Monday, May 20, 2019

Bobby [Bozo] O'Rourke would do Fox town hall

"Who sat on the mic?"
Former Texas Rep. and former U.S. Senatorial losing candidate, and former guitarist and failed writer,  Beto O'Rourke said Monday that he would be grateful to participate in a town hall hosted by Fox News because his poll numbers are so bad, it's possible that not even his wife would vote for him. Of course, she has an excuse--Beto tried to slip her a turd from their son's diaper and pretended it was a green avocado.

O'Rourke's willingness to go on Fox is a break with a number of his campaign rivals.

When asked at a campaign stop in Iowa about whether he'd be willing to appear on an actual non-leftist cable network, he told so-called reporters that he "absolutely" would be. 

After all, if he's willing to go on YouTube to show the American people that just like us, he gets his hair cut and goes to the dentist, why not go on Fox? 

Just hope he never goes for a colonoscopy.

“This campaign is about going to where people are, and you see that physically in where I show up [like he did in Mexico.] But it also has to be in those channels or those social media streams where people get their news and their information. That also includes Fox.”

Incidentally, more people watch Fox than any of those leftist networks.

The presidential hopeful said he was unaware of any current talks between his team and Fox News, which Democratic Party leadership said earlier this year was too biased to host any of its primary debates this cycle. Perhaps Fox doesn't want to waste their time with a loser.

O'Rourke's remarks come one day after South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg (D) participated in a town hall on the network that drew 1.1 million total viewers. It was a smart move on his part because if he screwed up, he could blame the conservative attackers at Fox [which of course Chris Wallace is not.] If he was successful [which it appears he was] he'd reach tons of folks.

Sens. Bernie "Comrade" Sanders (I-VT) and Amy "Clean This" Klobachar (D-MN) have also done events hosted by Fox News. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) will appear in a Fox News town hall on June 2 and I have already put that in my Google calendar to make sure I'm doing something else.

Other candidates, however, have refused to appear in the network's events.

Sen. Elizabeth "Dances with Heritage" Warren (D-MA) accused Fox News of being a "hate-for-profit machine" while saying that she would never appear in a town hall hosted by the network. She is kind of stupid if she really wants a shot at "Heap Big" prize of the Democratic nomination.

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) has also indicated she would refuse a town hall invitation because they might ask difficult questions.

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