Sunday, January 24, 2016

13 Hours--the Secret Soldiers of Benghazi: my review

I finally got to see "13 Hours--the Secret Soldiers of Benghazi." You have to see this flick.

If you came from another planet, say a place called Liberalville, California, and you had no idea about what happened in Benghazi, you would not for one moment think this movie was political. But you would feel a sense of regret about the lack (or refusal, perhaps) of response by the United States government to help those who fought for their lives there.

Hillary Clinton was not mentioned, nor was her position as Secretary of State. 

Station Chief "Bob," played by David Costabile, was as detestable as his character, David Hardman in "Suits."

The movie runs for about 2 hrs 17 mins. and not a minute of it is filler;  the action is gut-wrenching.

I came away with the feeling that there had to be a stand-down order given because if that wasn't the case, there would be no reason for the delay of response. It just doesn't make sense that these brave men were not told to wait but waited nevertheless.

Did I mention that you have to see this flick?

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