Saturday, December 27, 2014

Benghazi Jihadists Murder 13 Year Old Girl

Maybe it's okay in the sick mind of Islamic jihadists to kill a 13 year old girl; after all, she isn't all that young if their prophet. Mohammed, can marry a girl who was only 6 years old. Her name was Ayisha, and Mohammed, who was 52 at the time, consummated the marriage when Ayisha was 9. Don't think I'm making this up--it's in the so-called scripture of Islam.

The girl's parents, Coptic Christians and both physicians, were slaughtered on Tuesday night and their daughter was taken as a sex slave, I suspect. Her two sisters were not abducted however. A Christmas miracle.

The bodies of her parents were taken to Sina Hospital in Sirte, Libya, but the cause of death was not disclosed. Sirte is the home town of Muammar Gaddafi, of dictator fame.

No money or jewelry was taken from the home, so it's safe to assume the murders were religious-based. Most murders perpetrated for Islam are of this category.

The child was found dead on Thursday. It is expected that Ansar al-Sharia is responsible for this cowardly, albeit religious, act. The United Nations Security Council, added this terror group to its terror list last month. The reason it may have taken so long is that members of the UN Security Council may have had to cancel their membership to the group before making the terror call. 

Having a Human Rights Council at the United Nations is like having a Drivers Education Class for Women in Saudi Arabia.

Islam is the Religion of Peace like 911 was an Israeli plot. Some people believe what they want, no matter how stupid it is. That makes them stupid people.

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