Friday, June 19, 2015

Putting Rachel Dolezal to bed

In a 2014 radio interview, Rachel Dolezal called for a boycott of "Exodus: Gods and Kings" because it used white actors in the role of African-Americans. She did not say that she would have liked to play a role in the film as a black female, but she swears she could nail it if her parents don't find out.

KYRS host Taylor Weech asked Ms. Dolezal (who "played" a black woman for years as head of Spokane's branch of the NAACP) if the public should boycott the Christian-Bale flick, Dolezal pontificated: "Hopefully nobody goes to that film. We need to boycott that film, from my perspective. because it's a miseducation (sic), it's misrepresentation, it's highly offensive to the people that actually were living during that time and also to people today."

She was not asked by Weech as to whether or not the white actors felt like they were black.

Court documents indicate that Dolezal was asked over ten years ago if she ever tried to pose as an African-American when she applied to Howard University, an historically black school. 

The questions were the result of a discrimination lawsuit Dolezal filed against the university in Washington D.C. She claimed, among other things, that Howard denied her a teaching position because she was white.

The 2003 depositions show that the Howard attorneys inquired as to whether she was attempting to mislead the admissions department into believing she was black--she had written an essay and stated that studying black history helped her to understand the atrocities black ancestors faced.

Whose black ancestors? It implied hers.

Dolezal's hypocrisy is palpable. She reportedly once denied a college student participation in a class activity because she "didn't look Hispanic enough." She was teaching at Eastern Washington University, in Cheney, Washington at the time.

At the time, the student didn't make much of the incident, but when she learned of Dolezal's story, she came forward, "Now I wish I had said something, especially now that her race is the one people are questioning," she said. She has asked to remain anonymous (probably because of race pimps like Sharpton who would attack her for attacking their new liberal cover girl).

Dolezal called for a student of Hispanic background to go to the front of the class and take part in an exercise called "Fishbowl." Our anonymous young lady, a light-skinned woman who grew up in a Spanish-speaking country raised her hand to volunteer to share her racial experiences.

She claimed that Dolezal said she didn't look Hispanic and doubted that she could share experiences of racial or ethnic discrimination because she didn't have the appearance of looking Hispanic.

So does that make Dolezal a weird racial masochist for pretending she is black in order to be the recipient of racial or ethnic discrimination heaped upon her?

Now Dolezal is saying that there is no proof those white people who claimed to be her parents actually are who they claim to be. She said she hasn't had a DNA test and there's no "biological proof" that Larry and Ruthanne Dolezal are her parents.

In the interview with Savannah Guthrie of NBC, it was pointed out that a birth certificate exists listing the Dolezals as her parents.

She said she identifies as black and that's good enough for Al Sharpton, a guy who's always up for a racially-induced buck.

But if she really does identify herself as black, why did she tell her brother not to blow her cover?

Ezra Dolezal, her adopted brother who actually is black, told Fox News that he noticed Rachel was changing her appearance in 2011. He said she changed her hair style and used makeup to change her skin tone.

Al Sharptongue initially asked "How could her parents turn her in like that?" After all, his parents never turned him in for actually breaking the law and that's worse than simply lying like an Afghan rug. One could even concur with Al--it seems like a terrible thing for parents to do.

But there's more to the story than MSNBC would have you know. Her parents didn't have much choice but to reveal her true identity.

For years, Dolezal has been reporting that she was the victim of hate crimes--one involved a hangman's noose. KXLY, a news station from Spokane began investigating these incidents and contacted the Dolezals. This is when they had to out her as a white woman.

But what about big Al? Is he right that the Dolezals apparently don't care about race?

A better question might be: when is Al Sharpton ever right about anything when it comes to his making a buck?

The Dolezals are not racists, even though Sharpton would like to prove that all white people are. They adopted 4 black kids and Rachel had the audacity of dope to pass one of these kids off as her own son. One of her brothers described what Rachel was doing as "blackface" and said that it encourages more racism.

Now Dolezal is getting offers to do a reality TV show. I think that's actually laughable.

Rachel Dolezal wouldn't know reality if it bit her on her dreadlocks.

I am not going to blog about Dolezal anymore if I can help it. She has had enough notoriety, her 15 minutes of fame, and needs to get lost in the jasmine of liberal minds.

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