Friday, April 12, 2024

Rashida Tlaib refuses to condemn "Death to America" chants: jihad comes to America

An angry, disgusting woman who hates America and the Jewish people

Repulsive Rashida Tlaib (Squad-MI) attended a rally in her district where Hamas supporters chanted "death to America" and of course, "death to Israel." In spite of her pledge to defend the U.S. Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, the Democratic congresswoman refused to condemn the chanters and received bipartisan blow-back. 

At an “Al-Quds Day” rally in Dearborn, Michigan protesters chanted “death to America” and “death to Israel.” A speaker at the event even quoted Malcom X saying “We live in one of the rottenest countries that has ever existed on this earth.” 

Ironically, every moron who claims to believe this and chants this garbage has either come to the United States from a different country, or was born here and has no plans to go to a "better country," because there are no better countries than the USA.

The speaker continued, explaining that “The chant ‘death to Israel’ has become the most logical chant shouted across the world today.” It's especially 'logical' for hateful racists who now have a Nazi bandwagon to jump on. Many of these cretins are the same people who call conservatives 'white supremacists;' they obviously don't see themselves in the mirror.

Another speaker proclaimed “Israel is ISIS, they are Nazis, they are fascists, they are racists.” By making such ridiculous claims, they now believe they have the right to act in kind. If you call Israel genocidal, then it's okay to commit genocide against them.

Pro tip: Israel is not at all genocidal. If they were, Gaza would have been destroyed years ago and the IDF wouldn't take such care as to limit civilian casualties. Israel would not allow Arabs to participate in their Knesset and work in Israel if they were genocidal. But "shoe on other foot," there are no Jews in Gaza and if there were, they would be killed, like what the Gazan 'civilians' did to some of the hostages on Oct. 7.

Back to Dearborn.

The initial incident sparked condemnation from both sides of the political aisle. The mayor of Dearborn, Abdullah H. Hammoud, wrote on Twitter/X that, at the rally, people chanted “statements that were unacceptable and contrary to the heart of this city.

“We reject all inflammatory and violent statements made at the gathering. Dearborn is a city of proud Americans; the hateful rhetoric heard on Friday does not reflect the opinion of the members of this community,” he said. 

Even though he might not believe his words based on the history of the city, at least he vocalized them.

White House spokesman Andrew Bates told The Daily Caller that “The White House condemns these abhorrent and Antisemitic remarks in the strongest terms. As [US] President [Joe] Biden has said, America is the greatest nation on Earth and a beacon to the world.”

But Tlaib is a Democrat and the Party protects their own no matter how incendiary their words can be.

Tlaib was approached by a Fox News reporter on Wednesday, who asked if she condemned the chants. She replied, saying she did not speak to Fox News and that the reporter was engaging in Islamophobic tropes in asking her the question — likely because she perceived the reporter as questioning the patriotism and loyalty of Muslim Americans to the US.

Her logic is that if you ask a Muslim about anti-Israel and anti-American sentiments, you are Islamophobic, which simply translates to, "shut up."
Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-Gaza) refuses to condemn ‘Death to America!’ chants at a rally in her home

— The First (@TheFirstonTV) April 11, 2024
The Republican Jewish Coalition’s national political director, Sam Markstein, had harsh words for Tlaib, telling The Algemeiner, a Jewish newspaper based in the United States, “It’s no surprise that Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib would refuse to condemn anti-America and anti-Israel chants.”

He described Rep. Tlaib as “a disgrace” who “should not be representing the people of Michigan’s 12th district in Congress.”

Maybe she ought to go back to her roots in Gaza and run for office there.

Markstein argued, “House Democratic leadership has coddled and enabled her vicious anti-Semitism and anti-Israel rhetoric for years – it’s long past time for them to hold her accountable.”

But rather than dealing with Tlaib for what she represents, the left goes after, you guessed it, Trump for anti-Semitic rhetoric, or what is interpreted as such, even though he has been the most Israel-friendly president in our time. This isn't about Trump; it's about Tlaib and other anti-Semites on the Left. It's time to vote them out.

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