Sunday, December 5, 2021

Michigan Dems push gun control after Oxford school shooting

Their solutions are as fake as their news outlets. The Demolition Party aka Democrats, are calling for more gun control legislation after the school shooting at Oxford High School on Tuesday, as they pretend that it would have prevented the 15-year-old shooter from committing the crime in which he killed four students and wounded seven others.

The handgun, a Sig Sauer, was purchased legally by the shooter's father who apparently did not prevent access to the weapon that his son took and used to do the murders. So gun control was not the issue, the fact that the gun was not locked away and warning signs the shooter gave out, were the problem. And it looks as if the parents are going to go on trial for their irresponsible behavior.

Democratic Michigan Senators Brenda Carter and Rosemary Bayer, who represent the district that Oxford High School is located in, released a statement from the legislature's Firearm Safety and Violence Prevention Caucus on Wednesday calling for "commonsense gun safety legislation."

Common sense gun safety legislation usually requires that all guns need to be made illegal and those in the possession of owners must be taken from them either by paying owners to turn them in, or by force at the end of a legal government gun.

"We are heartbroken by the tragic events that happened in our own backyard. No parent should have to fear for their child's safety at school, and no community should have to bury the children they helped to raise," read the hasty statement likely written before all the dead were buried because Democrats never let a tragedy go to waste.

"While we have met resistance on taking proactive measures to prevent gun violence in the past, we are asking folks to consider a change of heart and mind so the students who died at Oxford — and who have died in countless other tragedies across the country — have not died in vain," the caucus continued.

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Useless tripe. What kind of legislation would have been able to prevent this horrible tragedy aside from preventing the father of this mentally ill kid from buying a gun?

"While now is a time of healing and community support as we all grieve, the time for action is imminent because this tragedy would never happen again in Michigan."

Even Frau Gov. Whitmer got into the act and released a statement calling for leftist lawmakers to act against gun violence, whatever that means. Is there anyone who acts for gun violence?

"Gun violence is a public health crisis that claims lives every day. We have the tools to reduce gun violence in Michigan. This is a time for us to come together and help our children feel safe at school," said Whitmer, who has no idea of what a public health crisis really is. While Covid is a public health crisis, she violated her own mandate about the virus and so did her husband.

Insofar as guns and safety are concerned, the left sounds like they've been consulting with Alec Baldwin

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