Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Sharptongue Disses De Blasio

It looks like the so-called "Rev" Al Sharpton, race-baiter extraordinaire, is basically flipping Mayor of New York, Bill De Blasio, the bird. Hundreds of leftist protesters took to the streets of New York City last night in spite of the socialist mayor asking them to wait until the bodies of the two slain NYPD officers were laid to rest.

One group of marchers planned to add insult to injury by ending their march at the East Harlem police precinct.

Some of the more eloquent marchers chanted: "The mayor says stop that, we say f**k that!" I suspect the "Rev" himself helped with that poetry.

The good news for the NYPD is that Vice President Joe Biden will be representing the vacationing president at the funerals for the two slain officers, Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos. The bad news is that Vice President Joe Biden and not our so-called president, Barack Hussein Obama, will be attending the funerals.

 He has other things to do.

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