Monday, October 19, 2015

Kerry "Surprised" by Palestinian violence: I told you he was stupid

According to Fox News, Secretary of State John Kerry has called for an end to "senseless" violence in Israel and rejects an international presence at the Al-Aqsa Mosque as anti-Semitic tensions escalate.

However, Kerry and the Obama administration never use the term "anti-Semitic" because to do so would be Islamophobic.

For Kerry to call the violence senseless merely shows that he has no common sense or understanding of why these Palestinian attackers are killing Jews [unless, of course, he actually understands but is being directed by the Obama administration to employ moral equivalency regarding the violence.]

First of all, the Palestinians are constantly fed a diet of anti-Semitism; it's how they're brought up from the moment they open their eyes. The children's TV programs depict Jews as evil and dangerous, using the blood of children to add to their holiday matzohs. Their parents encourage anti-Semitic thought because it's the patriotic thing to do. 

Muslim kids rarely meet actual Jews, but the early impressions are powerful.

Second, the heroes of the Muslim mindset are not sports figures nor television personalities, nor are they Nobel Prize winners because there are a disproportionate number of Jews on the list. No, the heroes of the Muslim mindset, particularly for Palestinians, are the martyrs, the jihadists, especially those who have killed a Jew.

They even name streets and town squares after Muslim martyrs who have killed for Allah. Not surprisingly, many of these streets are named Mohammad Something-or-Other.

Third, they have been fed propaganda. They're told by their leaders, for example, that the Jews plan to destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and the Jews executed the 13-year-old boy who killed an Israeli boy his age. 

This turned out to be balderdash of the highest order and proved false when the kid was shown on Israeli TV in bed at the hospital where he was being treated.

Finally, the Koran [Mohammad's ripoff of the Old Testament and written to suit a militant agenda] is filled with anti-Semitic, anti-Christian claptrap that depicts Jews and Christians as apes and pigs, and prescribing horrible deeds to be done to us. They also have a lot of bad things to say about other infidels.

Kerry told reporters at a Madrid news conference that "We don't contemplate any change, but nor does Israel. Israel understands the importance of that status quo. What is important is to make sure everybody understands what that means. We are not seeking some new change. We are not seeking outsiders or others to come in."

France, the home of the attack where Charlie Hebdo cartoonists were murdered by Muslims for printing an unflattering caricature of Mohammad, has called for action at the UN for an international presence to ensure the status quo at the Temple Mount, the hilltop compound revered by Jews and home to the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Islam's third-holiest shrine and national symbol for Palestinians, where Jews can visit but cannot pray.

In addition to the U.S. and Israel being against an international presence in this area, Jordan also agrees.

Kerry will be meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu this week to discuss the situation regarding the Temple Mount, and wants to make clear to PA scumcrumpet, Mahmoud Abbas and Jordan's King Abdullah what the plans will be in respect to this situation.

Meanwhile, the violence continues in Israel as  21-year-old Mohannad al-Okbi, an Arab citizen from Hura, a Bedouin town in southern Israel was armed with a gun and knife and began shooting in a southern Israeli bus station. He killed an Israeli soldier and wounded 10 others before he was shot and sent to his 72 virgins.

One of al-Okbi's relatives was arrested on suspicion of assisting him in the cowardly attack. Al-Okbi has no past record of jihadist involvement, which means his mosque is not being monitored.

Unfortunately, an Eritrean migrant was also killed in the attack by Israeli security who, in the heat of the battle, thought he was an assailant. 

You can be that the mainstream media will have a field day with that event.

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