Sunday, January 24, 2016

The Queen of Jordan on Islam in the U.S.

Queen Rania appeared on Fox's "Sunday Morning Futures" with Marie Barteromo and was asked about her perception of Muslims in the U.S. You can see the video here.

Since Queen Rania is the Queen of Jordan, I'm not clear as to how accurate of an opinion she can give about U.S. Muslims, but nevertheless, she spoke at length on Islam and how we should not believe our lying eyes regarding the religion of peace.

The first thing Ms. Barteromo posed was: "Give us your reaction to what has taken place with regards to ISIS and ISIS terrorizing the West and the world."

Queen Rania responded: "The two things I would like people to understand is that first of all, Islam in now way condones the actions of these extremists. Those barbaric savage acts that we've been seeing on TV; the public beheadings, the rape, the slavery, the mass murders. There's nothing in Islam that condones these kinds of actions."


The Koran, Islam's holiest book, a book "perfect" and eternal is chock full o' nasty stuff. "Kill them wherever you find them and drive them out from where they drove you out. Persecution is worse than slaughter" (2:191).

"When you meet the unbelievers, strike their necks" (4:34).

"Oh you who believe, fight those of the disbelievers who are close to you and let them find harshness in you" (9:123). Only to be certified by: "Mohammad is the apostle of Allah. Those who follow him are merciful to one another but harsh to disbelievers" (48:29).

Ant that's just the tip of the ISIS-berg in the Koran. If you also read the Hadith, the collection of obsessive-compulsive traditions, and the Sunnah, actual sayings and terrorist history of Islam's Mohammad, you will get a better understanding of just how wrong Queen Rania is about Islam.

The Queen of Jordan goes on to say that "I know that there are people who say that there are verses in the Koran that refer to violence; but I would say there are such verses in the Bible as well, and if you take something out of context and you manipulate it to serve your agenda . . . there is no holy script that condones these actions."

I would ask the queen to kindly point out anywhere in the Koran that condemns violence against non-believers, especially if they refuse to pay a tax or convert to Islam. In fact, anything in the Koran that talks about tolerance, such as "there is no compulsion in religion," has been abrogated in the Koran. That is, it has been overridden with better suras--which makes no sense to me if the Koran is supposed to be perfect. 

There should be no need to change or abrogate anything that is perfect.

Queen Rania mentioned the fact that Muslims have killed more Muslims than non-Muslims. She's correct in terms of modern times. But that's because Muslims see those other Muslims they're killing as either apostates or blasphemers. For example, the Sunnis and Shi'ites see each other as blasphemers because of the way they practice the religion of peace. That's precisely why they hate each other.

She also mentioned Islamophobia, a term that is highly offensive to anyone with a brain. 

A person accused of Islamophobia implies that he or she is a racist, which implies Islam is a race. It is a tool to shut up conflicting opinions, where truth has no part of the process. Islamophobia implies the fear of Islam is irrational, which is crazy.

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