Saturday, December 27, 2014

De Blasio: Backs Again

It happened again: NYPD rank and file have turned their back on New York City Mayor, Bill De Blasio, aka Warren Wilhelm Jr. (like Kaiser Wilhelm) when he spoke at Rafael Ramos' funeral today. If you own a TV or get your news elsewhere, you're aware that this happened when De Blasio spoke at a press conference when the two police officers were executed by Ismaaiyl Brinsley, a Muslim whose Facebook page spoke about violence to all infidels. 

I wrote about De Blasio's background with the NYPD   here .

De Blasio never apologized, never backed down, never stopped being a leftist, cop-hating anarchist who was elected with about 72% of the vote. I'm from New York City; that is why I left the leftists.

De Blasio is a pro-Sandinista cheerleader. He loves the Nicaraguan Marxists who toppled Somoza (in 1979) and was clearly against U.S. interests. Well, the party led by Daniel Ortega was defeated in 1990 by Violeta Barrios de Chamorro. It seems that socialism ran out of other people's money. The remainder of Nicaraguan history is topsy-turvy with Ortega in and out of power.

De Blasio met his wife, Chirlene McCray, while they both worked on the failed Mayor David Dinkins. De Blasio was an aide to a deputy mayor and Chirlene was a speechwriter. In spite of Chirlene being a lesbian, the two were married in 1994 and Chirlene stopped her lesbian relationships and stayed faithful to the man she loves. When asked about her sexuality, Chirlene says she "hates labels," and never reads them even on medicine bottles. (Okay, I said that.)

Under Dinkins, New York City's murder rate skyrocketed. The NYPD had its hands full and not enough backup to do all that was needed. 

So in De Blasio's infinite wisdom, his solution for racial harmony, safety and love was to stop the NYPD from doing what worked to prevent crime for many years: he eliminated the "stop and frisk." That is akin to El Al Airlines stopping the extensive questioning and baggage check-in methods they use just so they can make the terrorists feel respected.

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