Sunday, December 28, 2014

No Sweat: The World is Safer Barack Hussein Obama Claims

President Barack Obama said that Afghanistan is "not going to be a source of terrorist attacks again." He made this claim to our troops in order to justify abandoning Afghanistan and closing down Guantanamo Bay Detention Center, thereby releasing a crap-load of terrorists back onto the streets.

It's interesting how Obama can make such a prediction. Does he have a contact with the Taliban? Maybe he made them a deal by allowing them to operate with impunity in exchange for making those we release do a "pinky swear" not to go back to the fighting and terrorizing of civilians.

Of course, even if they do go back to killing us, Obama's media will cover it up. 

Obama has no idea on how to end a war. I'll tell him: you win it! We win, they lose. Simple.

Here are some of the things he said to the Marines over there as per the written speech he used:

Because of the extraordinary service of the men and women in the Armed Forces, Afghanistan has a chance to rebuild its own country. We are safer. It's no going to be a source of terrorist attacks again. And we still have some very difficult missions around the world, including in Iraq. We still have folks in Afghanistan helping the Afghan security forces. We have people helping to deal with Ebola in Africa and obviously we have folks stationed all around the world. But the world is better, it's safer, more peaceful. It's more prosperous and our homeland is protected because of you and the sacrifices each and every day. So on a day when we celebrate the Prince of Peace and many of us count our blessings, one of the greatest blessings we have is the extraordinary dedication and sacrifices you all make. We could not be more thankful. I know I speak for everyone in the entire country when I say, we salute you.

First, to say that Afghanistan has a chance to rebuild its own country makes the assumption that it was once a built up country to begin with. Afghanistan has always been a Third World country with problems dating back to a time when fig leafs were used as jock straps.

Second, to say that we are safer is par for the golf course of lies Obama has played on the American public since taking office. We are much less safe thanks to his administration and sympathies for enemies of the United States and animosity to our allies.

Third, we actually do not have to deal with Ebola. That was his choice and he made it in spite of how it put us at risk. There was never a need to have Ebola victims come to the USA, but it came from Africa, land of his father, brothers, but not him, he has a soft spot in his heart for that continent.

He said the world is more peaceful. To make such a statement is proof that he is still using the same drugs he used while in college on a Foreign Student Visa. 

The Muslim world is doing what they do best and have been doing for 1400 years: killing each other because they believe the other sect has it wrong about Mohammed (peas be up in him) and killing everyone else because we obviously got it wrong and refuse to believe what they believe. And Jews? Don't get me started on Jews. Muslims kill Jews as a way of relaxing. Funny thing, Muslims hate Jews as much as Obama seems to hate Israel.

For Obama to cite the words "Prince of Peace" makes me think of Shakespeare and Freud. I think he's still tricking us and I'm not a conspiracy theorist.

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