Friday, January 10, 2014

The IRS Plot Thickens, Bosserman and the Media Sickens

Barbara Kay Bosserman has been slated (no pun intended) to head the IRS Tea Party Targeting investigation, Stephen Dinan, of the Washington Times. reported on Wednesday.

 Babs is a trial lawyer who maxed out her legal campaign contribution allowance to Obama in both the 2008 and 2012 presidential campaigns, donating to the tune of over $6000. She has also given generously to the Democratic party. While she is perfectly allowed to do this, it shows a clear political bias which, if she were being honest, would cause her to not accept the position. That's what honest lawyers do--they recuse themselves from cases in which there has been prior involvement; but Babs is the gift that keeps on giving.

Wait; this just in: Fox News just interviewed Jordan Sekulow, an attorney with the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ). He stated that Babs Bosserman has direct involvement with the IRS scandal herself, and he believes that this is a clear conflict of interest. Just what her involvement is, we have yet to discover (or uncover, perhaps a better term). Mr. Sekulow's organization is representing a group of tea party affiliated people who have been "scrutinized by the IRS" with the same gusto as Osama bin Laden's courier. It looks as if the plot will thicken. For more information from the ACLJ on this case, go here

We have also learned that the FBI has begun to contact tea party groups involved with this investigation. It looks as if the case is going forward--this is going to be fun, folks--the snow is rolling downhill forming an ever-larger ball and the liberals are at the bottom of the hill.

Should the American public worry that yet another Obama scandal will go both unresolved and unpunished? Never fear; the mainstream left-wing, Obama-loving, liberal media is here. They, like OJ Simpson, will get to the bottom of this mystery. And if you believe that, I have a bridge in Fort Lee I'd like to sell you.

Since July 1st of last year, the big boys (ABC, NBC, and CBS) have been on top of the story, determined to tell the American people what they believe they need to hear. In fact, all three networks combined, have devoted a full 128 seconds to the IRS tea party targeting scandal. That's 2 minutes and 8 seconds of in depth coverage (in-depth if you're a goldfish). Leading the charge of incompetent coverage was NBC. They provided less coverage than it took you to read up to this sentence in this paragraph--a full 5 seconds of coverage! Next came ABC with a total of 22 seconds, and CBS giving the story a full 1 minute and 41 seconds. If you don't believe American journalism has gone by way of commode, you might be a liberal.

The same lame-stream media networks have thus far covered the Chris Christie scandal with 17 times more air time. For the arithmetically impaired, that's 34 minutes, 28 seconds combined. 

Fun Fact: Chris Christie has made more people accountable for their gross incompetence in one day of learning of their behavior than the Obama administration has done for those involved in both the IRS scandal and the Obamacare debacles combined. In fact, with Obama, the incompetent leaders get moved out or moved up. They are never held accountable--that would involve true leadership on Obama's part, and I would never accuse him of leadership under any circumstances. (Also see Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, and Erik Holder.)

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