Friday, November 22, 2013

Nuclear Options, Nuclear Iran, Friday Brain Flushings

I'm Making You An Offer You Can't Refuse
It has been quite a week in the wacky world of politics. Reid goes nuclear; Iran is currently doing the same under the guise of efficient energy production for peaceful purposes; Obamacare doesn't just cover abortions, it has become one; and Ed Schultz has gone beyond calling Laura Ingraham a "slut," he has become a presidential confidante along with a host of MNSBC hosts and Juan Williams of Fox News.

In an article by David Weigel of Slate, (Nov. 21, 2013) the Nuclear Option is seen as a huge victory for progressives as it is a way to strip the opposition of the right to filibuster against presidential appointment choices. This had been a political staple in the USA since George Washington Dremeled his first set of teeth. (The other huge victory Weigel sites is the election of Obama, but I believe that's more of a victory for Iran.)

 In fact, in 2005, then Senator Barack Hussein Obama, Harry Reid, Diane Feinstein, and even Joe-the-Village-Idiot Biden, spoke out vehemently against the nuclear option the Republicans proposed (but never instilled). But hypocrisy was never a taboo in politics, and that goes for both parties. However, as Mitch-the-Turtle-McConnell warned, the nuclear option will come back to haunt the liberals once the Republicans take back the Senate. This means, the Democrats better watch out because one day the GOP is going to remove their heads from their darker regions of their anatomy and take back control of the government.

But I exaggerate. The chances are fairly bright for the GOP now that people are waking up to the fact that Obama is a liar and all liberals are liars too. In order to have pushed Obamacare down our collective throats, so to speak, he lied to the American people. The New York Times said he misspoke, but to call it "misspoke" is a lie in itself. So liberals, in order to get people to buy their snake oil, have to lie.

Now to Iran. We don't know what Obama's people are saying to the Iranians behind closed doors, but it is fairly clear that Obama wants to lighten up on the nation that celebrates "Hate America Day," and extend an olive branch, or fly over a damn dove or something wussified. Where Ronald Reagan said to Gorbachev, "Mr. Gorbachec, tear down this wall," I can envision Barry Obama saying to Hassan Rouhani, "Mr. Rouhani, I have no balls." And I worry about Israel, but that little country has more courage than the Obama administration has corporate regulations.

Obama has decided to take the law into his own hands once again and delay the implementation of Obamacare (which he is now referring to as the Affordable Care Act--an oxymoron if there ever was one) until after the midterm elections. I refuse to see this merely as a political maneuver; I see it as an insult to the American people by denying it's a political maneuver.

The most entertaining moment for me about Obamacare, was when Kathleen Sebelius was on TV promoting the website when the website crashed in the middle of her schtick. The idiot at the computer said, "This is no big deal; it happens all the time." That's like Rob Ford saying, "I only smoked the crack because I was in a drunken stupor." Or maybe it's like Obama saying something like, "You can't blame me for the IRS, AP, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, James Rosen,, or the website. I didn't know."

When incompetence becomes a defense for lies, we are all in trouble for doing nothing about it. Those of us who do not vote out these liberals in 2014 will get what we deserve.

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