Sunday, September 13, 2020

NAACP's Talbert Swan: "No such thing as blue lives'

This Swan is a different kind of bird:
ask a Marine
NAACP chapter president Talbert Swan claimed on Saturday that there is "no such thing as Blue Lives. Your CAREER is a choice, my BLACKNESS isn't." Neither is his profound stupidity and blatant indifference to human life.

This incredibly stupid, cold-blooded, heartless comment came after a coward in Los Angeles sneaked up on a police car occupied by two cops, and began shooting them in a cold blooded ambush. 

NAACP Greater Springfield President Talbert Swan tweeted: 
"There’s no such thing as BLUE LIVES... Stop comparing your JOB with my LIFE... Your CAREER is a choice, my BLACKNESS isn’t. #BlackLivesMatter #BlueLivesMatter." 
He never met the two cops who are fighting for their lives, a man and woman, the latter who has a small child at home. But like the morons who stood outside the hospital where the wounded cops were taken and chanted that they hoped they would die, Swan has disgraced his position at the NAACP, or the organization has itself become disgraceful.

"No one deserves to be unjustly murdered, police or citizens," Swan continued. "If you’re expressing outrage over the shooting of two sheriff’s deputies, but we’re defending #KyleRittenhouse murdering two protesters in #Kenosha only days ago, you need to shut up and have a seat."

Actually, if you are fair minded, it seems apparent that Rittenhouse shot the two attackers in self-defense, but that will be decided in the future.

Swan apparently doesn't care if the deputies die. He is more upset with the 8% of blacks killed by white people than he is of the 89% of the blacks killed by other blacks last year.

Where is the outrage this moron fails to express for the 2600 black murder victims killed by blacks in 2019? Where is his outrage over the children killed in Chicago day after day? Why is his outrage selective?

The deputies, a 24-year-old man and a 31-year-old woman, were “fighting for their lives” as they underwent surgery following the attack, which occurred around 7 p.m. local time on Saturday outside a Metro rail station in Compton, according to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. 

The piece of human excrement who shot the deputies should be tried and given the justice he or she deserves. Cops who commit crimes and use excessive force should also be tried. But this war on cops has got to stop now.

Last month, when President Trump's brother, Robert, died, Swan tweeted the hashtag #wrongtrump. 
"Dear Grim Reaper, You took the #wrongtrump," tweeted Swan.
Like the race hustling Al Sharpton[gue], Swan is a pastor and is also a radio host, and president of the Springfield, Mass., branch of the NAACP.

He is a hateful person and his role at the NAACP, or the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, is an ironic oxymoron. He does nothing constructive to advance black folks. If anything, he is a role model for racial hatred and should be discarded on the trash heap of history.

C'mon, man. You know you want to follow Brain Flushings--it's free and worth every penny. And remember, every time you click on an ad, an angel gets its wings and a liberal sheds a tear.

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