Monday, December 6, 2021

Waukesha murder suspect upset that he's being "dehumanized"

The 39-year-old racist black male who allegedly rammed a red SUV into white children and elderly white women at a Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin in November, is upset with people who don't like him and thus treat him as if he is a piece of human excrement crawling with maggots. 

Imagine that.

This turd killed six people and injured dozens more and he wants us to speak nicer about him, whining to Fox News that was being “dehumanized” and “demonized.” Boo freaking hoo.

The report described the suspect as "soft-spoken" appearing "calm, lucid and and took time to answer each question.”  That's wonderful because he probably will not be able to claim temporary insanity, and, along with his history of anti-white, anti-Semitic rhetoric, that defense is gone. 

The reporters were the first people to visit the racist scum since he was taken into custody following the massacre of innocent folks. Even his mother didn't come to see him but she did release a statement that blamed Wisconsin's criminal justice system for failing her son!

The only failure of the Wisconsin criminal justice system is that they should have never let him loose on such a pittance of bail requirement. He was released on a mere $1,000 bail a few days before the attack, in which officials are now admitting was an "inappropriately low" amount.

"The horse just ran away! Quick, Martha, close the barn door!"

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The suspect is a felon with a rap sheet depicting domestic violence, drug convictions, domestic violence and other convictions in Wisconsin and he is also a registered child sex offender in Nevada. He served prison time in Georgia for beating his girlfriend, records show, and overall, he is a scumbag who needs to be put away because the public hasn't "dehumanized" him or "demonized" him--the. dickwad did it to himself.

After the deaths and injuries of the innocent, the saddest part of this story is the fact that Wisconsin doesn't have the death penalty.

Local media reported that the records from the court hearing where the suspect was released no longer exist due to “technical issues,” like similar technical issues with Hunter Biden's laptop., a fact-finding website, and other various journalists online, provided posts the suspect allegedly had on social media accounts. The posts express anti-Christian sentiment, hatred for Republican politicians and conservative media, and “black nationalist rhetoric.”

Is it any wonder the story has all but disappeared on the mainstream media?

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