Tuesday, January 7, 2014

We'll Have Fun Fun Fun Now That Barry Took Incentive Away Now

President Obama wants to extend unemployment benefits for at least a million Americans, in spite of the fact that four million jobs are actually available at this time. But who can blame our president--he just wants to give a helping hand to those Americans who are too incapacitated to work. 

"My Teleprompter says . . . "
Wait. . . this just in: these unemployed people are actually able-bodied men and women who have grown accustomed to  staying home studying law via Judge Judy, and social science, via As the World Turns. Some of these unemployed are going so far as to study medicine via General Hospital. And like the soap operas and Judge Judy shows, the benefits seem to go on and on, having no end in sight.

When you pay people to stay home, they tend to stay home. When unemployment poses no emergency, they have no incentive to get off their duff and look for work, or even when they do, the jobs they interview for aren't exactly what they're looking for, so they keep looking. They become very selective.

In his speech today, President Obama claimed that the people in need of extended payments for not working are people who are actively looking for work. This information must have come from the same presidential fact-checker who told him that the Benghazi murders were due to a video that insulted Muhammed, the prophet of the  religion of peace. The statistics  prove otherwise. He said that "hope is contagious," but so is lethargy. Listening to his speech, it boggles the mind that he takes no responsibility for the current job situation in the US.

So as Obama's cronies claim that the recovery is doing great and jobs have been created, they also want to extend unemployment benefits because so many people are out of work.  Which is it, Jay Carney? You can't have it both ways. 

There are people at home, collecting monthly payments that help them make ends meet. They are actively looking for work and will accept almost anything within reason. These people will find a job; maybe a part-time job, but they'd be willing to work two jobs. They are the ones who need those checks because they already have the incentive.

Then there are those who have been on the system and like what they're getting. They hope this continues because once this cold snap is over and summer finds its way back, they want to play in the sun and learn more about law, or social science, or medicine. Just as long as someone else pays for the TV and electric bill. We already pay for their Obamaphones.

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