Saturday, June 20, 2015

Sometimes liberal officials go to prison--on weekends

Liberals love to tax us to pay for programs for the poor, especially the kids. Most conservatives, while we don't like being forced with taxation and would rather give to charity out of our own free will, would normally not argue over where this money was going.

According to the IJ Review, one liberal, Neil Rodgers, was sentenced on Tuesday for taking part in the misappropriation of $110,000 from a D.C. drug program for kids. He took the money from the kids program in order to pay the deficit amount for President Obama's inauguration ball back in 2009.

Rodgers now must pay the money back and will suffer other consequences. Can you say "fraud" boys and girls?

Judge John D. Bates sentenced the scumberal to only 36 days in prison which will be served over 12 weekends, providing Rodgers can pencil it in his schedule. He will also be put on 2 years probation where he will likely have to pee in a chalice from time-to-time.

Six other Obama liberals plead guilty to the charges that centered around Harry L. Thomas, Jr. a former councilman.

Speaking on the situation, U.S. Attorney Vincent Cohen said: "Neil Rodgers worked with former D.C. Council member Harry Thomas to perpetuate a fraud that diverted money from at-risk children to throw a black-tie ball for adults."

The worst part of this whole disgusting affair is the fact that Rodgers refused to admit that there was anything wrong with what he and Thomas did--doing a Grinch with the kids.

The ball had fewer guests than expected so it turned out the vendors were owed the money for their services. Instead of going to Hillary to dig into her purse for the chump-change, Rodgers stole from the program.

Thomas has a history of being a thief, misusing over $375,000 in our taxes. He was forced to resign and do 38 months in the slammer. 

What a bunch of asshats.

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