Tuesday, June 4, 2019

After blasting Fox News, now Comrade de Blasio wants to do a town hall with them

"Worst Mayor Ever" Bill de Blasio [aka Warren Wilhelm Jr.] isn't just a tall incompetent loser, he also has an enormous set of cojones.

After accusing Fox News of spreading "overt hate" and calling them racially and politically divisive, the far-Left-leftist-socialist-commie scumquat approached the network, which is the top-rated cable news network in the USA, asking them if he could do a town hall.


The New York Times, a former newspaper, reported on the 2020 Democratic candidate's desire to appear on Fox, which a spokeswoman chalked up to a desire to reach as many voters as possible. De Blasio, who is hated even by those in New York City, which he has run into the ground,  is a current non-factor in the polls. With the anemic numbers he's running, he'd be lucky to  reach the first primary debate stage later this month.

Very few people like the leftist mayor--even the New York City Police Department have, in the past, literally turned their backs on him on two occasions: the first time in 2014 when Officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu were shot execution style by a cop-hating man after de Blasio characterized police as "the bad guys." And the second time the NYPD did the same was in 2017 when Officer Miosotis Familia was assassinated and de Blasio, rather than attend her funeral, opted instead to attend the G-20 summit.

"We want to talk to all voters about why the mayor is the best candidate for working people–regardless of what news channel they watch," de Blasio spokeswoman Olivia Lapeyrolerie said.

De Blasio has an incredible 8 percent favorability rating among voters, according to a recent Quinnipiac poll. Forty-five percent of voters have an unfavorable opinion and 48 percent don't know much about him.

So he's desperate to get his big butt out there and get on Fox, in spite of his hostile history to Rupert Murdoch's media outlets, particularly Fox News and the New York Post.

He said last year that Murdoch's News Corp was responsible for the political rise of President Trump and blamed it for dividing the country, which in psychological terms is known as projection.

Back last August, de Blasio was even more hostile to Murdoch's media outlets and told the Compromised News Network [CNN] that Murdoch's empire was the cause for "dividing people and creating hatred and negativity and changing our political landscape for the worse." In psychological terms this is what is known as delusion.

If News Corp didn't exist, "there would be less overt hate, there would be less appeal to racial division," he said, hoping to one day have the power to destroy all conservative news outlets and imprison all that work for them.

De Blasio has also attacked  the New York Post over its journalistic coverage of his City Hall. In 2016, he called it a "right-wing rag" and refused to answer a reporter's questions at a press conference because he didn't have a coherent answer and thought it was a trick question.

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) became the fourth major Democratic presidential candidate to appear on Fox News for a town hall on Sunday, following Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and South Bend mayor Pete Buttigieg (Gay-IN). [I included "Gay" for Buttigieg because those are essentially all of his credentials for being president.]

Virtually all of these candidates attacked Fox News because the left expects them to do so and they all pander to the left and compromise all sense of decency.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) has refused to accept an invitation to appear on Fox, calling it a "hate-for-profit scam" that is trying to use Democrats to bolster credibility with advertisers. She came up with that idea one full moon night, outside her wigwam near the campfire, as she smoked a spliff of peyote with the tribe's chief Running Left.

The Democratic National Committee has also blacklisted Fox News from conducting any Democratic primary debates because they ask real questions rather than questions like:
"Golf, what does it do for you?" -- CBS
 "I'm wondering if you think that [Republican presidential candidates are] uninformed, out of touch, or irresponsible?" -- CNN

There are so many more that you can see at the  Daily Caller. It's unbelievable that Warren could make such a statement with a straight, pale face [speaking of scams.]

So let me ask you: do you think Fox News should have de Blasio at a town hall?

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