Thursday, January 9, 2014

Christie Apologizes About the Bridge Thing, Ted Kennedy Didn't

Chris Christie went on an apology tour today, took responsibility and actually fired people. He totally denied knowledge of the situation in Fort Lee, NJ, where lanes were closed on the Jersey side of the George Washington Bridge, the busiest bridge in the country. 

When it comes to bridges, Democrats need to tread carefully. They have Ted Kennedy and his bridge, when, in 1969, in a drunken state, he drove his car off the Chappaquiddick Bridge into the river, and his female passenger, Mary Jo Kopechne, not his wife, drowned while Teddy saved his own butt by leaving her and swimming to safety. He didn't report the incident for nine hours and later plead guilty for leaving the scene. He could have plead guilty to being a coward, but he was a Kennedy, and that option was never offered. He was given  a slap on the wrist with a two month suspended jail sentence. Now that's a bridge with a bigger story than Christie.

The liberals are going nuts with the Christie story. Rush Limbaugh believes it's the media's way of not having to talk about Bob Gates' book that slams Obama and his inability to be a leader. The left is acting like Chris Christie drove off a bridge and killed a woman by failing to go back to save her.

While I'm not a huge Chris Christie fan, if he gets the nomination for the '16 presidential election, I would vote for him. I don't know if he was telling the truth, but he has done all that he should have done under the circumstances. Compared to Obama's scandals, this was as significant as Debby Wasserman Schultz's dental work. If Christie was a Democrat, the media would laugh it off and discuss Hillary's last award. But as a Republican, they would like to perform an orchiectomy without anesthesia just for laughs.

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