Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Jussie Smollett blasts prosecutor for quoting him using the N- word

Alleged hoaxer and race baiting actor Jussie Smollett denied under oath all allegations that he had the Osundairo brothers go with him on a "dry run" rehearsal of his attack two days before an actual attack supposedly took place.

The actor's testimony ended Tuesday after the defense redirected prosecutor Dan Webb's line of questioning. 

Smollett’s attorney Nenye Uche focused on the Instagram messages that Webb alleged helped prove that he was keeping Bola Osundairo up-to-date on his whereabouts the night of the attack so he would know when and where to find him. 

Smollett said that “tons” of his followers responded to an Instagram story he posted about his flight being delayed and the incoming Polar Vortex in Chicago, which automatically begins a private messaging conversation on the app. 

The Polar Vortex, of course, is conducive for all 2 MAGA supporters in Chicago to wander out in the dead of night in red baseball caps, a noose and a container of bleach, just in case they happen to run into a gay Democrat. And of course they would recognize Jussie Smollett because they are big fans of "Empire" like all conservatives are, and probably of MSNBC too.

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Uche also focused on Smollett’s allegation that the brothers reached out to him after the alleged real attack to try and extort $1 million each in exchange for telling the police that they did not plan the hoax. Under another redirect from Webb, Smollett noted that the brothers did not reach out to him about the money personally but did so through their representatives to his attorneys.

In attempting to prove Smollett was lying, Webb showed and read from private Instagram messages between Bola Osundairo and Smollett showing that the latter kept updating Bola on his whereabouts and flight delay information on the night of the attack. This makes the case that Smollett was working with Bola to time out the planned attack. Some of the messages included the use of the N-word, prompting Smollett to interrupt the prosecutor to ask him to spell or abbreviate the word so as not to offend "every African American in this room."

It's okay to use the N-word conspiratorially but not publicly because you might offend black people who are also allowed to use the N-word in private. 

Webb said that Smollett was welcome to read his own messages to the court but that he would not censor the quotations of the actor's messages. Smollett complied and the two moved on.

The remainder of the cross-examination saw Webb call key details of Smollett’s story of both the night of the attack and the alleged dry run into question, with Smollett denying throughout that he orchestrated anything with the Osundairo brothers, throwing them under the proverbial bus and referring to the siblings as “liars.”

Now we cannot know with absolute certainty that Jussie Smollett  is guilty of a racially-charged hoax but anyone who is being honest in their assessment has to consider the circumstances [Polar Vortex, MAGA people in the wee hours of the morning in Chicago, a city that voted 83% Democrat, having a noose and bleach handy, just in case, a signed check by Smollett to the brothers] and conclude that Smollett is a liar and not a very good friend, and should go to prison where he can make new friends.

But let's wait for the verdict and respect the law. 

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