Thursday, September 17, 2020

Seattle mayor may face federal charges over "CHOP" humiliating failure

The face you make when you step in something
on the streets of Seattle

Jenny Durkan, the Democratic Mayor of Seattle, has a lot in common with her fellow Democratic mayors of major American cities.

Durkan is a Democrat and like her party's colleagues, is as useless as a toothpick for a jellyfish. She stands mirrorsf her fellow useless Democratic mayors and governors, Bill de Blasio, Andrew Cuomo, Gavin Newsom, Eric Garcetti and Lori Lightfoot, in the way they handled the "mostly peaceful" Antifa and BLM riots. 

Like them, she neutered her police force, having them stand down as these Marxist anarchists looted, destroyed property, and assaulted innocent people. But like others in her Party, when the rioting affected her directly, she called for the cops to protect her.

Now the Department of Justice is considering whether charges can be brought against her over her apparent refusal to dismantle the so-called "autonomous zone" known as "CHOP" and "CHAZ" in Seattle that was controlled for weeks by anarchists who obviously wish to destroy the USA.

Attorney General Bill Barr is having the DOJ's civil rights division investigate whether charges can be brought against her, The New York Times reported on Wednesday evening. citing two people familiar with the discussions. AG Barr is also looking into possibly charging the rioters with sedition and insurrection against the United States government The Wall Street Journal reports.

The riots began after the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis on May 25. In Seattle, Marxists took over a number of city blocks in the heart of the city and set up a police-free zone. People who live in the area known as CHOP were harassed and scared, but police were told to back off and allow the illegal takeover to play out. 

And play out it did. After several deadly shootings, Durkan finally ordered police to move in and reestablish order; too late for the victims, of course. There had been three shootings with one person killed, one in critical condition and three with injuries.

Local businesses and residents threatened to move from Capitol Hill and never return. 

At the time, Durkan and her city council cretins, along with other city officials defended the protests. They claimed that a dangerous "element" not part of the peaceful protesters had moved into the zone at night and disrupted the zone's "healing" and "education" environment. The idiot mayor actually said she hoped the protests could continue on a more part-time basis.

Why not? She had no business or home in the area to worry about. 

The damage to our major cities have cost insurance companies a record $2 billion to businesses and individuals because of riot-related destruction.

Charging the Marxists with sedition will be hard to do because of First Amendment protection. Prosecutors will have to prove there was a conspiracy against U.S. government agents or officials that posed an imminent threat.

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