Sunday, September 13, 2020

More on Jacob Blake and the criminal complaint

You really don't have to be very smart to know that it's dangerous to resist arrest, and that danger increases when you go for a weapon in your car. Jacob Blake is not very smart, and one might even say he's stupid. But I'm not saying that, it's just that he resisted arrest and reached for a knife.

Details of the incredibly horrific criminal complaint against Blake, 29, have emerged, and it might change the way you see the story.

Blake was shot by a Kenosha, Wisconsin cop in the back seven times following a domestic dispute call. The shooting left Blake paralyzed from the waist down. This provided fodder [aka: an excuse] to the BLM and Antifa rioters across the country and even the National Football League supported this scumbag by putting his name, not his alleged victim's, on their helmets. 

The video below is disturbing, but it shows the one perspective of the incident that the left chose to instantaneously blame on the police officers.

Blake's ex-girlfriend is identified in the criminal complaint as "LNB." She alleges that Blake sexually assaulted her in the early hours of May 3rd.

LNB states that Blake unlawfully entered her home and she awoke from her sleep to find Blake standing in her room, looming over her.

He is the father of LNB's three children and he allegedly demanded she return his possessions, and used some bad words in doing so.

"I want my s***," Blake reportedly said to the woman, and began to assault her according to the complaint.

"As LNB lay there, on her back, the defendant, suddenly and without warning, reached his hand between her legs, penetrated her vaginally with a finger, pulled it out and sniffed it, and said, 'Smells like you've been with other men,'" the at-times graphic complaint reads. [Blake is evidently an expert identifying the odors of other men's private parts.]

Following the assault, Blake reportedly stole her vehicle and left the premises.

The woman reports in the complaint that Blake is unemployed and without his own vehicle. Over the eight-years the two spent together, Blake reportedly sexually assaulted her at least twice per year during drunken episodes, causing her pain and humiliation.

The officer who took the woman's statement said she had a "very difficult time telling him this and cried as she told how the defendant assaulted her." She said that Blake's assault "caused her pain and humiliation and was done without her consent."

LNB told authorities that she was able to maintain her composure despite the incident, and attempted to follow Blake. When she discovered that her keys and her vehicle were missing, she immediately phoned 911 to report the incident.

Authorities charged Blake in July with felony third-degree sexual assault, misdemeanor trespassing, and disorderly conduct connected to domestic abuse.

Last month, Blake's ex-girlfriend--purportedly the same woman from the criminal complaint--reportedly phoned the police and reported yet another domestic incident which evidently occurred because he showed up at her home and had taken her keys.

The incident was caught on Raysean White, a bystander, on his cell phone. He said that Blake showed up at LNB's house where two women were arguing. He allegedly told one of his sons, who was at the home, to get into the vehicle and then walked into the home.

White briefly left the scene but returned to see Blake wrestling with police officers. He began, at that point, to record the incident once more.

At one point, another witness said that officers were attempting to take Blake into custody, and were punching him and tasing him while he was on the ground. Blake, however, can be seen wrestling out of the officers' grip and begins walking to his vehicle's front driver's side door. Officers follow him, guns drawn, and as Blake reaches into the vehicle, at least one Kenosha officer shoots Blake in the back at close range.
Blake shows off his fingers

Several of Blake's children were reportedly inside the vehicle at the time of the incident.

The witness also said he overheard officers saying that Blake had a knife.

Kenosha cops said that Blake was, indeed, armed with a knife at the time of the shooting. He had also place one of the cops in a headlock after being tased twice while resisting arrest.

Despite threat of lethal force, Blake 'continued to ignore the officers' commands' and walked around to the driver's door of the vehicle and reached in, allegedly for the knife, when he was shot.

Brendan Matthews, the attorney for the Kenosha Professional Police Association, said on Friday that all officers involved in the incident were placed on leave pending an investigation. This is apparently standard procedure.

There's a lesson in this incident--can you think what it might be?

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