Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Zawahiri was droned at the home of NY Times contributor

"And the other one is for my nose"

The birdcage liner known as the New York Times has no problem publishing material from the enemies of the West, and particularly our nation's enemies.

For instance, Haqqani, the deputy leader of the Taliban, is on the FBI's most wanted list for his alleged involvement in the January 2008 attack on a Kabul hotel that killed six people. Yes, the New York Times published him anyway. After all, it wasn't as if he killed hundreds of people, just a half dozen.

Allie Griffin of the New York Post, August 3, 2022 wrote a story titled: “Al-Zawahiri killed at home of Taliban lackey New York Times gave platform to.” 

She wrote that Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri was killed at the home of an FBI-wanted Taliban lackey who was once given a platform by the New York Times. 

But the paper is no stranger to fabricating stories that are, well, stories and have a poor relationship with the truth.

For starters, let's take the Holodomor famine in Ukraine and the work of "reporter" Walter Duranty. He served as the paper's Moscow bureau chief from 1922 to 1936. Duranty won a Pulitzer Prize for his stories involving his denial of widespread famine in Ukraine, because that's what Communists tend to do when they need to defend Mother Russia. His most infamous lies were about the Holodomor, the famine in Ukraine in the 1930s.

And let's not forget the anti-American "1619 Project" by Nikole Hannah-Jones. She won the support of the New York Times and won a Pulitzer Prize for her novel pretending to be fact.

The Pulitzer Prize has become a leftist joke.

Finally, in 2003, after the Pulitzer Board started a renewed inquiry, the Times hired Mark von Hagen, a professor of Russian history at Columbia University, to review comrade Duranty's work and found it to be uncritical, unbalanced and basically genuflected to Stalinist propaganda. Von Hagen told the press, "For the sake of The New York Times' honor, they should take the prize away."

The Times' coverage of the Holocaust was another black eye for the so-called paper of record. 

In "Buried by the Times" by Laurel Leff, published in 2005, the paper buried in the back pages stories about the genocide of European Jews and they avoided mentions of Jewish victims of persecutions, deportations, and the death camps. Of the 23,000 stories the Times published between 1939 and 1945, half were about the war, and of these, only 26 mentioned the Holocaust.

In the documentary Reporting on The Times: How the paper of record ignored the Holocaust, past editors of the newspaper stated that there was a conscious decision to bury the paper's Holocaust coverage.

Then there's the issue of plagiarism by Jayson Blair, an African American. The New York Times admitted that one of its "reporters" committed serial journalistic fraud over several years time. He resigned after the incident.

The final case I'll make is the Duke University LaCross case from 2007 whereby the paper basically accused the players of rape before the case was adjudicated. Former Times ombudsman, Daniel Okrent, admitted the Times was bias in their coverage of the case and said,  "It was too delicious a story. It conformed too well to too many preconceived notions of too many in the press: white over black, rich over poor, athletes over non-athletes, men over women, educated over non-educated. Wow. That's a package of sins that really fit the preconceptions of a lot of us."

So that's just the tip of the dung heap the Times has dumped on the public.

The fact that al-Zawahiri was staying in the home of Haqqani and that the New York Times allowed this POS to contribute to the paper, should tell you something about their morals. Sirajuddin Haqqani, a senior Taliban official, owned the Kabul home.

The New York Times published an op-ed piece by Haqqani in 2020 to ask for a peace agreement between the US and Afghan leaders. Not only did outside critics bash the paper for giving this crap weasel a platform to spew his propaganda, even the papers' own reporters  were pissed.

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And now the New York Times is stealth editing to leave out this little tidbit of information as to where Zawahiri was blown to kibbles and bits.

The FBI is offering up to $10 million for information leading directly to Haqqani's arrest.

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