Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Catch and Release and Catch

Release and catch, a new way to fish for terrorists. First we catch them and put them away in Gitmo, then we release them, because it's just the nice thing to do. Now we have to catch them again because the "rehabilitation" program in Saudi Arabia works as well as prison rehabilitation programs work for sex offenders in the US. That is, they don't work well at all.

Now there's a $5 million reward for information leading to the capture of Ibrahim al-Rubaysh (his friends call him "Abe"). It seems that Abe was released back in 2006 during the George Bush administration and the guy has gone and joined Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. If you know anything about this organization, you know it's terrorism 2.0 and the most dangerous affiliates of all the Al Qaeda folks.

But don't worry because beyond the reward, we're putting Abe back on the terror watch list and that will keep him from getting into massage parlors, or onto the Brooklyn Bridge, for now.

In his infinite wisdom, our so-called president plans to empty Gitmo of all the detritus currently serving time for being religious enough as to want to kill all infidels or to get us to say that "there is no god but allah and mohammed is his messenger."

The Pentagon says that it is taking precautions before releasing prisoners. I wonder what those precautions are: a "pinky swear" to be good and not behead folks? To swear upon the heads of their kids? Hell, they strap bomb vests to their little bodies just to kill us and get them to heaven.

A DoD spokesman, Lt. Col. Myles Caggins claims that over 90 percent of detainees who are transferred (let go) under our Islamic sympathizer's administration, "have resumed quiet lives in various countries," and many have taken up gardening, art, and poetry.

The State Department sent out recent alerts that revealed how al-Rubaysh has gotten back with his beheading buddies since his release. How unusual, I suspect. Maybe he's angry because the guards took away his knitting yarn.

Make no mistake, Abe is planning to blow stuff up, cut off a couple of heads here and there, and say nasty things about Christians and Jews that will offend the sensitivities of those liberals who have yet to give up on God.

At least Judicial Watch wasn't fooled by these political shenanigans. They laughed at the idea of a Saudi rehabilitation program. It's like trying to teach the scorpion to leave the freaking frog alone. They wrote: "It turns out that al-Rubaysh is the poster child for the Saudi failures. He's a dangerous Al Qaeda operative based in Yemen and now, years after freeing him, the United States wants him captured."

Thus far, there have been 23 detainees released this year and many more are expected to be transferred out in the coming year. Somebody's head may be in the chopping block because of this.

According to Fox's Jennifer Griffin, GOP lawmakers are worried about security and say that some of these detainees could return to the battlefield and harm our troops. But like anything Islamic, Obama minimizes the risk and says that Gitmo undermines national security itself (liberal logic) and should be closed.

If we fight them, they might get angry and try to kill us some more.

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