-timed. This is not the time to make false accusations or political points. To use this tragedy to make political or ideological points in unconscionable and people need to wise up.

Now is the time for America to come together.

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