Sunday, September 13, 2020

CNN's Jake Tapper tried to have a GOPer run against fellow GOPer to ensure Jake's Dem pick runs unopposed

Compromised News Network's and apparent Democratic strategist, Jake Tapper (D), reportedly urged Republican Sean Parnell not to run against Democrat Rep. Conor Lamb, but instead, run against a fellow Republican, because if he beat the Democrat, that would be one less vote for Tapper's side in Congress. [H'T Fox News]

The stakes is for a Western Pennsylvania House seat which is currently held by Lamb and Tapper, who is allegedly an impartial journalist, apparently wants it to remain that way, as evidenced in a Twitter direct message obtained by Fox News.

Parnell is a U.S. Army combat veteran who delivered a speech at the RNC. He is a good-looking, clean and articulate man, [to paraphrase Joe Biden's words when describing former President Obama], and Tapper seems worried that he might beat Lamb which would add another GOP seat in the Western PA House.

Tapper hinted that Parnell would be better off running in a "safer" district for Republicans, according to a secret source not affiliated with Parnell's campaign. The source feels the CNN anchor was being unethical by participating in political activism.

Ya think?

Fox News got hold of a Twitter direct message (DM) that the activist "journalist" sent to Parnell’s @SeanParnellUSA account on Nov. 8, 2019, after he officially declared his candidacy for Pennsylvania's 17th congressional district against Democrat Rep. Lamb.

The Tapper tweet stated:
“And best of luck in your race. For the record, I wasn’t trying to talk you out of running -- I was trying to talk you into running in a safer R district! Lol,” 
The fact that Tapper ended the tweet with "Lol" should disqualify him from calling himself a journalist.

In any case, the DM supports as story published by Breitbart News on September 6th, which cited "sources familiar with the interactions" and reporting that Tapper “communicated his views on how Parnell should not run against Lamb in a variety of communication forms, including in text messages, Twitter direct messages, and in a phone call.”

CNN did not immediately respond to Fox News' request for comment, nor did Tapper answer several questions, including whether or not he was now able to fairly report on the Parnell-Lamb race in that nasally voice that is his trademark.

It is unclear if the "Hate Trump Network" will allow Tapper to report on the race for Pennsylvania's 17th congressional district going forward., but considering their journalistic standards, they probably will.

“He boxed himself into a corner,” the secret source said. “He wanted him to primary a Republican instead of running against Lamb. He was looking out for his Democrat friend.”

What exactly did the secret source mean by "friend"? Is there something we should know about Tapper the public doesn't know? Is it more than just politics? A conspiracy theorist's mind wants to know.

Tapper, who bills himself as a nonpartisan newsman, [now that deserves a "LOL"] anchors CNN’s weekday newscast “The Lead With Jake Tapper” and Sunday morning's “State of the Union” political program. He might consider renaming the latter "State of the Onion" and the former "The Lead and Other Heavy Metals with Jake Tapper."

The secret source wondered out loud to him- or herself as to  how many Republicans have given up on the idea of running for a specific public office because the impartial, unbiased, unethical Jake Tapper talked them out of it over the years.

“CNN is experts at smearing people, you’ve got their Sunday morning anchor telling you what you should or shouldn’t do... there are other candidates who would be like, ‘Alright, I don’t need CNN coming after me,’” the secret source said as he or she put on their lipstick.

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