Sunday, September 13, 2020

Comical News Network snubbed from debate moderation

CNN Moderator to Trump: President Trump, how have you coped with your abject failures as President? How ashamed are you?
CNN Moderator to Joe Biden: Mr. Vice President, it's an honor, sir. My question to you is, what is the one thing you would like to see happen in your presidency that you haven't already accomplished as Vice President?

This is how a Comical News Network (CNN) moderator would sound if that network was allowed to put in a Biden shill. Thankfully, that will not happen because the network is being snubbed for the debate(s) and this is for obvious reasons.

The whiners at CNN are now whining publicly that Chris Wallace [who is not shill for Trump, that's for certain] a Fox News host, is moderating the September 29th debate.

Speaking on CNN's "Newsroom," socialist host Brianna Keiller, seemed to be clueless as to how Chris Wallace, a person who appears left-leaning. would get the chance to moderate while working for a network that doesn't believe Trump should be thrown out of office in disgrace, incarcerated for being a wise ass, and made to give up all his wealth to Black Lives Matter and Antifa. She believes that Fox News, not the Compromised News Network [aka Comical News Network; aka Communist News Network] who "tells it like it feels."

“The presidential debates are set and Fox News’ Chris Wallace will monitor the first between President Trump and Joe Biden,” said Keillar, as reported by Newsbusters. “The debate commission giving the September 29th face-off to Fox despite propaganda, dishonesty, and the fact that some Fox hosts advise President Trump,” unlike Jake Tapper who only advises Republicans not to run against Democrats is state elections, or Donna Brazile who gave Hillary Clinton debate questions and who [unfortunately] works for Fox News.

Keillar, known for having the self-awareness of a crouton, then asked CNN senior reporter Oliver Darcy if perhaps the presence of Chris Wallace, who she admitted is a fair journalist, will somehow legitimize Fox News.

Let's be real. Fox News leans to the right but their actual reporters like Brett Baier, Bill Hemmer and several others, are quite fair. CNN, on the other hand, is extremely bias and far-right leaning. They leave out details and create hoaxes like the "good people on both sides" hoax in which they made it sound as if Trump was praising white supremacists and Antifa, when his next sentence clearly explained who he meant. CNN left it out, like they also forgot to report that President Trump has been nominated twice for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Propaganda? Ha!

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